Author Topic: Yet another foreign journalist stoned in Sweden  (Read 408 times)

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Yet another foreign journalist stoned in Sweden
« on: May 08, 2016, 12:02:49 pm »
Yet another foreign journalist stoned in Sweden
Sources in the Stockholm police confirm to Dagbladet that two Norwegian NRK journalists were attacked with rocks while filming in the Swedish capital. The incident took place in the district of Rinkeby last week.

Rinkeby is known as a problem area in Sweden, with high unemployment and a widespread criminal environment. Also previously journalists have experienced threatening situations in the suburb.

NRK also confirms the incident and says that the two NRK employees, were news reporter and presenter Anders Magnus and cameraman Mohammed Alayoubi.

- NRK confirms that journalist Anders Magnus and photographer Mohammed Alayoubi were stoned when they were at work in Rinkeby. The program will be sent on May 8, says NRK.

NRK confirms that neither of the two were physically injured during the incident.

- Anders Magnus and Mohammed Alayoubi were with the police when it took place, but say that the stones were targeting the police, not them. Therefore, it has not been necessary to report the crime, says NRK.

Residents in Rinkeby have also previously attacked journalists. As recently as in March this year, reporters from the Australian "60 Minutes" were surrounded by masked men in the Rinkeby Square. The men punched and kicked several of the visiting journalists, who had to flee the suburb.

The suburb of Rinkeby is often shown as a horror example of failed integration in Sweden. The district is characterized by low-income families, where the majority are immigrants from non-Western countries. In Rinkeby, 120 different languages are spoken, and a separate Swedish dialect has its source here: In "Rinkeby Swedish" a number of Swedish words have been replaced by Arabic and Turkish words.

Along with Rosengård in Malmö, Rinkeby has received much negative attention in the press in recent years.

Politician Ali Esbati told Dagbladet that many in Rinkeby are tired of journalists who paint a black image of the district they live in.

- When everything written about the place you live is shit, then there are some who think "okay, then I'll be just like the papers say we are." It's fu@k the world, we in Rinkeby must stick together, says Esbati, who lives in Rinkeby himself.

Café owner, Jamal Ziani, who Dagbladet met a short time ago, insists that Rinkeby is a safe place.

- It is not dangerous here. That is just nonsense. Look around. Has anyone tried to hurt you? Will someone steal your mobiles phone? No. Here in Rinkeby people understand Islam, no one looks bad at a woman in a burqa. People feel at home here, but there should have been more Swedes here, Ziani told Dagbladet.

Approximately 16,000 people live in Rinkeby.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2016, 12:03:31 pm by rangerrebew »


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Re: Yet another foreign journalist stoned in Sweden
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2016, 12:05:34 pm »
The people who wrote this are just like Imam Obama; its hard for them to say mooslim attackers.  There are inuendos (of which Lurch would be proud) as to who the hate mongers were but they just can't say it directly.