State Chapters > Texas

Prayers for Basil

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For all who know Basil, please remember her in your prayers.

There is a thread on FR posted by her daughter Pesto:

Dear Freepers
Basil, suffered a stroke in early January. It left her paralyzed on her right side and unable to speak. She's got very limited speech and her mental faculties are diminished. She spent many weeks in a therapeutic hospital but when it became apparent that her condition wouldn't improve, our family decided she'd be much happier at home. Hopefully we can minimize her suffering and keep her comfortable. Please pray for her, and Mr. Basil who is an amazing care giver and hasn't left her side.

If anyone else is interested in visiting her, please let me know and I will try to coordinate a time with her daughter.

For those who don't she is one of the original FReepers and a passionate defender of the 2nd Amendment with her work with

You may also notice she is the one pointing at the anarchist punk on the bike in my avatar photo.

Central Texas ping for a possible visit.
@The Bat Lady


--- Quote from: DrewsDad on May 08, 2016, 04:22:59 am ---For all who know Basil, please remember her in your prayers.

--- End quote ---

I haven't lurked much at TOS lately, so I was unaware of her stroke.  She will definitely be in my prayers!!

Prayers for Basil and prayers for her family this Mother's Day! :0001:

Prayers for basil and her family. Such sad news. I am glad she is home with her loved ones. She is a great lady and a solid conservative. I went to some marches with her  when I lived in Austin. Her work with the Second Amendment Sisters is a wonderful legacy. God bless!


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