Author Topic: Transgender Restrooms are not a Civil Right  (Read 487 times)

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Transgender Restrooms are not a Civil Right
« on: May 10, 2016, 11:05:15 am »
May 10, 2016
Transgender Restrooms are not a Civil Right
By Daniel John Sobieski

North Carolina has rightly refused to submit to the politically correct federal bully challenging its common sense law, HB 2, which says restrooms should be limited to people with the appropriate plumbing, and that crossdressers sharing the facilities with your daughter, wife, and daughter is not a good, or safe idea.

North Carolina has filed a lawsuit challenging the Department of Justice’s ultimatum demanding that the state cease and desist enforcement of that law. As NBC News reported:

    It was the state's response to the US Justice Department, which last week gave Gov. Pat McCrory until the end of the day Monday to respond to a letter that said the law violates federal civil rights statutes.

    Monday's lawsuit called the Justice Department's legal position "a baseless and blatant overreach" and a radical reinterpretation of federal laws, especially the Civil Rights Act's ban on sex discrimination.

    "Transgender status is not a protected class," under the law, the suit said, and if the Justice Department believes it should be, it should ask Congress to change the law.

Of course, reinterpretation of the law and bypassing Congress is nothing new for this administration, which seems to think that saying that only biological females may use the ladies room is equivalent to having “whites only” drinking fountains. This is. of course, nonsense. Rosa Parks made history by sitting in front of the bus. She did not try to use the men’s room at the bus station.

Being black is something you cannot change. Discriminating on that basis is wrong and perniciously evil. But saying a man’s civil right’s are being violated because he self-identifies as a woman and needs to use the lady’s facilities is nonsense based on politically correct psychobabble. Sorry, dude, if you feel you are trapped in the wrong body, deal with it. But you already have a restroom designed just for you.

You are not being denied equal access to a public accommodation. Having the wrong body, if that is to be believed, does not entitle you to use the wrong restroom. It was never the intent of the 1964 Civil Rights Act to allow boys to use the little girls room. It is also dangerous, allowing any creep to put on make-op and a dress and follow your daughter, sister, or wife into the restroom.

This was the same sort of nonsense that led the Supreme Court to ignore both federalism and state laws to say gay marriage was a civil right as much as interracial marriage was. But being black is something one cannot change and allowing blacks and whites to marry did not change the state, culturally, and historically sanctioned institution of marriage as a union between one man and one woman.

Transgender restrooms change everything. Amazingly, the right to privacy championed by liberals has been jettisoned by liberals who see nothing wrong or dangerous in the concept. Kimberly Ross, writing for RedState, notes the slippery slope this puts society on:

    The attack on gender norms has increased exponentially over the past few years, and will continue as biologically-assigned gender becomes offensive. Even large, middle-class retailers like Target have gotten on board with the trend to erase the fine lines which define male and female. Last August, Target began to remove gender-based signs. Earlier this year, they introduced a gender neutral home goods line, so kids won’t feel like they’re being pushed a specific direction. On the contrary, it is quite alright to encourage the traditional idea that boys should be boys and girls should be girls. In fact, we must…

    The slippery slope to accepting everything begins by refusing to acknowledge that DNA is stubborn, and that who you were created to be is a not a mistake. If we never question transgenderism, though it battles against inherent norms, then we’ll begin put a stamp of approval on everything. As recently reported by The Independent, a criminal psychologist announced online that pedophilia is a sexual orientation, like being gay or straight. While I’m not asserting that trans individuals are in any way child molesters, I do believe that promoting a delusional view of gender, and making rationalizations along the way, has led us to this point to where we must accept and never question anything.

Over a million signatures were gathered on a petition opposing Target’s gender neutral bathroom. These are not bigots but husbands worried about wives, parents worried about their children literally being exposed to something they should not be forced to deal with.

As Todd Starnes writes at Fox News Opinion:

    The nation’s second-largest discount retailer announced on April 19 that they would “welcome transgender team members and guests to use the restroom or fitting room facility that corresponds with their gender.”

    In response, more than 1.1 million customers joined a boycott sponsored by the American Family Association.

    “Nearly everyone has a mother, wife, daughter or friend who is put in jeopardy by this policy,” AFA President Tim Wildmon said. “Predators and voyeurs would take advantage of the policy to prey on those who are vulnerable.” has compiled a list from daily news accounts giving a preview of what will become the norm if PC restrooms are forced upon us. A few examples:

    Palmdale man arrested for videotaping in women’s bathroom

    PALMDALE – A 33-year-old Palmdale man who allegedly dressed as a woman while secretly videotaping females using a department store bathroom was charged with several misdemeanor counts Tuesday, authorities said. Jason Pomare was charged with six counts of unlawful use of a concealed camera for the purposes of sexual gratification, according to Sergeant Brian Hudson of the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department’s Special Victims Bureau.

    Sexual predator jailed after claiming to be ‘transgender’ to assault women in shelter

    A biological man claiming to be ‘transgender’ so as to gain access to and prey on women at two Toronto shelters was jailed “indefinitely” last week after being declared by a judge a “dangerous offender.” Pro-family leaders are pointing out that this is exactly the type of incident they warned of as the Ontario government passed its “gender identity” bill, dubbed the “bathroom bill,” in 2012.

There will be sexual assaults among these incidents, to be sure. No responsible parent lets their child use a public restroom without accompanying them. Free-for-all restrooms only make the vulnerable more so and is some people want their daughters or wives to use the stall next to a potential predator, they can go to Trump Tower. For the rest of us, unconfused about our gender or anatomy, such nonsense should to be forced upon us.

Okay, not all transgendered people are predators. But when did surgically altering your body bestow upon anyone an alleged constitutional right to use another gender’s restroom.

The whole concept of someone being “trapped” in the wrong body is nonsense. Evangelical Christians and others believe the Almighty does not make such mistakes. If someone is confused about their sexual identity, he should just drop his drawers and take a wild guess. It is ironic that liberals who insisted we stay out of the bedrooms of homosexuals and lesbians now insist transgendered people should not stay out of the wrong bathroom.

Male and female created He them. And He put each in the right body. We are different. Deal with it.

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Re: Transgender Restrooms are not a Civil Right
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2016, 11:07:51 am »
Public restrooms are not a civil right either.
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Re: Transgender Restrooms are not a Civil Right
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2016, 05:51:47 pm »
Public restrooms are not a civil right either.

Great Point  blij26.

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Re: Transgender Restrooms are not a Civil Right
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2016, 04:20:43 am »
I think I may have a solution.  Let all commercial buildings with public restrooms set up  Porta-Pottys in the hallway next to the mens/womens bathrooms for the qu**rs.

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