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Planned Parenthood Bashes Donald Trump: “Disgusting” That “He Wants Abortion Outlawed” - LifeNews



--- Quote ---Planned Parenthood Bashes Donald Trump: “Disgusting” That “He Wants Abortion Outlawed”

With Republican voters in Indiana heading to the polls today to select a GOP nominee for president, the Planned Parenthood abortion business has sent out a fundraising email to its supporters. The email goes after businessman Donald Trump, saying that he says “disgusting” things and “wants abortion outlawed.”

“You opened this email, so I’m going to make an assumption. You care a lot about this election and are pretty clued in,” Heather Holdridge, Director of Digital Advocacy for Planned Parenthood, begins in the email.

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These articles usually don't focus on presidential candidates but this is an election year, so it is a bit of a mixture of politics and the pro-life movement.


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