Author Topic: Donald Trump Leads Cruz by 15 Points in Crucial Indiana Race  (Read 461 times)

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Meet the Press
May 1 2016, 7:52 pm ET

Indiana Primary: The Last Stand for Ted Cruz?

 Donald Trump holds a 15-point lead over Ted Cruz in the potentially decisive May 3 presidential primary race in Indiana, according to results from a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist poll.

Trump gets support from 49 percent of likely Republican primary voters — followed by Cruz at 34 percent and John Kasich at 13 percent. If that margin in Indiana holds on Tuesday, Trump would be on a glide path towards obtaining the 1,237 delegates he needs to win the Republican nomination on a first ballot at the GOP convention in July.


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Re: Donald Trump Leads Cruz by 15 Points in Crucial Indiana Race
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2016, 02:46:06 pm »
Published on May 1, 2016

Only hours after suckering Indiana Governor Mike Pence into endorsing him, Ted Cruz has given up on Indiana as a result of surging polls for Donald Trump and crashing Cruz polls as a result of the double-cross bargain he had with John Kasich.

According to the Associated Press:

“Ted Cruz has pulled his full campaign apparatus out of Indiana. Ted Cruz’s campaign manager is telling media officials that they are now going to focus all of their campaign efforts in the state of California.”

The news comes less than 24 hours after the latest polling showed Cruz 22 points behind Trump. Trump 49.3%, Cruz 27.1% and Kasich 16.3%.
Oh, one last thing. This video of one Friday night Ted Cruz rally. Only 500 people showed up.
And here is a shot of another Cruz rally. But here is what the lying media showed the general public – never mentioning there was almost no one there. Notice the guy to Cruz’s left with the red-white & blue shirt?
This young lady certainly wasn’t showing the junior Senator from Alberta, Canada much respect.
But kids seem to like the Donald.
And here’s what that night’s Trump rally looked like in Costa Mesa, California. You had to be able to take an airborne shot to get the full impact.
I’m still reporting from Washington. Good evening.


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Re: Donald Trump Leads Cruz by 15 Points in Crucial Indiana Race
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2016, 02:46:51 pm »
Viva La Mexico!


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Re: Donald Trump Leads Cruz by 15 Points in Crucial Indiana Race
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2016, 02:48:42 pm »

Philip Elliott / La Porte, Indiana @Philip_Elliott
May 2, 2016 - 6:32 AM ET

Ted Cruz Doubles Down on Indiana as Campaign Struggles

If polls are correct, Cruz is on the verge of his own spanking that might force him from the race. An NBC News/Wall Street Journal released earlier Sunday found Cruz chasing Trump in Indiana by 15 percentage points. (Cruz aides dispute those figures, but acknowledge their own polling shows the Texan trailing in Indiana, especially after a five-state route in the Northeast on April 19.)

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Re: Donald Trump Leads Cruz by 15 Points in Crucial Indiana Race
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2016, 02:49:24 pm »
I'm so confused.  When NBC has a poll with Trump losing trumpsters say it's a fake poll because NBC wants Trump to lose. But then when they show Trump winning then NBC is all of the sudden a reliable polling source.

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Re: Donald Trump Leads Cruz by 15 Points in Crucial Indiana Race
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2016, 02:51:26 pm »
Anybody doubt that it's Trump's specific and very detailed jobs plan that has him up in Indiana?

Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.


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Re: Donald Trump Leads Cruz by 15 Points in Crucial Indiana Race
« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2016, 02:51:36 pm »

Indiana: Trump 49, Cruz 34, Kasich 13

posted at 2:01 pm on May 1, 2016 by Allahpundit

For Republicans, Wednesday will be a very special day indeed, my friends.

At long last, the Day of Recriminations is nigh:

    Trump gets support from 49 percent of likely Republican primary voters — followed by Cruz at 34 percent and John Kasich at 13 percent. If that margin in Indiana holds on Tuesday, Trump would be on a glide path towards obtaining the 1,237 delegates he needs to win the Republican nomination on a first ballot at the GOP convention in July…

    The NBC/WSJ/Marist poll was conducted April 26-28 — so mostly after Trump’s six-consecutive primary victories in Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states, as well as after Cruz and Kasich announced an alliance/truce, whereby Kasich wouldn’t campaign in Indiana to help Cruz (in exchange for Cruz not campaigning in Oregon and New Mexico).

    But 58 percent of likely Republican primary voters in Indiana say they disapprove of Cruz and Kasich teaming up to beat Trump in the Hoosier State, while 34 percent say they approve of the move.


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Re: Donald Trump Leads Cruz by 15 Points in Crucial Indiana Race
« Reply #7 on: May 02, 2016, 02:53:23 pm »

by Tommy Christopher | 2:34 pm, April 25th, 2016

Ted Cruz: Kasich Campaign ‘Pulling Out of Indiana’ – Kasich: ‘Vote for Me, Indiana!’

It looks like the deal that Ted Cruz and John Kasich struck in order to deny Donald Trump the Republican nomination is in danger of collapsing like a papier-mâché border wall. Each campaign released statements this weekend indicating that they would allocate resources in upcoming states in order to help the other, but on Monday, both Cruz and Kasich took very public steps in opposite directions.

While the Kasich campaign’s statement said they were “comfortable with our delegate position in Indiana” and would shift resources to give Cruz a “clear path” in the state, Ted Cruz told reporters on Monday that it’s “big news that John Kasich has made the decision to pull out of Indiana, and give us a head-to-head contest with Donald Trump.”

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Re: Donald Trump Leads Cruz by 15 Points in Crucial Indiana Race
« Reply #8 on: May 02, 2016, 02:54:47 pm »
I'm so confused.  When NBC has a poll with Trump losing trumpsters say it's a fake poll because NBC wants Trump to lose. But then when they show Trump winning then NBC is all of the sudden a reliable polling source.
Will you provide an example of that, from this website?
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Re: Donald Trump Leads Cruz by 15 Points in Crucial Indiana Race
« Reply #9 on: May 02, 2016, 02:57:08 pm »

April 28, 2016 7:47 PM

In Indiana, Kasich voters rebel against Cruz

A strong supporter of Ohio Gov. John Kasich, she had tickets for an election watch party with him for May 3 election night when his campaign announced he was pulling out of Indiana. In a pact with Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, Kasich agreed to skip campaigning in Indiana in return for Cruz to stay out of Oregon and New Mexico.

The objective: to stop frontrunner Donald Trump from getting enough delegates to win in the first round at the convention at the Republican convention.

It is not a choice that is sitting well with most Kasich voters. “My first choice did not decide to come to Indianapolis,” she said, as the dog barked at bicycles and snatched a plastic wand from a pre-school admirer. “I would like to see something happen in the stars for him to go through the back door.”

Denise Moe, 39, a Republican activist in Carmel, had a Kasich sign in her yard and when she learned about the deal she immediately took it down. She now has a Trump sign but hasn’t put it up yet.

I felt pretty insulted as a previous Kasich supporter,” she said. “It was a little bit of a scam, not an honorable thing to do.” Moe is almost certain she’ll go for Trump instead. “There is no way I could vote for Cruz,” she said, who she considers “almost a theo-crat.”

Jennifer Hallowell, a veteran Indiana Republican consultant, said, “Kasich voters range from disappointed to angry, and some are planning on voting for Trump. They’re p.o.’d by the deal.”

Read more here:

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Re: Donald Trump Leads Cruz by 15 Points in Crucial Indiana Race
« Reply #10 on: May 02, 2016, 03:01:25 pm »
Anybody doubt that it's Trump's specific and very detailed jobs plan that has him up in Indiana?

Hmmm....    *hmmmm*

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Re: Donald Trump Leads Cruz by 15 Points in Crucial Indiana Race
« Reply #11 on: May 02, 2016, 03:14:13 pm »

A new poll gives U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz a significant lead in Indiana's Republican presidential primary, with support from 44.8 percent of voters polled.

The Mike Downs Center for Indiana Politics poll puts GOP front-runner Donald Trump in second place with 29 percent and John Kasich in third with 13.3 percent of the vote.

But 13 percent of Hoosier voters surveyed said voluntarily that they didn't know who they would vote for — and, paired with a 4.9 percent margin of error, that could still put the candidates in a neck-and-neck race.

"I can understand this might be an incredibly optimistic poll for Cruz," said Andy Downs, director of the politics center. "But I think there must be something going on in the electorate that makes the race closer than some people think."
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