Author Topic: Hillary Clinton Supporting Black Actor Attacks Woman For Liking Bernie Sanders  (Read 243 times)

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Hillary Clinton Supporting Black Actor Attacks Woman For Liking Bernie Sanders

May 15, 2016| by Brian Anderson

Wait. I’m confused. According to the lame stream media, Donald Trump supporters are the violent ones, so what happened in Atlanta on Saturday doesn’t make any sense. It seems a die-hard Hillary Clinton supporter physically attacked some Bernie Sanders supporters over a political ideology disagreement. This must be a typo or some kind of right-wing conspiracy to smear Hillary’s good name.

Actor Wendell Pierce is best known for his roll on HBO’s The Wire and for portraying “Uncle Tom” Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Slightly lesser known is that he is a big-time Hillary Clinton cheerleader.

TMZ reports that Pierce was at the Lowes Hotel in Atlanta on Saturday night. As is common for liberal celebrities, he was roaming the lobby at 3:30am looking to make new friends. He struck up a conversation with a woman and her boyfriend.

Things were going great until the conversation turned political. The woman reportedly expressed her support for Bernie Sanders, which made Pierce lose his shit. The actor “became enraged” and shoved the boyfriend. He then went after that Sanders-loving woman, grabbing her by the hair and slapping her upside the head.

The couple ran for their lives back to their room where they called hotel security. After a brief review, security contacted police. Pierce was arrested and booked for simple battery. He was released after posting a $1000 bond.

We shouldn’t be shocked by this incident; it’s a natural progression of the tried and true liberal debate-ending tactic. Normally when a liberal finds him or herself unable to argue a position with facts or logic, they will “win” by yelling “racism” or “sexism.” If that doesn’t work, a simple “f*ck you” wins the argument every time. What Pierce has done is take that to the next level by winning a political argument with “five across the eyes.” How can you possibly rebut that?

Can you image the shit-storm if this had been a famous Trump supporter attacking someone? Like if Kid Rock pimp-slapped a Hillary backer or Charlie Sheen knuckled down on a Bern Bro? I think it’s safe to say that’s all you would see on the news for weeks.

Luckily for Pierce, he has several things going in his favor: he’s black, he’s a democrat, and he’s a Hillary booster. That’s a trifecta of classes of people the liberal media refuses to scrutinize. Not only won’t he catch any flack from the media, they’ll probably say it’s racist to suggest he did anything wrong.

The truly funny thing to come out of all this is that Hillary recently launched a guilt by association attack against Trump. She said that Trump is horrible because his supporters are horrible.

“In politics and in life, the company you keep says a lot about you,” wrote Clinton.

What does it say about pro-woman Hillary that one of her famous supporters just slapped a woman?