Author Topic: Radio Host Gives the Most Brutal Smackdown on Why He’s #NeverTrump  (Read 414 times)

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Offline BigHomer

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“Well, Donald Trump is a serial liar, a con man who mocks the disabled and women. He’s a narcissist and a bully, a man with no fixed principles who has the vocabulary of an emotionally insecure nine-year-old."

"So, no, I don’t want to give him control of the IRS, the FBI, and the nuclear codes — that’s just me.”
“It’s not just the fact that he’s abandoned one position after another or that he has a penchant for internet hoaxes or conspiracy theories.
I mean, a week ago tonight, remember, he was peddling the notion that Ted Cruz’s dad had something to do with the JFK assassination.”
“The reality is, if you support him to be president of the United States, that is who you are and you own it,” Sykes proclaimed. :chairbang:

« Last Edit: May 10, 2016, 06:12:30 pm by BigHomer »
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Offline Hoodat

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But . . . but . . . but he's gonna build a wall.
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Offline NavyCanDo

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Well said. For the people that just don't understand why we are not jumping on the Trump Train, he explained it. Don't know how much clearer it can get.
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Offline Machiavelli

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MEGYN KELLY, HOST: Well, my next got national attention when he took on Donald Trump in a fiery radio interview just ahead of the Wisconsin primary. Joining me now, Charlie Sykes.

Charlie, good to see you. And Trump went on to lose the state of Wisconsin, but win the GOP primary and nonetheless, you say you remain Never Trump. Before I ask you about Paul Ryan, why? Because you know the argument against that is that's a vote for Hillary Clinton. 

CHARLIE SYKES, HOST, 620 WTMJ: Yes. Well, you know, Donald Trump is a serial liar, a con man who maxed the disable and women, he's a narcissism of bully, a man with no fixed principals who has the vocabulary of an emotionally insecure nine-year-olds. So, no, I don't want to give him control of the IRS, the FBI and the nuclear codes. That's just me. 

KELLY: Tell us how you really feel.


It doesn't sound like there's a whole lot of wiggle room there, Charlie.

SYKES: Well, yes, I mean, I do see, you know, the raft swimming towards the sinking ship. But if at some point, if you understand, this is not just ideological, it's not just the fact that he's abandoned one position after another or that he has the penchant for internet hoax, conspiracy theories. I mean, a week ago tonight, remember? He was pedaling the notion that Ted Cruz's dad had something do with the JFK assassination.  So, there are some people who say that just because of party loyalty we're supposed to forget all of that, I just don't buy that.

Because, you know, I've cautioned, you know my fellow conservatives, you embrace Donald Trump, you embrace it all. You embrace every slur, every outrage, every falsehood, you're going to spend the next six months rationalizing, evading all that. And afterwards, you come back to women, the minorities, the young people and say, you know, that wasn't us, that's not what we're about. The reality is, if you support him to be president of the United States, that is who you are and you own it. 

KELLY: How do you see this shaking out then in November?

SYKES: Well, I think that it's likely to be a blowout for the Democrats, so you asked me about whether or not being Never Trump is a vote for Hillary. I can't control the outcome of that campaign. I've been trying for the last six months to avoid this moment because you're talking about two really detestable people running for office. You think that a country like this could do better than Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. But all you can control is your own conscience and where you stand and I think that what I hope is that conservatives manage to come out of this with our integrity and their dignity and their principals intact. 

KELLY: What do you make of Paul Ryan and the dust up with Trump? 

SYKES: Well, he's not Never Trump. I want to make this very clear. What I think is interesting is that Paul Ryan is the polar opposite of Donald Trump. He's a decent human being. He is deeply intellectually serious and deeply engaged in policy, none of which Donald Trump is. And I think what's somewhat unreasonable to expect as some folks do that conservatives should simply surrender, should simply roll over as opposed to doing what Paul Ryan is doing which is asking for a conversation. A conversation.  What do we stand for?

What do we believe in? And that's a conversation that we need to have even though, look, Donald Trump has won the nomination, that doesn't mean that he immediately gets to win all of the battle of ideas or he gets the soul of the Republican Party and I think the Paul Ryan just kind of wants to know who, which Donald Trump is going to be. What does Donald Trump for?  What does Donald Trump think about taxes, the government, the constitution, all of those things that we once thought that we believed in. And again, this is a debate and a conversation that we very much need to have. 

KELLY: Charlie, great to see you.

SYKES: Thank you.

Transcript source:


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And I think what's somewhat unreasonable to expect as some folks do that conservatives should simply surrender, should simply roll over as opposed to doing what Paul Ryan is doing

Why did Ryan roll over for the democrats?