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Are there any wedge issues you would be okay with the party abandoning for the sake of victory?

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--- Quote from: Dexter on May 05, 2016, 01:00:36 pm ---35 years ago.

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And that was the last time people ignored the stupid advice of "shut up about the social issues".

Look at the candidates that lost or barely won because they took the advice you're hoping they listen to.

The American people care about the social issues.  Unlike you they know that social and economic things are tied together. And one has a direct effect on the other.


--- Quote from: txradioguy on May 05, 2016, 01:03:53 pm ---The American people care about the social issues. 

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They do, but most of them see it the way the left does, so by clinging onto social conservatism you lose votes. I assure you that will only become more and more true as time goes on. If conservatives don't adapt they will cease to be relevant.


--- Quote from: Dexter on May 05, 2016, 01:11:21 pm ---They do, but most of them see it the way the left does, so by clinging onto social conservatism you lose votes. I assure you that will only become more and more true as time goes on. Conservatives will abandon some of the social issues or they will cease to be relevant.

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If Conservatives abandon social issues they cease to be Conservatives.

Ok since you seem particularly dense on this and how Socials issues have an impact on everything else....let me give you a quick lesson in why social issues are relevant and SHOULD be embraced and put out there in this election.

Illegal immigration. Negative effect on the economy...increases crime we all know the negative effects.

We don't have a birthrate replacement rate above what the death rate is in this country anymore.

The reason?  Roe v Wade and Liberals trashing the value of the traditional family unit

Birth rate declines...that means there aren't the number of people entering the workforce that there were prior to Roe.  Employers...especially small businesses and labor intensive trades have problems finding workers to fill jobs.

Solution...look the other way and hire low skilled limited education illegals at a lower wage.

Do I need to go on or are you beginning to see how on just that one social issue alone it has put us on the path we're on today when it comes to the problem we have with illegals streaming across our border and the negative impact it is having on all of us?

Frank Cannon:

--- Quote from: Dexter on May 05, 2016, 12:04:08 pm ---I think the economy is more important than social conservatism.

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Oh yeah? Well a lot of people now like free stuff. I about five years your going to be right back here telling us that we need to move off of the draconian economic stuff because the Party has moved on. We already have our nominee discussing higher minimum wage and raising taxes.

After we abandoned all our principals, do you think we will be loved by everyone? Not a chance.


--- Quote from: Frank Cannon on May 05, 2016, 01:41:21 pm ---Oh yeah? Well a lot of people now like free stuff. I about five years your going to be right back here telling us that we need to move off of the draconian economic stuff because the Party has moved on. We already have our nominee discussing higher minimum wage and raising taxes.

After we abandoned all our principals, do you think we will be loved by everyone? Not a chance.

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If you're unwilling to do anything but go down with the ship I can respect that; you're a man of conviction. I'm just reminding you that the ship is indeed sinking.


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