Author Topic: Why I'm Ultimately Glad Trump will be the Nominee (Or, "Why I learned to stop worrying and love the HTC Vive)  (Read 17469 times)

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Offline Norm Lenhart

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@Silver Pines
Just in case anyone was curious... (feel free to do with as you see fit.)

Why I'm Ultimately Glad Trump will be the Nominee
(Or, "Why I learned to stop worrying and love the HTC Vive)

By Norm Lenhart

I have spent the last decade of my life watching people claiming to be Republican, right wing and conservative, intentionally rush to the left every election, and every election they rushed harder and faster with each given candidate. History bears that out. There's nothing to argue. Ignore anyone who tries because history exists. I and others tried fruitlessly to do our part to put the brakes on it but alas, people knew better. People always know better.

They know better than the founders who plainly spelled out the only path for America in the founding documents, The Federalist Papers and any number of speeches, writings and quotes from them. They could not have made it plainer.
They know better than men like Ronald Reagan who specifially warned about giving the GOP over to the people that did their best to govern as Democrats.

They know better than all the people who have told them time and time again that by electing liberals, you get liberalism.
I think what impresses me most about these 'know betters' is best summed up by Ronaldus, who by the way has been reviled a lot by said 'know betters' lately for the crime of admitting his mistakes of Amnesty and Abortion as California Governor.

“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”

They obviously know better because they just ensured we have more of each. Their support for a candidate who by his own words, loves Planned Parenthood and will build his big beautiful door in his wall shows they wanted both all along. Otherwise, why support him whenmore conservative, anti-Planned Parenthood and anti-amnesty candidates were openly available?

They KNEW that we had to elect Mitt Romney no matter what. Because he was a conservative who would be less liberal than Obama and disavowed his past liberalism. It then took Mitt Romney about 18 hours after the Great Fail to completely disavow his entire candidacy and wholly revert to the leftist positions he occupied all his life.

They KNEW That we had to re-elect Mitch McConnel, John Bhoner and Romney's hand picked VP running mate, Paul Ryan...because the Democrats, given the House/Senate, would back Obama's agenda 100%. And since being given the House and Senate, Mitch McConnel, John Bhoner and Paul Ryan have given Barack Obama 100% of every single major issue he demanded, while flatly refusing to fight him on his destruction of the military, marriage, religous freedom, Amnesty, Abortion, Obamacare and more. Mitch and Jonbon did however literally campaign on working with liberal Democrat President Obama. Not like it was a secret.

What impresses me more than anything is how consistently these 'knowledgable' conservatives have made exactly the ideal decisions to destroy conservatism in America. They screamed and they hollered and they flailed at anyone and anything that said "Folks, these people are gonna bite you in the ass". And history shows beyond any possible honest arguement  that butox was indeed, gnawed with vigor.

Fast forward to the 2016 election season. The very same people who have an exactly 0% of correct choices in benefitting America or Conservatism have now ensured the nomination of a man who began his campaign with a speech that included the words, "Sorry Conservatives", campaigned on putting a 'big beautiful door' in his 'best wall ever' to let the people he wants the wall to keep out, in. Orwell weeps.

There is absolutely no point for me or anyone else to recant the litany of other equally leftist proclimations by the man with a lifetime record of financing Hillary, gun control and the like. We all read them before. We all know them. And the majority once again KNEW BETTER. It's just that this time they knew better than their own candidate.  And people call me arrogant. Oh Irony, where is thy sting?

So with all the above being factual, because as I mentioned (and will mention again because some people have a problem with facts and historical data), history bears the above out fully. It all happened. History is what it is.  Now why am I glad? what thrills me about this mindless insanity?

America finally destroyed itself four years ago when they tried electing a man who profits to this day from incinerating the very dead babies hisown laws as Governor created. Stericycle is still humming along nicely.  There was little lower the American voter could possibly go. But they did it. They spent four years mourning their loss and then went out and found another leftist to get their revenge on hated conservatism. But this one even more twisted than the one before. I am happy because simply put, now the final nail can be put in the coffin of the bastardized thing they mutated America into.

After the rioting leftists, BLM supremicists, bursting of the economic fantasy bubble, Martial laws and wars to follow, our children, or most likely 'their' children, should any be left alive to do so, will have the chance to rebuild the America from the literal ashes their predicessors left them. They can strive again to see the world the founders envisioned and the hated Reagan's Shining City on the Hill.

Because the brilliant people who KNEW BETTER, who created the ash heap of their history, will not be here to rise up and stop them. Americans always claimed to want a better future for their children. But this was a really, really stupid way for them to have insured it.

In the end, the 'Know Betters" knew nothing but how to destroy their own country. Now we all pay for their stupidity.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2016, 02:50:20 pm by Norm Lenhart »

Offline Mod2

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Separated as worthy of it's own thread. It will be featured as soon as someone comes on who has the keys to the Above the Fold section.

You did say do with it what you will ...   :beer:

Offline Norm Lenhart

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Separated as worthy of it's own thread. It will be featured as soon as someone comes on who has the keys to the Above the Fold section.

You did say do with it what you will ...   :beer:

Cool, thanks!

Offline elhombrelibre

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So the remedy is the Republicans nominated a man who barely knows anything about conservatism, a man who funded Hillary and most other Democrats throughout his life, a man who told the most outrageous lies about his opponents, mocked their looks, their size, their wives, their families, and their lifelong experience?  We are headed for a disaster by a man who is unfit to be mayor of NYC.  Trump attacked most Republicans using Democrat talking points.  He used them on Walker.  He used them on Jeb.  He attacked Cruz's wife for her looks and his dad as a presidential assassin.  He attacked Rubio for not being tall.  He ignored policy and made idiotic and contradictory proposals.   Good luck with this man, the least liked man to ever run for president.[url]]

Offline massadvj

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This has been a confounding year, no doubt about it.  I have not yet reconciled myself to Trump, but I think your thoughts are prescient on this occasion.  Trump is not responsible for electing Trump.  He is like a swimming shark in the water who recognized the chum and took advantage of it.  I think his nomination is both a reflection of conservative failure and liberal failure.  Trump is the manifestation of BOTH GWB and OPapaDoc.

Thanks for your contribution.

Bill Cipher

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Good luck with that.  If you want a taste of what a president Trump would look like, go see what Bloomberg did in NYC while he was mayor, including buying off the city council so he could run for a third time even though the voters of NYC had said twice in referendums that mayors were limited to two terms.  Like enlarging the nanny state by moving to ban all sorts of foods that his mavens decided were "bad" for you.  And let's not forget his implacable opposition to the second amendment.  BTW, Bloomberg also has a carry permit. 

Good luck with that one. 

For my sake, I've had enough.  I don't vote for lying liberals, so I won't vote for Trump just as I won't vote for Clinton (or Sanders if it comes to it).


Offline Norm Lenhart

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Good luck with that.  If you want a taste of what a president Trump would look like, go see what Bloomberg did in NYC while he was mayor, including buying off the city council so he could run for a third time even though the voters of NYC had said twice in referendums that mayors were limited to two terms.  Like enlarging the nanny state by moving to ban all sorts of foods that his mavens decided were "bad" for you.  And let's not forget his implacable opposition to the second amendment.  BTW, Bloomberg also has a carry permit. 

Good luck with that one. 

For my sake, I've had enough.  I don't vote for lying liberals, so I won't vote for Trump just as I won't vote for Clinton (or Sanders if it comes to it).


I know exactly what he will look like. He'll look like Bloomberg, every SJW, Hillary, Bill, Bhoner and Romney. Thats why I and others tried for more than a decade to turn people from this path. But as I said, they knew better. Now they can choke on either him or Hillary. I'll just sit back and watch them learn the hard way. Can't stop it. Already tried.

Pain teaches but some people are just not smart enough to learn from their mistakes. So we will have carnage.

Offline Norm Lenhart

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This has been a confounding year, no doubt about it.  I have not yet reconciled myself to Trump, but I think your thoughts are prescient on this occasion.  Trump is not responsible for electing Trump.  He is like a swimming shark in the water who recognized the chum and took advantage of it.  I think his nomination is both a reflection of conservative failure and liberal failure.  Trump is the manifestation of BOTH GWB and OPapaDoc.

Thanks for your contribution.

I marvel every time the liberal right has fits about the people they elected. FOUGHT LIKE ANIMALS TO GET ELECTED. One day they scream "NO MATTER WHAT!" Then when 'What" invariably happens, it's suddenly not their fault. Fail is always an orphan.


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Oh Irony, where is they sting?

thy, instead of they. This forum lets you fix it.

Offline Norm Lenhart

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Offline guitar4jesus

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  • Yup...
In the end, the 'Know Betters" knew nothing but how to destroy their own country. Now we all pay for their stupidity.


Praying for our republic...   :0001:

Online Weird Tolkienish Figure

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I'm not a huge Romney fan, I don't really find him compelling in any way. And obviously neither did the American public.

But I simply fail to see any other candidate running that year who stood a chance vs. Obama. NONE!

I await with baited breathe your perfect 2012 candidate who would have won that election vs. Obama.

Offline Norm Lenhart

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I'm not a huge Romney fan, I don't really find him compelling in any way. And obviously neither did the American public.

But I simply fail to see any other candidate running that year who stood a chance vs. Obama. NONE!

I await with baited breathe your perfect 2012 candidate who would have won that election vs. Obama.

Do you think Romney voters would have stayed home in droves has Mitt Romney not been the candidate? Yes or no. You likely do not. Nor do I.

Do you think that all the people wwo stayed home, did not vote for Pres or wrote in another candidate would have stayed home, not voted for Prez or wrote in if Santorum, Newt or any other candidate the GOP had on file had been 'the one'? I cannot imagine you think that either. So it is a wholly logical conclusion that since those people stayed home, did not vote for Prez or wrote in, did so SPECIFICALLY as their protest against Mitt Romney, The Romney+ their vote totals would have mathematically won that person the presidency.

Thats simple math. So what part of that historical fact do you disagree with? Article after article across all the media talked about the no shows BECAUSE it was Romney. There's no way to honestly deny the truth of it. Anyone else would have garnered both vote totals and thus won.

Online Weird Tolkienish Figure

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Do you think Romney voters would have stayed home in droves has Mitt Romney not been the candidate? Yes or no. You likely do not. Nor do I.

Do you think that all the people wwo stayed home, did not vote for Pres or wrote in another candidate would have stayed home, not voted for Prez or wrote in if Santorum, Newt or any other candidate the GOP had on file had been 'the one'? I cannot imagine you think that either. So it is a wholly logical conclusion that since those people stayed home, did not vote for Prez or wrote in, did so SPECIFICALLY as their protest against Mitt Romney, The Romney+ their vote totals would have mathematically won that person the presidency.

Thats simple math. So what part of that historical fact do you disagree with? Article after article across all the media talked about the no shows BECAUSE it was Romney. There's no way to honestly deny the truth of it. Anyone else would have garnered both vote totals and thus won.

Someone else posted on the other thread that Romney won the same percentage of whites that Reagan won in 1980. There were no "stay at homers". It's talk radio fantasy.

Offline don-o

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@Norm Lenhart

My vote for Romney was predicated on what I believed (and believe) to be a reasonable hope that his SCOTUS appointments would be better than Obama's.

So I mashed the button for him with a great wave of revulsion as I recalled how he let Candy Crowley absolutely roll him over Benghazi.

I realize that makes me a "one issue" voter. I won't deny that.

Trump gives me nothing to peg any similar hope as did Romney.

Online Hoodat

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I know exactly what he will look like. He'll look like Bloomberg, every SJW, Hillary, Bill, Bhoner and Romney.

Mitt Romney is a heck of a lot more Conservative than Donald Trump.  I cannot find a single position where Trump lines up to the right of where Romney stood four years ago.
If a political party does not have its foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is right and that is moral, then it is not a political party; it is merely a conspiracy to seize power.     -Dwight Eisenhower-

"The [U.S.] Constitution is a limitation on the government, not on private individuals ... it does not prescribe the conduct of private individuals, only the conduct of the government ... it is not a charter for government power, but a charter of the citizen's protection against the government."     -Ayn Rand-

Offline Norm Lenhart

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Someone else posted on the other thread that Romney won the same percentage of whites that Reagan won in 1980. There were no "stay at homers". It's talk radio fantasy.
Using 30 year old demographics is a very wrong comparison to base 30 year newer numbers.

I know literally dozens of people that took the no romney option. Personally know them. Am I the only man in America that is in that situation? Not bloody likely.

No, there were millions like them and many, many articles have discussed it to this day. Denying history is fine if thats your choice. However the rest of the world id not likelu to beat a path to your belief in light of all proof to the contrary.

Online Weird Tolkienish Figure

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Using 30 year old demographics is a very wrong comparison to base 30 year newer numbers.

I know literally dozens of people that took the no romney option. Personally know them. Am I the only man in America that is in that situation? Not bloody likely.

No, there were millions like them and many, many articles have discussed it to this day. Denying history is fine if thats your choice. However the rest of the world id not likelu to beat a path to your belief in light of all proof to the contrary.

That "you know them" is purely anecdotal evidence, like all the people who thought McGovern would win in 1972 because "everyone they know voted for him". Etc. etc.

Offline Norm Lenhart

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Mitt Romney is a heck of a lot more Conservative than Donald Trump.  I cannot find a single position where Trump lines up to the right of where Romney stood four years ago.

Before or after his 18-hour post election reconversion?

Neither one of them has a conservative bone in their body.

Offline Frank Cannon

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In the end, the 'Know Betters" knew nothing but how to destroy their own country. Now we all pay for their stupidity.

No need to pay. There is always Belize, Chile and Costa Rica.

Offline Norm Lenhart

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That "you know them" is purely anecdotal evidence, like all the people who thought McGovern would win in 1972 because "everyone they know voted for him". Etc. etc.

That alone disproves the 'myth' nonsense. Now in addition, Would you care to address the fact that it's Karl Rove saying it's a myth and every conservative news outlet saying it is not?

Offline Norm Lenhart

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In the end, the 'Know Betters" knew nothing but how to destroy their own country. Now we all pay for their stupidity.

No need to pay. There is always Belize, Chile and Costa Rica.

Don's wall lets people in. Not out.

Online Weird Tolkienish Figure

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That alone disproves the 'myth' nonsense. Now in addition, Would you care to address the fact that it's Karl Rove saying it's a myth and every conservative news outlet saying it is not?


Offline Norm Lenhart

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You claim no one stayed home etc. I personally know dozens who did. Words mean things. Since I have proof people stayed home etc in any number at all, the claim that no one stayed home is factually incorrect.

Offline olde north church

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What hath supposed "conservatism" wrought?  "Principled" conservatism.  "Constitutional" conservatism.  "Compassionate" conservatism.  WHAT HATH IT WROUGHT?  It hath wrought the society in which we live today.  Why?  Because there was someone who just wasn't conservative enough.  Someone who a bit more "principled" than the other guy.  What's that little thing about people doing the same thing over and over and over again but expecting a different result?
We know Romney is going to stab Trump in the back, the same way Romney Sr stabbed Goldwater.  Like father, like son.  The Kristols, the Wills, the Krauthammers, the Humes, elitists all, looking down their nose on the unwashed.  Limbaugh, Levin, Beck and the mass of blaring out their empty platitudes and explaining to you what you aren't smart to know.
You weren't invited to the party.  They'll just tell you what happened.
Why?  Well, because I'm a bastard, that's why.