Author Topic: CNN: Email Investigation Worries Clinton Campaign Most Because They Can’t Control It  (Read 409 times)

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Offline markomalley

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From the Washington Free Beacon:

CNN reporter Jeff Zeleny said Sunday that the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server has her campaign worried the most because it has no control over the outcome.

CNN anchor John Berman asked Zeleny whether the new movie version of Peter Schweizer’s book Clinton Cash debuting at the Cannes Film Festival would concern the Clintons.

The movie brings Schweizer’s book and its allegations against the Clinton Foundation as an unscrupulous slush fund to the big screen. Its release last year caused a sensation with examples of pay-for-play involving the Clintons, the State Department and foreign entities, among other revelations:

The documentary is based on the bombshell book, which found dozens of examples of favorable deals between donors of the Clinton Foundation and the State Department, then headed by Mrs. Clinton. The film is being shown in New York City Thursday evening before a special distributor screening at Cannes later this month.

However, Zeleny dismissed the book and movie as not having “a ton of smoking guns.” However, he said, the FBI investigation into Clinton’s sever at the State Department could go anywhere.

“I think the thing that worries the Clinton campaign the most are the things they can’t control,” he said. “They know everything that’s in this book.  They know every word that’s in the movie … Every news organization has gone over that book. Yes, there are a lot of questionable things, but it isn’t all that new, but the emails, the FBI investigation, which we don’t talk about a lot, that is still hanging out there. That is the thing that worries the Clinton campaign because they cannot control what happens to that … The FBI investigation is not over yet, and they don’t know the ending.”

Clinton has still not talked to the FBI, either.

FBI director James Comey put to rest a common Clinton talking point about the investigation last week. While the candidate has routinely referred to the probe as a “security review,” Comey dismissed that notion and said it was indeed an investigation.

Admittedly, it is pretty bad when CNN starts holding her feet to the fire, no matter how tentatively.

Offline kidd

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"Can't control" = cannot bribe, threaten, or use their media lapdogs to offset the outcome

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Offline Cowboyway

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Hillary just doesn't have the same likability that ol Bubba had.
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