Author Topic: FBI Director Disputes Hillary’s Claim That Email Probe Is Just A ‘Security Inquiry’  (Read 239 times)

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FBI Director Disputes Hillary’s Claim That Email Probe Is Just A ‘Security Inquiry’

Posted By Chuck Ross On 2:05 PM 05/11/2016 In | No Comments

[dcquiz] Hillary Clinton is fond of downplaying the gravity of the FBI’s investigation into her private email server by calling it a “security review,” but that’s a term that has no meaning to FBI director James Comey.

Talking to reporters during a meeting at FBI headquarters on Wednesday, Comey said that the term “security inquiry” does not register with him and that agents are conducting an “investigation.”

“It’s in our name. I’m not familiar with the term ‘security inquiry,'” Comey said, according to Politico’s Josh Gerstein.

Clinton has refused to use the term “investigation” to describe the probe, which is looking at whether classified information was mishandled on her private email server. She refers to it in interviews as a “security review,” as do her campaign team and surrogates.

Several Clinton aides have been interviewed by FBI investigators, and Clinton herself will reportedly be interviewed soon.

Comey made other news by saying that he does feel “pressure” to conclude the investigation sooner rather than later.

“We want to do it well and we want to do it promptly. I feel pressure to do both of those things,” he said, according to Politico. “As between the two things, we will always choose ‘well.'”

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