Author Topic: Cruz: Those who bolstered Trump 'will bear that responsibility going forward'  (Read 128613 times)

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Online libertybele

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I'm a Texan and will assure you that Ted Cruz will be a U. S. Senator from Texas for as long as he wants to be.  The vast majority of Texans absolutely LOVE the man.

Lots of love and appreciation for Ted Cruz, a 5 minute standing ovation at the beginning, a dozens standing Os during his fine speech. No doubt he was and is the choice of practically all RPT delegates. Ted Cruz thanked all and gave a message of hope and optimism. He will continue to fight for the cause, OUR cause.

Thanks for the insight.  It was also noted that he received a round of applause when he came back to the Senate. I really admire Cruz and I commend him for all the he's done and all that he continues to do for Conservatism and for Country. I will continue to support him.

Cruz.  Reigniting the Promise of America!
I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.

Offline BigHomer

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Thanks for the insight.  It was also noted that he received a round of applause when he came back to the Senate. I really admire Cruz and I commend him for all the he's done and all that he continues to do for Conservatism and for Country. I will continue to support him.

Cruz.  Reigniting the Promise of America!

Dittos  :beer:
"We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately." ~ Benjamin Franklin

Offline DiogenesLamp

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And this I fully understand.   In addition to this,   many people are working on a priority basis.   Economic issues and Immigration issues are front and foremost.   What good does it do us to make headway on social issues if we have an economic collapse?

How long can we sustain the increasing debt load?   

We are already in insane fiscal territory with something like 100 trillion dollars in unfunded obligations.   The 20 trillion dollars in National debt doesn't even start to compare to the real debt.   

A lot of Trump supporters have deliberately chosen to put out the fire before worrying about the rot.   If you can't save the nation from a fire,   the rot isn't going to matter anyways. 

The rot is already present and it runs deep.

Yes,  and it will get us eventually if the fire doesn't.    As a matter of  fact,   it is the rot that started the fire.     

So he says,  but will he really do it?   The probabilities are not looking so good.   He's already backtracking on the Muslim ban and trying to sound conciliatory about the fence.     Does he have any absolutely core values that he will defend and support no matter what?

How many promises of past and sitting politicians have been fulfilled?  I believe Trump will do at least as well as any present day candidate. He's not trying to enhance or embellish a political career.

 Bad behavior by others does not justify bad behavior from Trump.    It looks as if he is just going to be another one of the ones in the past who betrayed us.   He's gonna be an Arnold Schwarzenegger.   He talked big,   but when he got in,   he ended up making deals with liberals.   

I can't tell,   and I doubt that anyone else can tell for sure.    Trump is a "Joker",   meaning a "Wild Card"   whom we can't really tell will help us or not.

What politician can be fully trusted?

I don't know about any being "fully"   trustworthy,   but I would think one that has advocated the same positions his whole life might be more likely to stick with them than some recently "enlightened"   person. 

I can see Trump as a protest vote.   After all,  how much worse can he be than bastards like McConnell or Boehner?   The thing I most like about him is the fact that the Establishment people didn't want him. [/i]

When the Establishment tries to derail their own party candidate we know he's right on target.

Let us hope so.   
‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
— Lord Melbourne —

Offline skeeter

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Just like Ron Paul. Unable to persuade his colleagues to support him. That is failure of leadership. That is a cold , hard fact.

If Cruz were Donald the Trumpsters would be claiming standing alone in congress made him a bona fide maverick and the only candidate  worthy of their vote.

Offline bilo

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Thanks for the insight.  It was also noted that he received a round of applause when he came back to the Senate. I really admire Cruz and I commend him for all the he's done and all that he continues to do for Conservatism and for Country. I will continue to support him.

Cruz.  Reigniting the Promise of America!

Cruz may well be the nominee in 2020. I think Hillary wins the general, the economy goes into recession, she mismanages one crisis after another and Pubs wake up and join conservatives in supporting a candidate who is smart enough to avoid saying stupid things. I think we are seeing history repeat itself. Reagan lost to Ford for the GOP nomination and Ford got beat by another inept Rat, Carter. Reagan came back 4 yrs later and rolled over Carter.

Right now it looks like Trump is surging and in some polls is passing Hillary. He may be able to sustain this, but I have a hard time believing that the media won't turn on him and a lot of people are going to find his vulgar, boorish personality a negative.
A stranger in a hostile foreign land I used to call home


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If Cruz were Donald the Trumpsters would be claiming standing alone in congress made him a bona fide maverick and the only candidate  worthy of their vote.

Trump isn't a politician. He's a businessman and a leader.  He;s actually accomplished things. His company employs over 22,000 people.

Offline skeeter

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No Trump isn't a politician. He's a Manhattan real estate tycoon and the son of another real estate tycoon.

Who regularly pays off politicians.

Considering that we're talking about the position of president of the USA and leader of the free world I don't consider this much of an endorsement either.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2016, 11:50:34 pm by skeeter »


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No Trump isn't a politician. He's a Manhattan real estate tycoon and the son of another real estate tycoon.

Who regularly pays off politicians.

Considering that we're talking about the position of president of the USA and leader of the free world I don't consider this much of an endorsement either.

A  real estate tycoon with property holdings in a number of states where he employs over 22,000 people. People who support families, pay taxes and contribute to the health of the US economy.

Offline skeeter

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A  real estate tycoon with property holdings in a number of states where he employs over 22,000 people. People who support families, pay taxes and contribute to the health of the US economy.

While he was building his empire Ted Cruz was in the Supreme Court arguing on behalf of the Constitution that governs the economic system that enables Trump to make his billions.

There is no comparison.

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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I think Hillary wins the general, the economy goes into recession, she mismanages one crisis after another and Pubs wake up and join conservatives

Wasn't this the conservative plan for victory after eight years of Obama?  I hope, in all seriousness, that you look long and hard at how foolish a strategy this is.   

I also hope you embrace with both hands this opportunity to stop another Clinton presidency and the guarantee of Democrat presidents for the next generation.

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While he was building his empire Ted Cruz was in the Supreme Court arguing on behalf of the Constitution that governs the economic system that enables Trump to make his billions.

There is no comparison.

They were on different tracks, for sure.  But the issues that are driving this election for the great "unwashed" American citizens simply have nothing to do with the esoterics of Constitutional law.  This election is about day-to-day success--economically, militarily and geopolitically.  And Donald Trump has proven he understands the issues and has both the resolve and acumen to address them and put America first.


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While he was building his empire Ted Cruz was in the Supreme Court arguing on behalf of the Constitution that governs the economic system that enables Trump to make his billions.

There is no comparison.

You're correct. Cruz didn't employ a single person. Lawyers, politicians and regulations are a big part of the problems facing the country.

Offline sinkspur

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They were on different tracks, for sure.  But the issues that are driving this election for the great "unwashed" American citizens simply have nothing to do with the esoterics of Constitutional law.  This election is about day-to-day success--economically, militarily and geopolitically.  And Donald Trump has proven he understands the issues and has both the resolve and acumen to address them and put America first.

Trump understands the talking points, but he doesn't understand the issues at all. The fact that he thinks leveling tariffs against our largest trading partners indicates how economically ignorant he truly is.

But he as no intention of imposing punitive tariffs anyway.  This is nothing but boob bait for you bubbas.  Everything's just a "suggestion" now. Some "resolve."
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

Offline RetBobbyMI

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The GOPe got what they got. Now in the latest Quinnipiac poll, the Orangatang can't even beat Bernie Saunders in PA, OH and FL. If he can't beat Bernie, how will he ever beat Hillary.
"Life is tough, but it's tougher when you're stupid."  -- John Wayne
"Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish.� ? Euripides, The Bacchae
"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it.� ? Laurence J. Peter, The Peter Principle
"A stupid man's report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand.� ? Bertrand Russell, A History of Western Philosophy


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Trump understands the talking points, but he doesn't understand the issues at all. The fact that he thinks leveling tariffs against our largest trading partners indicates how economically ignorant he truly is.

But he as no intention of imposing punitive tariffs anyway.  This is nothing but boob bait for you bubbas.  Everything's just a "suggestion" now. Some "resolve."

Besides cheap crap from China, what is it that we the US gain? How many people are employed here in goods and services supplied to our largest  "trading partners like China"?

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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The GOPe got what they got. Now in the latest Quinnipiac poll, the Orangatang can't even beat Bernie Saunders in PA, OH and FL. If he can't beat Bernie, how will he ever beat Hillary.

May 1988:   GHWB:   38%    Dukakis:  54%

If GHWB could pull it off ....  We're looking at a Trump landslide.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2016, 12:41:52 am by Right_in_Virginia »

Offline sinkspur

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Besides cheap crap from China, what is it that we the US gain? How many people are employed here in goods and services supplied to our largest  "trading partners like China"?

More than half the amount you spend on products made in China actually stays here — going to American companies, workers, marketers, retailers, and transport providers. The amount is least 55 cents per each $1 spent, says a report from the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. So for that $70 pair of sneakers, $38.50 of it boosts bottom lines here in the U.S.
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

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May 1988:   GHWB:   38%    Dukakis:  54%

If GHWB could pull it off ....  We're looking at a Trump landslide.

Dukakis torpedoed his campaign.  Trump is in the process of torpdoeing his. 

And the press will help him.

Is it too much to ask that we have somebody move into the White House who's not cozy with pedophile Jeffrey Epstein?

« Last Edit: May 15, 2016, 12:47:53 am by sinkspur »
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.


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Just because it lines the pockets of a limited number of US owned companies, it doesn't mean it improves the job market in the US. Explain the huge trade deficit and national debt.

Offline RetBobbyMI

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Dukakis torpedoed his campaign.  Trump is in the process of torpdoeing his. 

And the press will help him.

Agree!  The media was in the tank for Trump so their favorite DemRat party would have an easier target to beat. Now with 3 liberals running, a real conservative could step up a take it.
"Life is tough, but it's tougher when you're stupid."  -- John Wayne
"Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish.� ? Euripides, The Bacchae
"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it.� ? Laurence J. Peter, The Peter Principle
"A stupid man's report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand.� ? Bertrand Russell, A History of Western Philosophy

Offline skeeter

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They were on different tracks, for sure.  But the issues that are driving this election for the great "unwashed" American citizens simply have nothing to do with the esoterics of Constitutional law.  This election is about day-to-day success--economically, militarily and geopolitically.  And Donald Trump has proven he understands the issues and has both the resolve and acumen to address them and put America first.

You and I hope.

Given the complete lack of evidence that Trump understands anything of the kind all we have is blind faith, don't we?

Offline sinkspur

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Just because it lines the pockets of a limited number of US owned companies, it doesn't mean it improves the job market in the US. Explain the huge trade deficit and national debt.

I've explained trade deficits to you before, but you seem impermeable.  I'll try one more time.

A trade deficit exists when one country buys more from another country than the second country buys.  In this case, the US buys more from China than they buy from us.  Why?  We are rich and they are poor.  We can buy more from then than they can buy from us.  So we will always have a trade deficit with China and Mexico and most other countries in the world.  They give us stuff we want, we give them paper.

This keeps the cost of living low for our middle class and lower middle class.  We cannot make shirts and TV sets and computers as cheaply as China can. Or Vietnam or any Asian country.  And the stuff they do buy are our planes and construction equipment.

The jobs in Asia are not coming back to the United States!  You have to get that through your thick skull.  We have to continue to develop our high tech manufacturing (the robots that will replace the $15/hr retail workers) and our knowledge industries. 
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

Offline skeeter

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You're correct. Cruz didn't employ a single person. Lawyers, politicians and regulations are a big part of the problems facing the country.

Another big problem is voters falling for the vague campaign slogans, you-fill-in-the-blank policies and gross, unsubstantiated generalizations of egomaniacal fraudsters.

You'd think we'da learned after the past eight years.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2016, 01:12:23 am by skeeter »

Offline Victoria33

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Trump understands the talking points, but he doesn't understand the issues at all. The fact that he thinks leveling tariffs against our largest trading partners indicates how economically ignorant he truly is.

But he as no intention of imposing punitive tariffs anyway.  This is nothing but boob bait for you bubbas.  Everything's just a "suggestion" now. Some "resolve."

In my opinion, Trump has a mental disorder that "trumps" everything - I will never vote for him.
@Silver Pines


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Another big problem is voters falling for the vague campaign slogans, you-fill-in-the-blank policies and gross, unsubstantiated generalizations of egomaniacal fraudsters.

You'd think we'da learned after the past eight years.

Eight years? Remember "Read my lips, no new taxes"?