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Obama's Last Campaign
« on: May 08, 2016, 12:05:28 pm »
Barack Obama's last campaign

Washington (CNN)President Barack Obama's popularity is growing just in time for him to wage the final campaign of his political life.
A CNN/ORC poll published Friday found Obama's approval rating at 51%. He's now been in positive territory since February -- the longest period since shortly after his re-election in 2012. And 49% of those polled say things in the country are going very or fairly well -- up 7% since January.

The late-term boost in popularity is good news for a President whose achievements have often come at a heavy political price in a deeply partisan age. But it could be even better news for Hillary Clinton, who is preparing for a fierce general election clash with Donald Trump and may need to deploy a popular Obama to the campaign trail to drive up Democratic enthusiasm.
Though Obama yet hasn't formally endorsed Clinton, who remains in a primary race against Bernie Sanders, he was eager Friday to take on Trump and preview his arguments for the fall.
"We are in serious times and this is a really serious job," Obama said in his first news conference since Trump became the presumptive Republican nominee this week. "This is not entertainment. This is not a reality show. This is a contest for the presidency of the United States."

His remarks reflect the fact that though many Democrats and Republicans believe Clinton is favored to win given Trump's high negatives with key demographics, lack of political experience and controversial rhetoric, the White House will take nothing for granted.
"Our view is that he will campaign and he will be out there like the nominee is having the race of their life," said a senior administration official on condition of anonymity to discuss internal thinking. "That is how you have to run in presidential elections."

Hitting the stump for his chosen successor -- always a nostalgic moment for a President leaving office -- Obama will draw contrasts with the gains made in his presidency and what he believes Republicans, under Trump, would represent.

There is no question that the President will be rolling up his sleeves and be out there quite a bit on the campaign trail in the summer and the fall," said White House Communications Director Jen Psaki. "He has already done quite a bit of fundraising. I think people can expect that he will get some holes in his shoes from the amount of campaigning he will do."
Obama will likely spend time courting voters who twice backed his White House campaigns -- millennials, Latinos and African Americans -- all of whom Clinton needs in November. The President and his wife, Michelle, could be powerful advocates for Clinton in big cities in key swing states, like Cleveland, Miami and Denver, where Trump must cut into the Democratic vote to win the election.

"President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama are the two most popular elected and non-elected officials amongst minorities, particularly African Americans," said Tharon Johnson, a Georgia Democratic strategist who ran Obama's southern re-election campaign in 2012 and now backs Clinton. "President Obama will be able to speak to the minority community with not just rhetoric like Trump but with concrete successes like (Obamacare), the growth in the economy etc that will ignite that demographic," Johnson said.
Johnson said Obama would also be an asset in uniting Democrats after a primary that Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders plans to pursue until the convention in July.
"Mobilizing the Sanders wing of that party is something a sitting president like Obama who is popular with the base can probably do better than anyone," Johnson said.
Given his improving approval ratings, Obama also plans to venture into more unexpected territory, White House aides said, including suburban areas and midwestern states. Such an itinerary could draw him into direct conflict with Trump, who will brandish a fiercely protectionist trade agenda in areas that he says have been hurt by economic competitors like China and the economy under Obama.
Romans 12:16-21

Live in harmony with one another; do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly, do not claim to be wiser than you are.  Do not repay anyone evil for evil, but take thought for what is noble in the sight of all.  If it is possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all…do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.