Author Topic: DNC leaders flee Nevada State Dem Convention, call in sheriff’s deputies and hotel security as dispute over delegates escalates into violence  (Read 489 times)

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May 15, 2016
DNC leaders flee Nevada State Dem Convention, call in sheriff’s deputies and hotel security as dispute over delegates escalates into violence
By Thomas Lifson

Bitterness and violence erupted yesterday at the Democrats’ Nevada State Convention in Las Vegas, as 64 Sanders delegates were disqualified, allowing Clinton to take 7 of the 12 delegates up for grabs.  Party officials there ignored a motion from the floor and rammed through a vote according to the wishes of the Clinton campaign.  It’s almost as if the Hillary faction genuinely fears for the nomination it supposedly has sewn up.

Along the way Barbara Boxer was booed:

And trolled the delegates:

     “When you’re booing me, you’re booing Bernie Sanders,” Boxer told the crowd. “You know something I grew up in Brooklyn I’m not afraid of bullies. I’m for Hillary Clinton because she’s for all of us. So keep yourselves booing and boo yourself out of the election,” the California senator added.

A fistfight broke out:

The issue at dispute was a bit arcane, and the stakes were a mere two votes at the National Convention in Philadelphia:

    Though Clinton won the February caucuses by a nearly five-point margin, control over a pool of twelve delegates wasn't set in stone by the caucus results until Saturday's state convention.

    After a chaotic county convention in April, the Sanders campaign was poised to narrow the delegate gap by capturing two additional delegates than the initial February caucus results would have indicated.

    But Clinton's campaign was able to narrowly outnumber Sanders by a 1,695 to 1,662 margin, meaning that the former secretary of state and current presidential frontrunner will take 20 delegates to the national convention in July compared to 15 for Sanders.

    .@nvdems announce delegate breakdown, reaffirm 20-15 delegate lead for Clinton over Sanders

    — Riley Snyder (@RileySnyder) May 15, 2016

    A number of Sanders supporters submitted a minority credentials report challenging that 64 Sanders delegates were disqualified and not counted in the final tally. Democratic officials said several of that delegate pool was included in the final count, and disqualifying delegates was done for several reasons including residency out-of-state and failure to update party registration.

But that did not minimize the bitterness. Watch as the delegates noisily demand a recount:

As bitterness escalated, officials told delegates, “Leave in an orderly fashion – we don’t want to arrest people”

And eventually resorted to turning out the lights:



For an example of the level of anger among the Sandersnistas, check out the tweets from Rachel Avery (trigger warning: colorful language abounds) or the videos produced by Adryenne Ashley, who live streamed the convention.

In the end, DNC officials fled the building and called in hotel security and sheriff’s deputies. No doubt Hillary wishes that what happens in Vegas would stay in Vegas; and no doubt the mainstream media will do its best to make that happen, pushing the line that it is the GOP that is riven with strife and an insurgent #NeverTrump movement.

But this picture by Ashley Ector says it all:

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