Author Topic: Trump is the Anti-Reagan  (Read 692 times)

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Offline DrewsDad

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Trump is the Anti-Reagan
« on: May 17, 2016, 06:32:54 pm »
Read the full American Thinker article at:

May 13, 2016
Trump is the Anti-Reagan
By Paul Kengor

For months now I have avoided writing this. I dreaded the process and hoped it wouldn’t be necessary. But alas, events and the pleas of others have compelled me. Three emails in the span of about 30 minutes last Tuesday sealed the deal. “Recently, in discussions with Trump supporters, I have had many say to me that one of the reasons they support Trump is because he is the modern-day equivalent to Ronald Reagan,” writes Connor, a former student of mine in his final year of law school. “Trump supporters keep perpetuating this comparison. Considering your expertise on everything Reagan, I wanted to mention this to you, in hopes you would write an article on it.”


So, with that said, let me state unequivocally and undeniably that not only is Donald Trump not the “next Reagan,” but he is the anti-Reagan. Really, I find not only that the two men have preciously little in common, from their policies to their person, but I think there may be no two men more glaringly different. Donald Trump is a polar opposite of Ronald Reagan.

Generally, in terms of policy/ideological preferences, there is not much that Donald Trump and Ronald Reagan have in common, from domestic to foreign policy, which is quite odd given two Republican nominees for the presidency not too many years apart. Sure, policywise, I suppose there are some things, like favoring a strong military and -- maybe, at one point -- perhaps possibly cutting income-tax rates. But even then, as I write, Trump’s favoring of lower taxes is something on which he is already reneging. Indeed, between my first draft of this article last week and my final version this week, he has flip-flopped on taxes. In a matter of minutes on Sunday, from NBC to ABC, he soared all over on taxes, and on the minimum wage.

« Last Edit: May 17, 2016, 06:48:52 pm by DrewsDad »
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Re: Trump is the Anti-Reagan
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2016, 06:48:11 pm »
Not to say that many of us took the Regan-Trump comparisons that seriously, but the next time someone tries to make that connection, you can point them to this article.

This is a pretty damning assessment of Trump from a Reagan expert.

I have published six major books on Reagan, several of them bestsellers, ranging from (the first) God and Ronald Reagan (HarperCollins, 2004) to Reagan’s Legacy in a World Transformed (Harvard University Press, 2015). Some of those in between include The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism (2006) and 11 Principles of a Reagan Conservative (2014). Two of these books are the basis for the Reagan/film bio-pic, Reagan: The Movie. That film, like my books, are positive affirmations of Reagan. I am and have long been a Reagan conservative. I am hardly an “establishment RINO.” In fact, I literally wrote the book on Reagan conservatism. And my next book, scheduled for release next spring, is a 1,000-page-plus Cold War work on Reagan.

I have done thousands of articles, speeches, and radio and TV and print interviews on Ronald Reagan. I have personally interviewed hundreds of people who lived with or knew or worked with the man and I’ve spent endless days in the Reagan Library, at the Reagan Ranch, at Reagan’s Eureka College, in his hometown, at the river where he lifeguarded, in nursing homes talking to elderly women who were baptized with Reagan in the summer of 1922, etc., etc., etc. I have read countless letters written by Reagan, and still far more pages of words scribbled by others. It’s quite possible that I’ve read more by or about Ronald Reagan than any living person on the planet. I assure you I’m in the top 10.
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Offline DrewsDad

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Re: Trump is the Anti-Reagan
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2016, 07:13:28 pm »
I hadn't heard the story about the water spill, but I can picture him saying that.  Thanks for sharing it.

I don't remember Reagan counterattacking anyone in the manner that is typical of Trump (and Clinton).  Reagan's character spoke for itself.

An interesting hypothetical would be to consider how a Reagan vs. Trump primary would have played out.

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Offline DrewsDad

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Re: Trump is the Anti-Reagan
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2016, 02:51:02 am »
I was privileged that my very first vote was for Reagan. 

Sadly, earnestly voting for someone instead of against their opponents is all too rare.
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