General Category > Energy

Fracking Slashes US CO2 To Lowest Level Since 1993


Free Vulcan:
A new report by the Energy Information Administration (EIA) found hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, has pushed carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from electricity generation to the lowest levels since 1993.

Fracking created immense amounts of natural gas, lowering the price and causing the amount of electricity generated from natural gas to pass the amount of electricity generated from coal for seven of the months in 2015, according to the new EIA report. The report specifies that natural gas power plants produce about 40 percent of the CO2 emitted from a coal plant creating the same amount of electricity. This caused U.S. CO2 from the electricity sector to fall by 21 percent since their high in 2005...

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that's kinda stretching things I think.  Wind and solar would make even less CO2 than gas, so would we wish to go that route to cut CO2 emissions?

What has really cut CO2 is Obama's outlandish and I believe illegal disintegration of the coal industry.


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