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Donald Trump Makes Huge Pro-Life Hire

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Donald Trump Makes Huge Pro-Life Hire

Marjorie DannenfelserBy Marjorie Dannenfelser on May 3, 2016

“Huge” news for those in the pro-life movement concerned about this year’s election.

Donald Trump has brought on John Mashburn as his Policy Director. This is an excellent hire, especially for the pro-life movement and our legislative priorities.

I have known and respected John Mashburn for many years. He is a smart strategist with deep pro-life roots. John is well-respected across every issue set. For him, the life issue is foundational and one which helped draw him into politics.

My fellow North Carolina native has an impressive resume. Most recently, he served as Chief of Staff to U.S. Senator Thom Tillis of North Carolina. Tillis, who Susan B. Anthony List and our allies worked hard to elect in 2014, has been an outspoken advocate for the unborn and their mothers since his election.

Prior to working for Sen. Tillis, John served in the leadership offices of the Senate Majority Leader, Senate Republican Conference Secretary, and House Majority Whip, and has held leadership positions under the chairman and ranking senator of several congressional committees, not to mention working for non-profits public policy groups.

Perhaps the best indication of John’s longtime pro-life advocacy is that he once served Sen. Jesse Helms, a well-known pro-life activist and leader of the conservative movement. Sen. Helms fought heroically to stop abortion on-demand in our nation and for the protection of unborn children, mothers, and taxpayers.

If I were running for president, I would want John Mashburn as a top advisor, too. Congratulations on your new hire, Mr. Trump. If elected, no doubt John Mashburn will serve you well as you fulfill your campaign promises to defund Planned Parenthood, advance and sign into law the popular Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, and appoint Justices to the bench who will protect and defend the Constitution.

Cool. Now, let us await Trump's walking back his "PP does good things" statements. And then the explanation of why he got it wrong in the first place.

Or is this new hire going to have anything like THAT kind of influence? I'll call him window dressing until I am proven wrong.


--- Quote from: don-o on May 05, 2016, 12:59:33 pm ---Cool. Now, let us await Trump's walking back his "PP does good things" statements. And then the explanation of why he got it wrong in the first place.

Or is this new hire going to have anything like THAT kind of influence? I'll call him window dressing until I am proven wrong.

--- End quote ---

This is just more boob bait for his bubbas.  Trump has to swing to the middle on life issues or he has no chance with women.

The Pro-Life organizations make Presidential Endorsements, Pro-Life Organizations often are even at the State level, for example, Mitt got the endorsement of Mass. Citizens for Life and of course, those of the big organizations as well.  It goes without saying of course, MR was not an ideal pro-lifer as well as far as that goes.

--- Quote ---Major pro-life organizations endorse Mitt Romney
--- End quote ---

At the least, Trump has already had some problems with Pro-Life organizations, CWA, Concerned Women of America is just one.

So, it will be interesting and important to see if Trump can actually get the endorsements of the Pro-Life organizations.

Don't think he will have such endorsements in the bag, no way, he already ran into a lot of opposition on this in North Carolina.

He's not fooling me.


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