Author Topic: Witches Hold Ritual for Socialist Codger Bernie Sanders Before Critical Oregon Primary  (Read 308 times)

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Witches Hold Ritual for Socialist Codger Bernie Sanders Before Critical Oregon Primary

May 15, 2016| by Donn Marten

Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble! One thing that cannot be denied when it comes to Bernie Sanders is that he appeals to a diverse and eclectic portion of the electorate. While the Clintons have locked down the black vote – all of whom will immediately be sold out if Hillary wins – the braying old socialist goat has been able to inspire the niches. This is the case with some Wiccans who in a priceless twist of irony are backing Bernie instead of the biggest witch of them all.

The Los Angeles Times reports “Welcome to a Bernie Sanders Wiccan ritual”:

    Atending a rally for Bernie Sanders usually involves long lines and security screenings, but that wasn’t the case at an intimate, informal event Friday evening supporting the Vermont senator’s presidential campaign in a park here.

    Instead of metal detectors, entrance required burning ceremonial sweetgrass.

    Participants were “smudged,” meaning the smoke from the sweetgrass was wafted over them before they could enter the sacred circle and begin a Wiccan ritual to support Sanders ahead of Oregon’s primary on Tuesday.

    “Welcome to the ‘Feeling the Bern ritual,’” Leigha Lafleur, 41, told the gathering as she prepared to lead them in the “amplification of positive energy of Bernie Sanders and the progressive movement.”

    There are lots of ways to support a political candidate, from making phone calls to donating money. Some turn to prayer, Christian or otherwise. Add Wiccan rituals to the list.
    Lafleur, a patent agent, has already hosted “Beanies for Bernie” knitting parties and helped out at the senator’s rallies. But she had never performed a Wiccan ritual for Sanders before, and if it was going to happen somewhere, it would be here in Portland, a place she described as a much more welcoming community than where she grew up in Michigan.

    She advertised the event on a Sanders volunteer website, calling on Wiccans, pagans, goddess worshipers, atheists or anyone who is spiritually open-minded to “engage with a community of like minded individuals.” Participants were asked to bring a canned good for the Oregon Food Bank.

It’s going to take a lot more than a few spells to deliver the nomination to Bernie though because Hillary will be bringing some serious black magic. It would take something more potent than a few amateur progressive Wiccans to banish the Clintons, something more along the lines of invocations from H.P. Lovecraft’s fabled Necronomicon would be in order. Perhaps a ceremony that would turn her into a giant toad, it would be one hell of a sight to see it wearing a pantsuit.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2016, 12:57:12 pm by rangerrebew »