Author Topic: Megyn Kelly is Clueless about NC’s Bathroom Law  (Read 438 times)

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Offline oldmomster

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Megyn Kelly is Clueless about NC’s Bathroom Law
« on: April 30, 2016, 11:57:48 am »

Megyn Kelly is Clueless about NC’s Bathroom Law

By: D.C. McAllister | April 29, 2016

'Fox News host Megyn Kelly reveals she doesn’t have a clue when it comes to North Carolina’s bathroom law, which requires people to use public restrooms that match their biological sex.

On Thursday night, Kelly interviewed N.C. Governor Pat McCrory, leading with a story that failed to emphasize that the restrooms, locker rooms and dressing rooms in question are public. The North Carolina law has nothing — let me repeat — nothing to do with private businesses. Gas stations, restaurants, bars, offices, sports arenas, etc. — they have nothing to do with this law.

This was a point McCrory had to correct right off the bat, explaining that the Charlotte ordinance, which the state overturned, was a government dictate on private businesses that told them what to do with their own property.'

One of my complaints about Megyn from the very beginning - and I don't belive she doesn't do her homework.  She deliberately misleads, concedes later on when the interview is over.  Kinda like that journalistic 'correction' below the fold on page 30.

Offline bob434

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Re: Megyn Kelly is Clueless about NC’s Bathroom Law
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2016, 05:03:06 pm »
[[“What’s the fear?” Kelly asked the governor. Why not let transgender women (a.k.a. men) use public restrooms? - See more at:]]

I have posted the following a couple of times on FR as several folks there seem to think like Megan does- that allowing trannies into women's bathrooms is 'harmless' and 'the right thing to do because we are a compassionate society'- If you all get the time- please watch the video- Many Trannies are not the 'peaceful people' that hte left and our current administration want the public to believe they are (I am not suggesting all trannies are violent people- however, as you will see- many are, and many trannies have been abused as children and themselves become abusers later in life):

For those who didn’t see this- this video is very powerful and shows that trannies and perverts are ALREADY attacking women in women’s bathrooms, contrary to what the perverts o nthe left would have us beleive- Trannies are not ‘harmless confused people’- and it’s just going to get much much worse

the worst part is that this video is just about those who are trannies it isn’t even about the dangerous male predators who don’t identify as trannies who WILL be allowed to use women’s bathrooms

This video puts the LIE to the asinine claim that trannies will not be violent if they are ‘finally allowed to use women’s bathrooms legally’

Many claim trannies are nothing more than ‘harmless cross dressers’- this is another lie- over 50% were raped or molested as children and as a result turned to transexualism and are abusers themselves- most people who have been abused become abusers- that is a fact- even people who turn to sick demented perversions like transexualism- Trying to portray them as harmless is disingenuous and at worst dangerous- That is not to say that every transexual person is dangerous- but it IS to say transexuals are statistically much greater risk to society as are gay people who also are a group who had much higher incidents of sexual abuse as children and who turn to abuse as adults- Many homosexuals have 100’s of partners and many have committed rape and many have committed pedophilia-


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Re: Megyn Kelly is Clueless about NC’s Bathroom Law
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2016, 06:11:52 pm »
The state government did the exact right thing