Author Topic: Hindus In America And Around The World Pray For Donald Trump Presidential Victory  (Read 302 times)

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Hindus In America And Around The World Pray For Donald Trump Presidential Victory

Another bit of pro-Trump information the Mainstream Media is dutifully ignoring is the significant support Donald Trump has among the Hindu population both in American and abroad – popularity due in great part to Mr. Trump’s vocal condemnation of radical Islam and his demand that the United States temporarily halt admitting Muslims into the country until safety checks can be more fully and adequately implemented in order to protect American citizens from terrorist attacks.

“He is hope for humanity against Islamic terror.”



Historically, Hindus have faced near constant threat from Muslim radicals that has resulted in multiple massacres and then counter-attacks against Muslims. In India alone, thousands have died on both sides of the Hindu-Muslim conflict in recent years.

In the 1970’s, reports indicate Muslims murdered over two million Hindus around the world:

The Israeli’s and Hindus are the largest victims of perpetual Islamic invasions and violence lasting for more than 1,000 years.  LINK

And so it comes as no surprise to now see Hindus so supportive of Donald Trump and Mr. Trump’s aggressive anti-radical Islam stance. And there are currently almost as many Hindus living in the United States as Muslim, making it a voting bloc that could prove decisive in certain swing states.

So while the Mainstream Media attempts to spin how Donald Trump is offending American Muslims, the facts indicate he is also building increasingly strong support among American Hindus – a group this same media apparently doesn’t consider important enough to include in its political coverage.

Read more here:
Trump is for America First.
"Crooked Hillary Clinton is the Secretary of the Status Quo – and wherever Hillary Clinton goes, corruption and scandal follow." D. Trump 7/11/16

Did you know that the word ‘gullible’ is not in the dictionary?

Isaiah 54:17