Author Topic: CNN Fact checked Hillary Clinton’s email claims and the results were amazing [VIDEO]  (Read 272 times)

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CNN Fact checked Hillary Clinton’s email claims and the results were amazing [VIDEO]

by Terresa Monroe-Hamilton | May 15, 2016 10:45 am

Hell must have frozen over[1] when I wasn’t looking. The Clinton News Network (CNN) has actually fact-checked the Hildabeast. Jake Tapper is one of only real journalists left out there and he’s going there. Tapper teamed up with to nail Clinton with her own words. He confronted Clinton with facts concerning her private email server and it did not go well for Hillary. Tapper shows how Clinton plays massive word games to skirt the law… in fact, to ignore the law. Federal regulations did allow Clinton to send and receive emails outside the government system, but, as the CNN host noted, it was mandatory that those emails were preserved when she left office. “Clinton did not provide the State Department with the emails from her private server until 21 months after she left office,” Tapper said, adding that a federal judge said the former secretary of state “failed to follow government policy on preserving federal records.” In other words, she broke the law and she should have to answer for it.

Hillary Clinton[2]

From Allen West:

    Tapper first checked on the validity of Clinton’s claim that she was “absolutely permitted” to use a private email server during her tenure as secretary of state.

    “Was Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server for official business while she was secretary of state ‘absolutely permitted?’” Tapper asked. “No — that’s not true.”

    According to Tapper, Clinton only says that because she permitted herself to use the personal server “and there was no one absolutely prohibiting her,” but no one actually signed off on her using it.

“In the end,” Tapper said, “Clinton’s exclusive use of her private email server for the people’s business was definitely unusual, it was definitely discouraged and she did not comply with government regulations when it came to preserving government records.” Tapper concluded the report with a simple instruction “to all politicians out there,” saying, “You’re perfectly entitled to your own opinions, not your own facts.” Well said sir! And exactly right. Talk about having a never ending source to fact-check. Tapper could stay busy for years just on the Clintons. The lies are never ending and it would be nice if a real journalist ruthlessly exposed them. Tapper is just the guy to do it and I hope he will. That’s what real journalists do.


    Hell must have frozen over:

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