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The War on Trump Supporters Must Stop
« on: May 06, 2016, 12:16:33 pm »

May 5, 2016
By John Kudla

A famous speech given by Broderick Crawford portraying populist politician Willie Stark in the movie, All the King’s Men (based on the eponymous Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by Robert Penn Warren) is apropos the treatment of the supporters of Donald Trump by the reigning tastemakers of the conservative movement. An updated version could be:

Listen up Trump supporters!  You are all hicks!

Yeah, you heard me right.

You are all hicks and worse!  You are hicks because you want decent good paying jobs, and you are sick of American companies moving overseas.  You are hicks because you want a wall on the border and illegal immigration stopped.  You are all hicks because you like your doctor and you want to keep your doctor.  You are hicks because you want your kids to learn something in school besides which bathroom to use and why they should hate America.  You are hicks because you think military veterans are less likely to die in combat than they are standing in line at the VA.  You are hicks because you think the Bill of Rights actually means something.

Truth is you hicks are in the way.  You are nothing but speed bumps on the road to socialism.  You are nothing but an inconvenience to the politicians who want lifetime employment offering their services to the highest bidders.  You are nothing but a campaign problem to the billionaires who want to fatten their wallets at your expense.  Why don’t you keep in your place and do what you are told?  Who do you think runs this country?  How dare you threaten the powers that be?

Yeah, that’s right.  You are a problem.  You are a hick.  You are all hicks!  And so am I.

It was not long ago we knew who our enemies were.  The leftist Democrats called us racists, narrow-minded bigots, mean-spirited bible-thumpers, homophobes, rich fat-cats who want to take your social security away, sexists, and more. It was insulting, and for the large majority, untrue, but it was predictable.

That is definitely not the case today. Since early March, Trump voters have endured some of the most insulting malicious attacks ever in the print, online and social media, except this time the charge is not being led by the left-wing media or the Democrats, but by other Republicans.

The attackers have been supporters of the #NeverTrump movement and of the remaining Republican challengers, most notably supporters of Senator Ted Cruz.  Together, they have waged a remarkably large and fairly effective smear campaign against Trump voters.  And even though the worst may be over, especially now that Senator Cruz has suspended his campaign, it has not stopped yet.

The targets are primarily blue-collar whites, both Republican and Democrat, from small towns and rural areas of the country, who support Trump.  Many of these people are factory workers, laborers, tradespeople, farmers, and small business owners.  Some have college educations, but many who don’t have high school diplomas.  Some are unemployed.

These are the folks who used to be called the common people of America, the salt-of-the-Earth types, the ones who were depicted in the Norman Rockwell paintings.  Unlike other established voting blocs and special interest groups, these people have no protectors in the media, beyond the established right-wing web sites and talk radio, who, for their own reasons, have mostly abandoned them.

Since blue-collar workers form the largest bloc of Trump supporters, they usually get slammed the hardest.  The simple fact that blue-collar workers, on average, have smaller incomes than white-collar workers invariably gets translated into economically disadvantaged, distressed, or poor.  Since they are generally less well educated than people in the professions, they often get described as not well educated, poorly educated, or uneducated.

If it were nothing more than that, it would be bad enough, but it gets much much worse.  Trump voters have been called foolish, disgusting, frustrated, misguided, crazy, stupid, idiotic, dummies, willfully ignorant, defying common sense, driven by emotion, alienated, irrational and unthinking, an incompetent mob, thugs, hideous, hateful, xenophobic, violent, fanatics, Nazis, and on and on.  Another writer, in an apparent effort to appear even-handed, wrote, “Trump supporters are not stupid; they just haven’t been taught how to think.”  Others have gone to the extremes of telling Trump supporters they are all going to hell, and, most astonishing, suggesting white blue-collar communities, like the ones that support Donald Trump, deserve to die.  How nice.

This undeclared war on Trump voters has even carried over to psychological profiling.  A recent political survey was discussed in (click here to read it) under the title of, Why Donald Trump Supporters are Voting Alone.  In the article a majority of Trump supporters are called civically disengaged or disconnected, meaning they are less likely to join civic groups, go to church, or get involved in civic activities.  People who seldom or never participate in a non-religious activity group supposedly account for 52% of Trump’s support.

Although Trump’s share of civically disengaged voters is the highest, the fact is every candidate has a sizable fraction of voters who fall into this category, with John Kasich the smallest at 30%.  This is more of a revelation about the effects of modern telecommunications -- smartphones, online gaming and Internet movies -- than it is a profile of Trump voters.

Some of the conclusions drawn from this survey strike me as odd.  First, a Trump campaign rally is not counted as a civic event, even though the very fact Trump supporters are there indicates they are interested and engaged in a civic process.  Second, the fact that Trump has done less well in caucus states may have as much to do with the smear campaign being waged against Trump supporters and the lack of organization in these states, as it does about the psychological makeup of the voters.  Judging from the number of people at Trump rallies, I doubt they are going to be voting alone.

The fact Republicans, themselves, have turned roughly 40% of their own voters into a toxic waste dump in the vain hope they could suppress Trump’s share of the vote, and thereby get a compromise candidate sympathetic to their desires, speaks volumes about the gaps in the Republican Party from edge to edge and from top to bottom.  If the Republican coalition has any hope of winning in this election cycle, the attacks on Trump supporters must end now!  Common ground must be found between the various factions and a reconciliation begun before it is too late!

Unfortunately, now there is talk of running another Republican candidate under the banner of a third party, apparently so Republican leaders can save their self-respect.  What self-respect?  They fiddled while Rome was burning!  They helped bring in foreign workers to take American jobs under the H-1 visa program.  Through NAFTA they enabled the destitution of their own people so others could make a dollar, all in the name of globalism.  To run a third party candidate in this situation, just to spite Trump, is nothing less than base treachery!

Clearly, I just do not understand because I am too low information, too foolish, too emotional, and too stupid.  After all, I am just a hick.

Offline massadvj

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Re: The War on Trump Supporters Must Stop
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2016, 12:25:29 pm »
A number of people I have known and respected, including some on this board, are avid Trump supporters.  While I personally don't get it, I don't criticize anyone for believing in the man, and I have refrained from attacking Trump's supporters in general, or individually.  However, since I do not have a dog in this fight, I am not going to refrain from criticizing Trump himself when he does stupid stuff, which means I have material to work with on a daily basis.

For example, did anyone see this Trump tweet yesterday?

"Happy #CincoDeMayo! The best taco bowls are made in Trump Tower Grill. I love Hispanics!"

Bragging that the taco bowls at Trump Tower are made out of Hispanics is not going to help him in the least!  :silly:
« Last Edit: May 06, 2016, 12:27:49 pm by massadvj »


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Re: The War on Trump Supporters Must Stop
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2016, 12:33:32 pm »
Bragging that the taco bowls at Trump Tower are made out of Hispanics is not going to help him in the least! 


The Mexican vote is at least 75% Democrat.  It is probably more like 95%.

It is not a player.  Mexicans are Democrats and will vote for Hillary Clinton.

Trump loses nothing.

Offline bolobaby

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Re: The War on Trump Supporters Must Stop
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2016, 12:39:11 pm »
I can agree on ending the war on Trumpettes when they agree to the following terms:

1. Understand that the word "never" actually means "at no time." Therefore, stop trying to convert #NeverTrump to your side. We're not with you and NEVER will be. He's your turd sandwich, YOU eat it. We're sick of you telling us that we - who NEVER agreed to support Trump - must now support Trump or great calamity will befall the nation.

2. You admit that you were told in advance that we would NEVER support Trump. You must admit that you supported him with this full knowledge and that there wasn't any confusion. Therefore, you picked  candidate knowing full well that he would not get the support of a fair number of conservatives.

3. You OWN him yourself. That includes:

     a) If he loses. It's YOUR fault and not #NeverTrump's fault, who told you in advance that if you nominated him he was YOUR candidate to get elected, but without our help.

     b) If he wins and goes full John Roberts with his betrayal, giving liberals victory after victory.

You are not allowed to ever try and pin a Trump loss or Trump betrayal back on us.

4. You must understand that Trump is going to do the stupidest sh!t known to man - such as hiring a Soros-loving, dem-donating campaign finance manager who was a partner at Goldman Sachs just minutes after he stops criticizing Goldman Sachs. For this - and the countless stream of other foolishness - #NeverTrump is going to call him out. We will criticize him endlessly. You have to NOT take it personally, even though you will want to, because - you know - you're a hick who actually bought this con man's snake oil and will start feeling guilty.

5. When all this happens, you must not come on to threads and attack us, or the war is back on. Instead, if you decide to join the discussion, you should present as many "mea culpas" as your pride will allow, then slink back to the shadows.

For this, you get a truce, which means I'll stop blaming you for falling for Trump's BS. I'll focus on Trump himself and not the dumba$$es who actually voted for him.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2016, 12:42:36 pm by bolobaby »
How to lose credibility while posting:
1. Trump is never wrong.
2. Default to the most puerile emoticon you can find. This is especially useful when you can't win an argument on merits.
3. Be falsely ingratiating, completely but politely dismissive without talking to the points, and bring up Hillary whenever the conversation is really about conservatism.
4. When all else fails, remember rule #1 and #2. Emoticons are like the poor man's tweet!

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Re: The War on Trump Supporters Must Stop
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2016, 12:39:36 pm »
Victim card well played.

There is more than enough to examine as to who Trump actually is, and what exactly he is espousing, (in the last 15 minutes), to keep me busy.

Characterizing his supporters is of no interest to me.

Offline guitar4jesus

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Re: The War on Trump Supporters Must Stop
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2016, 12:43:06 pm »
Victim card well played.

There is more than enough to examine as to who Trump actually is, and what exactly he is espousing, (in the last 15 minutes), to keep me busy.

Characterizing his supporters is of no interest to me.


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Re: The War on Trump Supporters Must Stop
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2016, 12:51:00 pm »
A number of people I have known and respected, including some on this board, are avid Trump supporters.  While I personally don't get it, I don't criticize anyone for believing in the man, and I have refrained from attacking Trump's supporters in general, or individually.  However, since I do not have a dog in this fight, I am not going to refrain from criticizing Trump himself when he does stupid stuff, which means I have material to work with on a daily basis.

For example, did anyone see this Trump tweet yesterday?

"Happy #CincoDeMayo! The best taco bowls are made in Trump Tower Grill. I love Hispanics!"

Bragging that the taco bowls at Trump Tower are made out of Hispanics is not going to help him in the least!  :silly:

It won't help him at home with Melania either:

That's a pic of Trumps second wife, Marla, under his taco bowl. 
« Last Edit: May 06, 2016, 12:53:06 pm by sinkspur »
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

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Re: The War on Trump Supporters Must Stop
« Reply #7 on: May 06, 2016, 12:53:01 pm »
I will say that I am 100% never Hillary.
I am not 100% never Trump, but right now, it is hard for me to justify voting for him. This can change, but:
Since Cruz stepped out of the race, Trump supporters been giving me a hard time, saying people from Texas are "stuck on stupid".
I heard one on Breitbart radio this morning on my way to work, say that if we have reservations about Trump, we must be from "another planet".
I have not been asked by anyone to vote for Trump, but I have been told I must vote for him.
Trump supporters would go along way in getting my support by simply reaching out an olive branch, instead of berating me.
Not that I am a special snowflake needing a safe space, but it is time to rebuild the house, not gloat over the ashes.
We teach our kids the walk across the field and shake hands with the other team after a little league game.
My main concern with Trump is the inconsistency. He would go along way in getting the Cruz, Rubio, Paul, etc... supporters by:
(1) Being more specific on policy, and stick to it. Assure the rest of us that he has a real handle on this.
(2) He could point out where he is in agreement with most of the candidates he ran against. On many issues, they were a lot closer than they were apart. Paul and Trump both want to Audit the Fed, for example. Cruz and Trump were both for rebuilding the military, and both tougher on Immigration than most.
(3) Lastly, give it time. This was a tough race, with al lot of bad blood spilled. People will come around. we have six months.

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Re: The War on Trump Supporters Must Stop
« Reply #8 on: May 06, 2016, 01:07:31 pm »
Oh, please.

War on Trump supporters?

You're trying to peddle that crap in the wrong place: the adopted home of dozens, if not hundreds of exiled, ex-free republic members who were hounded out of that website by the poop-flinging flying monkey brigade of Trump supporters.

Self-conscious of the fact that they couldn't defend their support of a lifelong liberal who's stated policy positions change daily to fit his audience, they attempted to hide their unease by booting anyone who dared call them on it.

I see, here, that the tactic on forums where they don't control the exit door is to play the victim card.
Any organization not explicitly conservative will turn liberal over time.

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Re: The War on Trump Supporters Must Stop
« Reply #9 on: May 06, 2016, 01:11:21 pm »
It won't help him at home with Melania either:

Now that is interesting.  I would guess it's a stack of recent clippings, and some magazine or tabloid has that photo in its story.  But it is funny.

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Re: The War on Trump Supporters Must Stop
« Reply #10 on: May 06, 2016, 01:15:43 pm »
For this, you get a truce, which means I'll stop blaming you for falling for Trump's BS. I'll focus on Trump himself and not the dumba$$es who actually voted for him.

Not from me. I will #NeverForgive those bastards who trashed the best conservative since Ronald Reagan in order to justify their support of a liberal con-artist. They couldn't be honest about their sentiments and simply say that they supported Trump because in their minds he had a better chance of beating Clinton. They had to drag a good man through the mud to reconcile an emotive-based reaction that they knew was wrong. I despise them all, to a man. Bad luck to the buggers!
Gee, it feels great to be a gangster!

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Re: The War on Trump Supporters Must Stop
« Reply #11 on: May 06, 2016, 01:17:40 pm »
Life is fragile, handle with prayer

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Re: The War on Trump Supporters Must Stop
« Reply #12 on: May 06, 2016, 01:19:55 pm »
The Trump supporter as poor and misunderstood ?
I understand them and hear them loud and clear.
They mistrust the "establishment", and anyone who disagrees with them must be part of the "establishment".
They have made a habit of blaming outside forces (Establishment, Chinese, Mexicans, Muslims) for all the evils that have been perpetrated on them.
Not to discount the threat of unchecked immigration, legal and illegal, or terrorism, or the lack of a robust economy.
Those issues can and should be addressed.
Sometimes, a good look in the mirror, and asking what can I do better to make a difference, goes a lot farther than asking a candidate to make all the boogeymen go away.

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Re: The War on Trump Supporters Must Stop
« Reply #13 on: May 06, 2016, 01:24:22 pm »
I will say that I am 100% never Hillary.
I am not 100% never Trump, but right now, it is hard for me to justify voting for him. This can change, but:
Since Cruz stepped out of the race, Trump supporters been giving me a hard time, saying people from Texas are "stuck on stupid".
I heard one on Breitbart radio this morning on my way to work, say that if we have reservations about Trump, we must be from "another planet".
I have not been asked by anyone to vote for Trump, but I have been told I must vote for him.
Trump supporters would go along way in getting my support by simply reaching out an olive branch, instead of berating me.
Not that I am a special snowflake needing a safe space, but it is time to rebuild the house, not gloat over the ashes.
We teach our kids the walk across the field and shake hands with the other team after a little league game.
My main concern with Trump is the inconsistency. He would go along way in getting the Cruz, Rubio, Paul, etc... supporters by:
(1) Being more specific on policy, and stick to it. Assure the rest of us that he has a real handle on this.
(2) He could point out where he is in agreement with most of the candidates he ran against. On many issues, they were a lot closer than they were apart. Paul and Trump both want to Audit the Fed, for example. Cruz and Trump were both for rebuilding the military, and both tougher on Immigration than most.
(3) Lastly, give it time. This was a tough race, with al lot of bad blood spilled. People will come around. we have six months.

Good last point...there is nothing wrong with holding a candidate's feet to the fire especially now, before the GE......and especially after the election as it should be with all presidents.....present president excluded of course!
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-Matthew 6:34

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Re: The War on Trump Supporters Must Stop
« Reply #14 on: May 06, 2016, 01:31:35 pm »

Mike Allen

“He’s trying. Honestly. He’s trying” – how @Reince responded when asked about Trump’s taco bowl tweet

What a shi*show for the next six months.  What is he, Reince?  A seven year old?
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

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Re: The War on Trump Supporters Must Stop
« Reply #15 on: May 06, 2016, 01:33:03 pm »
John Podhoretz ‏@jpodhoretz  48m48 minutes ago
John Podhoretz Retweeted Mike Allen
Wait until Trump goes into his Jose Jimenez impression. Look, he loves Hispanics!
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

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Re: The War on Trump Supporters Must Stop
« Reply #16 on: May 06, 2016, 01:33:58 pm »
Good last point...there is nothing wrong with holding a candidate's feet to the fire especially now, before the GE......and especially after the election as it should be with all presidents.....present president excluded of course!
I agree, regardless of which party wins. It is our civic duty to do so.

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Re: The War on Trump Supporters Must Stop
« Reply #17 on: May 06, 2016, 01:34:49 pm »
Stop? I haven't even got started good!
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
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Re: The War on Trump Supporters Must Stop
« Reply #18 on: May 06, 2016, 01:36:08 pm »

What an incredibly dumb time to be alive!
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

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Re: The War on Trump Supporters Must Stop
« Reply #19 on: May 06, 2016, 01:53:53 pm »
Now that is interesting.  I would guess it's a stack of recent clippings, and some magazine or tabloid has that photo in its story.  But it is funny.
Wonder if Melania still has "her apartment."

Soon after Melania and Donald started dating, she apparently broke it off. “She had some trust issues with him at the beginning,” says Matthew Atanian, a photographer who had been Melania’s roommate at Zeckendorf Towers in Union Square when she first moved to New York. “She was telling me that she wouldn’t have it, he was back to his old ways. She kept her apartment to have her own space because of this.”
America needs no words from me to see how your decision in Roe v. Wade has deformed a great nation. The so-called right to abortion has pitted mothers against their children and women against men. Human rights are not a privilege conferred by government. They are every human being's entitlement by virtue of his humanity. The right to life does not depend, and must not be declared to be contingent, on the pleasure of anyone else, not even a parent or a sovereign. -Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta

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Re: The War on Trump Supporters Must Stop
« Reply #20 on: May 06, 2016, 02:12:54 pm »

May 5, 2016
By John Kudla

A famous speech given by Broderick Crawford portraying populist politician Willie Stark in the movie, All the King’s Men (based on the eponymous Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by Robert Penn Warren) is apropos the treatment of the supporters of Donald Trump by the reigning tastemakers of the conservative movement. An updated version could be:

Listen up Trump supporters!  You are all hicks!

Yeah, you heard me right.

You are all hicks and worse!  You are hicks because you want decent good paying jobs, and you are sick of American companies moving overseas.  You are hicks because you want a wall on the border and illegal immigration stopped.  You are all hicks because you like your doctor and you want to keep your doctor.  You are hicks because you want your kids to learn something in school besides which bathroom to use and why they should hate America.  You are hicks because you think military veterans are less likely to die in combat than they are standing in line at the VA.  You are hicks because you think the Bill of Rights actually means something.

Truth is you hicks are in the way.  You are nothing but speed bumps on the road to socialism.  You are nothing but an inconvenience to the politicians who want lifetime employment offering their services to the highest bidders.  You are nothing but a campaign problem to the billionaires who want to fatten their wallets at your expense.  Why don’t you keep in your place and do what you are told?  Who do you think runs this country?  How dare you threaten the powers that be?

Yeah, that’s right.  You are a problem.  You are a hick.  You are all hicks!  And so am I.

It was not long ago we knew who our enemies were.  The leftist Democrats called us racists, narrow-minded bigots, mean-spirited bible-thumpers, homophobes, rich fat-cats who want to take your social security away, sexists, and more. It was insulting, and for the large majority, untrue, but it was predictable.

That is definitely not the case today. Since early March, Trump voters have endured some of the most insulting malicious attacks ever in the print, online and social media, except this time the charge is not being led by the left-wing media or the Democrats, but by other Republicans.

The attackers have been supporters of the #NeverTrump movement and of the remaining Republican challengers, most notably supporters of Senator Ted Cruz.  Together, they have waged a remarkably large and fairly effective smear campaign against Trump voters.  And even though the worst may be over, especially now that Senator Cruz has suspended his campaign, it has not stopped yet.

The targets are primarily blue-collar whites, both Republican and Democrat, from small towns and rural areas of the country, who support Trump.  Many of these people are factory workers, laborers, tradespeople, farmers, and small business owners.  Some have college educations, but many who don’t have high school diplomas.  Some are unemployed.

These are the folks who used to be called the common people of America, the salt-of-the-Earth types, the ones who were depicted in the Norman Rockwell paintings.  Unlike other established voting blocs and special interest groups, these people have no protectors in the media, beyond the established right-wing web sites and talk radio, who, for their own reasons, have mostly abandoned them.

Since blue-collar workers form the largest bloc of Trump supporters, they usually get slammed the hardest.  The simple fact that blue-collar workers, on average, have smaller incomes than white-collar workers invariably gets translated into economically disadvantaged, distressed, or poor.  Since they are generally less well educated than people in the professions, they often get described as not well educated, poorly educated, or uneducated.

If it were nothing more than that, it would be bad enough, but it gets much much worse.  Trump voters have been called foolish, disgusting, frustrated, misguided, crazy, stupid, idiotic, dummies, willfully ignorant, defying common sense, driven by emotion, alienated, irrational and unthinking, an incompetent mob, thugs, hideous, hateful, xenophobic, violent, fanatics, Nazis, and on and on.  Another writer, in an apparent effort to appear even-handed, wrote, “Trump supporters are not stupid; they just haven’t been taught how to think.”  Others have gone to the extremes of telling Trump supporters they are all going to hell, and, most astonishing, suggesting white blue-collar communities, like the ones that support Donald Trump, deserve to die.  How nice.

This undeclared war on Trump voters has even carried over to psychological profiling.  A recent political survey was discussed in (click here to read it) under the title of, Why Donald Trump Supporters are Voting Alone.  In the article a majority of Trump supporters are called civically disengaged or disconnected, meaning they are less likely to join civic groups, go to church, or get involved in civic activities.  People who seldom or never participate in a non-religious activity group supposedly account for 52% of Trump’s support.

Although Trump’s share of civically disengaged voters is the highest, the fact is every candidate has a sizable fraction of voters who fall into this category, with John Kasich the smallest at 30%.  This is more of a revelation about the effects of modern telecommunications -- smartphones, online gaming and Internet movies -- than it is a profile of Trump voters.

Some of the conclusions drawn from this survey strike me as odd.  First, a Trump campaign rally is not counted as a civic event, even though the very fact Trump supporters are there indicates they are interested and engaged in a civic process.  Second, the fact that Trump has done less well in caucus states may have as much to do with the smear campaign being waged against Trump supporters and the lack of organization in these states, as it does about the psychological makeup of the voters.  Judging from the number of people at Trump rallies, I doubt they are going to be voting alone.

The fact Republicans, themselves, have turned roughly 40% of their own voters into a toxic waste dump in the vain hope they could suppress Trump’s share of the vote, and thereby get a compromise candidate sympathetic to their desires, speaks volumes about the gaps in the Republican Party from edge to edge and from top to bottom.  If the Republican coalition has any hope of winning in this election cycle, the attacks on Trump supporters must end now!  Common ground must be found between the various factions and a reconciliation begun before it is too late!

Unfortunately, now there is talk of running another Republican candidate under the banner of a third party, apparently so Republican leaders can save their self-respect.  What self-respect?  They fiddled while Rome was burning!  They helped bring in foreign workers to take American jobs under the H-1 visa program.  Through NAFTA they enabled the destitution of their own people so others could make a dollar, all in the name of globalism.  To run a third party candidate in this situation, just to spite Trump, is nothing less than base treachery!

Clearly, I just do not understand because I am too low information, too foolish, too emotional, and too stupid.  After all, I am just a hick.

Not hicks: chumps. The same kind of people who believe that WWE feuds are real. Let me say it again for clarity: chumps.


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Re: The War on Trump Supporters Must Stop
« Reply #21 on: May 06, 2016, 02:18:27 pm »
Trump supporters are revolutionaries and punch them in the face types.

Trump and his supporters have run the scummiest, sleaziest, dirtiest, negative primary in history. There is no forgiving it.

The "war on Trump supporters" meme is like the Waffen SS calling the Jews meanies.

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Re: The War on Trump Supporters Must Stop
« Reply #22 on: May 06, 2016, 02:53:12 pm »
Good last point...there is nothing wrong with holding a candidate's feet to the fire especially now, before the GE......and especially after the election as it should be with all presidents.....present president excluded of course!
One thing to consider. If as assumed Trump wins the Presidency he will have a lot of people wanting to get rid of him on both sides of the isle. They will hold his feet to the fire looking for any excuse to impeach etc him. So Ironically he may become the most Constitutional law following president we have had in a long time to avoid the combined efforts to get rid of him.
Trump is for America First.
"Crooked Hillary Clinton is the Secretary of the Status Quo – and wherever Hillary Clinton goes, corruption and scandal follow." D. Trump 7/11/16

Did you know that the word ‘gullible’ is not in the dictionary?

Isaiah 54:17

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Re: The War on Trump Supporters Must Stop
« Reply #23 on: May 06, 2016, 02:58:05 pm »
One thing to consider. If as assumed Trump wins the Presidency he will have a lot of people wanting to get rid of him on both sides of the isle. They will hold his feet to the fire looking for any excuse to impeach etc him. So Ironically he may become the most Constitutional law following president we have had in a long time to avoid the combined efforts to get rid of him.

Since it's likely whomever the next president is will have a Democrat Senate, if it's Trump, they'll stop him cold on most of what he proposes.
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

Offline washi

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Re: The War on Trump Supporters Must Stop
« Reply #24 on: May 06, 2016, 03:18:07 pm »
One thing to consider. If as assumed Trump wins the Presidency he will have a lot of people wanting to get rid of him on both sides of the isle. They will hold his feet to the fire looking for any excuse to impeach etc him. So Ironically he may become the most Constitutional law following president we have had in a long time to avoid the combined efforts to get rid of him.

Just, wow.

Yeah, we're supposed to stop the "war on Trump supporters" and respect their judgement.
Any organization not explicitly conservative will turn liberal over time.