Author Topic: LGBT Lobbyists Demand ‘Purity of a Queer Relationship’ in ‘Frozen’ Sequel  (Read 898 times)

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LGBT Lobbyists Demand ‘Purity of a Queer Relationship’ in ‘Frozen’ Sequel
By Melissa Mullins | May 8, 2016 | 7:50 AM EDT

According to GLAAD (the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation), Disney has a big fat “F” for LGBT representation in their movies – meaning, there haven’t been any gay characters in children’s movies in 2015.  However, since Disney announced there will be a Frozen 2 in the works for 2018, a few frustrated lesbian fans are trying to use the movie to feature an alternative romance for Queen Elsa, a gay character – or in this case – a different kind of “queen.”

When a movie includes a song about how "love is an open door," the LGBT lobbyists will start writing, as USA Today reported. Alexis Isabel, a 17-year- old “Feminist Culture” founder, the hashtag #GiveElsaAGirlfriend went viral last weekend, which made Isabel write a post for MTV as to why she started the movement. She writes, via Yahoo:

    Growing up, I never saw a princess fall in love with another princess — and neither have girls growing up right now…The entertainment industry has given us girls who have fallen in love with beasts, ogres who fall for humans, and even grown women who love bees. But we’ve never been able to see the purity in a queer relationship.

Apparently Isabel thinks fans of the movie, including herself, found Elsa’s internal struggles with her identity as sort of a metaphor for coming out…and by golly, what better representation than a lesbian princess finding her “queen” after learning to "let it go"?

"Giving young girls the chance to understand that a princess can love another princess the same way Cinderella loved her Prince Charming is vital to their development," Isabel wrote.

So far, Disney hasn’t commented n the campaign, but they just might.  After all, it wasn’t that long ago when Sesame Street had to issue a statement in response to an online petition for having their famous furry Muppet roommates Bert and Ernie take part in holy matrimony.
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These people are mentally ill.

Offline bob434

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[[Growing up, I never saw a princess fall in love with another princess ]]

And you didn't see men with blown out colons dying of aids, unable to control their bowel movements, while they lay in a hospital bed emaciated, organs failing and yet still gnashing their teeth against God- nor did you see the 40+ victims of aids infested homosexuals who unknowingly contracted the disease from a criminal who knew he had it but refused to tell others- nor did you see two angry feminists cheating on their 'partner' with 40+ other lesbians, and watch as they sink deeper and deeper into sexual deviancy-

What's your point Alexis? Shall we show those things as well? Because a majority of homosexuals will suffer, and they will become a danger not just to themselves,s but to other homosexuals, and even to heterosexuals as many heteros have contracted aids from blood transfusions- How about we make a disney movie of a good and decent person getting in an accident, going to the hospital, needing a blood transfusion, contracting aids from it, and watching the person waste away over the years and eventually die a painful horrible death-

Offline andy58-in-nh

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Sexuality, of whatever persuasion, does not belong in tales intended for the eyes and ears of children.

Homosexuality is and ought not be a crime, but it is a deviant behavior practiced by two percent of the population at best. The cornerstone of every civilization is the family - one man and one woman - and the propagandization of deviancy has no place in children's entertainment or education.

I have gay friends and family members, and I love and care for them, too. But their adult lives are their business, and no matter for exploitation by culture warriors at the expense of the innocence of children.
"The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. -Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Offline bob434

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[[But their adult lives are their business,]]

The problem with this is that it's not just their business- they many times force it on others- many homosexuals have 40+ partners during their lifetime, (some literally have hundreds- it's a lifestyle steeped in sexual deviancy, and  lack of self control) -many turn to pedophilia, (look up homosexuality and the term 'chicken haws' sometimes- someone posted about that in another forum awhile back- it's frightening just how many homosexuals are involved in this) many cost this country billions of dollars by contracting a disease they CAN prevent by avoiding the abomination in the first place- and they put others at risk who have to take care of them (ie needles, cleaning up vomit, blood, etc- )- this isn't a lifestyle that just affects those who choose it- it affects society badly in a negative way- Everyone's insurance premiums went through the roof because of this preventable scourge- (among other reasons too- but this practice did contribute to higher premiums)

Offline andy58-in-nh

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[[But their adult lives are their business,]]

The problem with this is that it's not just their business- they many times force it on others- many homosexuals have 40+ partners during their lifetime, (some literally have hundreds- it's a lifestyle steeped in sexual deviancy, and  lack of self control) -many turn to pedophilia, (look up homosexuality and the term 'chicken haws' sometimes- someone posted about that in another forum awhile back- it's frightening just how many homosexuals are involved in this) many cost this country billions of dollars by contracting a disease they CAN prevent by avoiding the abomination in the first place- and they put others at risk who have to take care of them (ie needles, cleaning up vomit, blood, etc- )- this isn't a lifestyle that just affects those who choose it- it affects society badly in a negative way- Everyone's insurance premiums went through the roof because of this preventable scourge- (among other reasons too- but this practice did contribute to higher premiums)
Homosexuality is being forced on others by radical activist lobbies like GLAAD, which make use of funding from left-wing "charities" and non-governmental organizations to propagandize in favor of their "lifestyle" and to assume the mantle of Victimhood in order to demand unearned status and benefits.

Individual gay people living their own lives are no threat to anyone, as long as they obey the law, respect the rights of others to do the same, and respect the freedom of others to critique the consequences of their own choices.  Those that refuse to do so should be held accountable for their actions, the same as anyone else. Sexually preying on children is an abomination, and a crime. It would be gratifying to hear more gay people truly "come out" and say so.
"The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. -Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Offline bob434

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[[Individual gay people living their own lives are no threat to anyone,]]

I stand behind what i said for the reasons I said- Many times they are a threat to others- They aren't just affecting themselves with their lifestyle choice- Especially those who have many partners and become infected and spread the disease- but even 'monogomous' gay people affect society by creating health issues that require in many cases free health care paid for by society