Author Topic: Florida candidate dares to speak truth about what’s ailing black community–instantly called ‘R-word’  (Read 211 times)

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Florida candidate dares to speak truth about what’s ailing black community–instantly called ‘R-word’
April 29, 2016 | Scott Morefield | Print Article

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One Florida Congressional candidate is finding out just how fast liberals can cook up a controversy when they smell the right ingredients.

Mark Freeman, a physician and one of eight Republicans seeking the seat of Democratic Rep. Patrick Murphy in Florida’s District 18, became an easy target when he responded to a question on race relations at a candidate forum last week.

    “This is deep-seated. Obama has made a boldfaced effort to drive a wedge between the races. He paints a picture of envy to our black citizens and the envy drives hatred. And then he says to them you’ve got it coming for free, these rich people owe you. And on top of that he gives them free stuff, too. And that just is anti-American and it complicates our relations between the races. And really we need to have compassion for these people and we need to allow them the education they need so that they can have self-worth and dignity and become productive citizens.”

Democratic opponent Randy Perkins was quick to jump on the comments and twist them for his own political gain. Nevermind facts, Freeman had dared to cross the line that shall not gundoc2be crossed.

Perkins wrote on his website, “I am calling on Jonathan Chane to stand up as a Democrat and call out Mark Freeman for his racist comments. I ask that every candidate in this race join me in condemning this divisive rhetoric. It cannot be tolerated.”

Salon, and other left-leaning outlets immediately jumped in with reports of their own, because gosh darn it “racism” has been committed, or is alleged to have been committed, or something.

The tactic isn’t an unusual one for the left.

Just this week, Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Alan Grayson accused Republican candidate Carlos Beruff of spouting “racism — plain and simple” for daring to voice the view that perhaps people from places that hate us shouldn’t be entering our country.

Instead of seeking honest answers that might help alleviate the situation, in Freeman’s case the destructiveness of the welfare state, liberals seize upon the “explanation” that will give him or her the most power.

So, was Mark Freeman correct? Has the welfare state done anything but destroy black communities all across our country? Indeed, it has not. Do those facts matter to social justice warrior liberals like Randy Perkins who are so thirsty for power they would call the moon a ball of swiss cheese if it put them anywhere closer to it?

Not for one second.

It happens often and with impunity, and it will continue to happen until enough people take a stand. The key is not to apologize, but rather to appeal to the common sense of rational Americans, to pierce through the fog of deceit and get to the truth, regardless of what we all may wish the truth was.

So far, judging from this response (and the subsequent expressions of support) on his Facebook page, Dr. Mark Freeman is effectively fighting the social justice warrior attacks, calling the accusations “unfounded and otherwise groundless.”

Good on you, Dr. Freeman. Regardless of how powerful the enemy seems and how loud they can shriek when the truths we relate hurt their feelings, the stakes are too high not to fight these jackals with every ounce of our being.

Here’s Freeman’s answer that was twisted by the left into racism:

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