Author Topic: Toomey to Trump: 'Listen More, And Talk Less'  (Read 250 times)

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Toomey to Trump: 'Listen More, And Talk Less'
« on: May 08, 2016, 04:14:54 pm »
Toomey to Trump: 'Listen More, And Talk Less'

10:51 AM, May 08, 2016 | By SHOSHANA WEISSMANN

On Sunday, Senator Pat Toomey followed Speaker Paul Ryan's lead, and offered some advice to Donald Trump. In an op-ed on, Toomey writes, "I find his candidacy highly problematic."

"Trump was not my first, second, or third choice. I object to much in his manner and his policies. His vulgarity, particularly toward women, is appalling. His lack of appreciation for Constitutional limits on executive powers is deeply concerning. I disagree with his proposals to ban Muslims, to give government more eminent domain powers, to be neutral between Israel and its enemies, and several others. In short, I find his candidacy highly problematic."

Toomey added that, while he is inclined to support the party's nominee, Trump is different.

"As a Republican elected official, I am inclined to support the nominee of my party. That doesn't mean I must always agree with him. I didn't agree with Mitt Romney, John McCain, or George W. Bush on everything, but I supported them. That said, Trump is different from previous nominees. There could come a point at which the differences are so great as to be irreconcilable. I hope that doesn't happen, but I have never been a rubber stamp for my party's positions or its candidates. It is up to Trump to make the case for himself in a way that reassures the millions of Republicans and non-Republicans who have grave doubts about him. Winning the nomination is a great accomplishment, but it does not mean party members check their judgment at the door."

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