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Carly Fiorina, Hand-picked Mongoose (Exclusive to GOPBR)
« on: April 29, 2016, 04:16:04 am »
By Yours, Truly (*sheepish grin* I originally posted it in the wrong section! I've fixed that.---EA.)

Somehow you can't help thinking that Ted Cruz wasn't thinking all that much, picking Carly Fiorina
to be his prospective running mate should he manage, somehow, to come away from the Republican
presidential scrum with the badly scrambled party's nomination.

The man who seemed hell bent for making sure Donald Trump couldn't take the prize, and worked an
immaculate ground game on that behalf, making sure to play by the Republican rules Mr. Trump believes
have no business being there in the first place, has suddenly become the man who can't get out of his
own way.

Bad enough: His apparent bid in hand with John Kasich to divide a couple of coming primaries between
them---essentially, Cruz would stand down in Indiana and Kasich would do likewise in Oregon and New
Mexico---has imploded. Aside from handing Trump and his minions plentiful enough ammunition when
they argue (falsely, otherwise) that the "system" is "rigged" against them, Cruz apparently didn't trouble
himself to secure Kasich's participation.

Kasich isn't exactly the most reliable of witnesses, but he seemed unable to wait to say, as he did to
a combination of reporters on the eve of Pennsylvania's primary and on Today the morning
after, "I’ve never told [Indiana voters] not to vote for me. They ought to vote for me. I'm not telling
people anything in Indiana because I'm not campaigning in Indiana. I'm not out to stop Donald

Worse: Cruz seems to have even his allies rubbing their eyes over Fiorina. There could only have been
one sound or sane reason to think of her as a running mate, if you don't count that she represents
an early sock on the jaw to Trump such as Cruz must have recalled from the debates. The sock when
Donaldus Minimus zapped her appearance and she landed the haymaker of all women hearing what he
said and judging for themselves. He couldn't spin his way out of that one if he'd put it into a Mixmaster
---on the high attachment speed.

The reason is that Fiorina was as cool as they came during her own brief campaign for the GOP
nomination. She couldn't be rattled, the way she was when challenging Barbara Boxer for the U.S.
Senate (about which more in due course). She was conversant with several defense and foreign policy
issues as her fellow candidates weren't; she argued persuasively for limited government; she was, in
short, what pollster turned pundit Dick Morris last fall called "a Republican dream."

Cruz could only have looked at and remembered Fiorina's campaign makeup from a few months
back. Several published reports suggest he barely began vetting vice presidential material within
the past fortnight. (By comparison, in 2012 Mitt Romney began such vetting three months before
he had to make his pick
. Fat lot of good it did him, but Romney at least didn't look like he forgot
the proper place for improvisation. And, incidentally, His Excellency Al-Hashish Field Marshmallow Dr.
Barack Obama Dada, COD, RIP, LSMFT, Would-Have-Been-Life President of the Republic Formerly
Known as the United States, started hunting and vetting running mates in May 2008, about four
months before he settled on Joe Biden, whom he's said to have spent two months vetting.)

The Texas senator also probably figured that, with Donaldus Minimus flattening him in Tuesday's
primary contests guaranteeing the latter wall-to-wall coverage the day after, he could sneak in
a pick whose very womanhood would slap Trump's press conference remarks about Hilarious Rodent
Clinton silly. But Cruz couldn't possibly have seen Fiorina's business record.

Dan Mitchell---a libertarian political economist whose career has taken him from the Heritage
Foundation to the Cato Institute---would be more than happy to brief Cruz, as he briefed
Time readers almost a year ago
, when Fiorina first jumped into the presidential pool.
"There's no way Carly Fiorina can ignore her tenure at Hewlett-Packard, which she ran as CEO for
six tumultuous years before the board ousted her in 2005. By that time, the company’s stock had
lost about half its value and tens of thousands of people had lost their jobs."

Mitchell reviewed Fiorina's career, first at AT&T and then its spinoff Lucent Technologies, before
she landed on the Hewlett-Packard throne. She'd had a "stellar" record in those places, Mitchell
wrote, before landing at HP and after managing the spinoff of what became Agilent Technologies
into a successful initial public offering.

Then she settled in at HP. If "settled" is the word for it. "The plan" with which Fiorina began,
Mitchell continued, "was to directly take on IBM as an end-to-end, computing-and-services business.
One of her first moves was to announce the acquisition of the tech services division of Pricewaterhouse-
coopers for $14 billion. When Wall Street balked, she withdrew the offer. After the dotcom crash, IBM
picked up the division for $4 billion."

So much for foresight. The coming of the dot-com bust wasn't that obscure to that many people,
never mind at one of the nation's largest technology and computer companies. Fiorina might have
seen it coming. But she didn't. If she had, and if she really wanted to buy the PWC tech services
division, she could have waited until the bust to buy it on the cheap. Getting outfoxed by IBM wasn't
exactly the way to make friends and build confidence.

The good news was that Fiorina picked herself up, dusted herself off, and started all over again. The
bad news, Mitchell continued, was how she started all over again: she insisted on buying Compaq in
2002, for a measly $19 billion. "The decision," Mitchell wrote, "continues to haunt both Fiorina and H-P."

Taking on Compaq was controversial from the get-go. A bruising-but-unsuccessful proxy
battle ensued. Walter Hewlett, a board member and son of company co-founder Walter
Hewlett, vehemently opposed the deal. Outside observers and some big shareholders that
it would dilute the company’s core, profitable printer business. It did much more than that,
with H-P’s results sinking every quarter. Eventually, it led to 17,000 more people being laid off
as Dell Computer, much more highly focused on the PC market, came to dominate.

When Fiorina decided to knock Barbara Boxer out of the Senate, Boxer knocked her out about a month
before election day with a devastating ad. It opened with a clip of Fiorina saying of the HP layoffs and
outsourcings that followed the Compaq battle, "[W]when you're talking about massive layoffs -- which we
did -- perhaps the work needs to be done somewhere else?" An announcer came in right then, saying,
"Fiorina shipped jobs to China and while Californians lost their jobs, Carly Fiorina tripled her salary, bought
a million dollar yacht and five corporate jets." That was followed immediately by a clip of Fiorina saying,
"I'm proud of my record at Hewlett-Packard."

She was forced out of H-P in 2005, especially after a 2004 during which the company's net income
failed to rise despite a 40 percent cash flow increase, its debt rose by a little over $2 billion, and its stock
price fell by half. When Fiorina responded by firing three HP executives in a wee-small-hours phone call,
her board went to work in earnest to cauterise her, drawing up plans to shift much of her authority to HP
division heads despite her resistance.

Alas, the plan was leaked to The Wall Street Journal, while Business Week concurrently wondered
aloud whether Fiorina and the board could work effectively together. The board itself answered the question---
ousting Fiorina.

"[T]he board insisted that it wasn’t because of corporate results, but because of her “management style',”
Mitchell wrote. "Fiorina, who was often described as imperious and distant, took a lot of criticism for giving
herself big bonuses even while laying people off, and for hitting the speaking circuit even while the company
was in a tailspin." Not to mention that cozy little $21 million golden parachute, which is probably what the
Boxer campaign's admakers meant by the "tripled her salary" comment.

That ad destroyed Fiorina's Senate race. Her campaign never recovered; against an incumbent who
probably could have been beaten in 2010, Fiorina lost by ten points. "With the current animus for
high-priced corporate executives who make millions while laying off workers and outsourcing jobs,"
Morris wrote last fall, "there is no reason to make our hopes for the White House hinge on the ability
of one such CEO to justify her actions. To Republicans, it doesn't matter. We get it that you often have
to lay off workers and outsource to protect the remaining jobs still in the U.S. But if Romney taught us
anything, it is that voters don't get it."

Neither, apparently, does Ted Cruz. Fiorina tried to run for the GOP presidential nomination on her
record as a business manager. None of her campaign or debate cool could atone for the fact that
she'd have been better off running on an ancient Milli Vanilli record. As Mitchell pointed out, "so many
lists of history's worst CEOs" feature Fiorina prominently.

Cruz stakes much of his credibility on puncturing Trump's own questionable business record. Donaldus
Minimus---who resembles Henry Ford compared to Fiorina---should send her a dozen roses and a gaudy
thank-you note, for agreeing to become the Texas cobra's handpicked mongoose.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2016, 04:24:32 am by EasyAce »

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Offline Weird Tolkienish Figure

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Re: Carly Fiorina, Hand-picked Mongoose (Exclusive to GOPBR)
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2016, 01:15:17 pm »
I don't understand Cruz's decision, but the whole thing might just a hail mary for Indiana. The GOP race looks increasingly like the people have spoken and they are saying they want Trump.

Of course, "the people" are going to get flattened in November, but what the people want, they should get, good and hard.

Offline Liberty Tree Dr

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Re: Carly Fiorina, Hand-picked Mongoose (Exclusive to GOPBR)
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2016, 02:01:36 pm »
Not to mention the oddly-timed decision to sing during the announcement speech.  Carly has a nice voice, :shrug:
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Re: Carly Fiorina, Hand-picked Mongoose (Exclusive to GOPBR)
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2016, 02:04:48 pm »
Not to mention the oddly-timed decision to sing during the announcement speech.  Carly has a nice voice, :shrug:

That was just weird. You have one one hand, Trump who has no core principles but knows the media to Cruz who has strong foundational principles but is clueless about the media.

Bill Cipher

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Re: Carly Fiorina, Hand-picked Mongoose (Exclusive to GOPBR)
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2016, 02:05:50 pm »
I don't understand Cruz's decision, but the whole thing might just a hail mary for Indiana. The GOP race looks increasingly like the people have spoken and they are saying they want Trump.

Of course, "the people" are going to get flattened in November, but what the people want, they should get, good and hard.

I'm not exactly sure what the takeaway with picking Fiorina is, but I will say that "the people" have done nothing of the sort - don't feed the Trump koolaid machine - it's merely a plurality of the GOP registered voters, plus a heapin' helpin' of crossover DNC (a lot of them moles I think) who appear to have spoken, and the fatal conceit, at least by that GOP plurality, is that they are somehow a proxy for the entire country - for "the people" - a conceit which is inexplicable given the consistently massive negatives Trump has in just about every poll of the general electorate. 

Trump is supported by, at most, a plurality of a plurality, which means he is definitely not supported by "the people" and, more to the point, will almost certainly not be elected by "the people" in November. 

Offline Weird Tolkienish Figure

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Re: Carly Fiorina, Hand-picked Mongoose (Exclusive to GOPBR)
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2016, 02:09:30 pm »
I'm not exactly sure what the takeaway with picking Fiorina is, but I will say that "the people" have done nothing of the sort - don't feed the Trump koolaid machine - it's merely a plurality of the GOP registered voters, plus a heapin' helpin' of crossover DNC (a lot of them moles I think) who appear to have spoken, and the fatal conceit, at least by that GOP plurality, is that they are somehow a proxy for the entire country - for "the people" - a conceit which is inexplicable given the consistently massive negatives Trump has in just about every poll of the general electorate. 

Trump is supported by, at most, a plurality of a plurality, which means he is definitely not supported by "the people" and, more to the point, will almost certainly not be elected by "the people" in November.

No Trump koolaid machine here: he will get absolutely flattened by Hillary in November, unless something drastic changes. That being said, enough people are voting for Trump so that he is winning enough delegate to totally dominate. Plus he is getting over 50% in a lot of these states.

So for all intents and purposes, the people want Trump.

Not that I'm not rooting for Cruz in Indiana, but I feel the odds are against him at this point. I believe this is just reality, and the sooner we face it the better.

Bill Cipher

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Re: Carly Fiorina, Hand-picked Mongoose (Exclusive to GOPBR)
« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2016, 02:21:05 pm »
No Trump koolaid machine here: he will get absolutely flattened by Hillary in November, unless something drastic changes. That being said, enough people are voting for Trump so that he is winning enough delegate to totally dominate. Plus he is getting over 50% in a lot of these states.

So for all intents and purposes, the people want Trump.

Not that I'm not rooting for Cruz in Indiana, but I feel the odds are against him at this point. I believe this is just reality, and the sooner we face it the better.

Maybe Trump has the support of the "GOP people" but he does not have the support of "the people" because if he did, he wouldn't have the negatives he has and so by necessity would probably win in November.  He will get creamed in November precisely because he does not have the support of "the people", he simply has the support of the larger plurality of a minority segment of "the people."

Offline Weird Tolkienish Figure

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Re: Carly Fiorina, Hand-picked Mongoose (Exclusive to GOPBR)
« Reply #7 on: April 29, 2016, 02:23:48 pm »
Maybe Trump has the support of the "GOP people" but he does not have the support of "the people" because if he did, he wouldn't have the negatives he has and so by necessity would probably win in November.  He will get creamed in November precisely because he does not have the support of "the people", he simply has the support of the larger plurality of a minority segment of "the people."

True, "the people" in this case = GOP primary voters. They think they're "the people" in the General which is where the coming disaster lies.

Bill Cipher

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Re: Carly Fiorina, Hand-picked Mongoose (Exclusive to GOPBR)
« Reply #8 on: April 29, 2016, 02:38:24 pm »
True, "the people" in this case = GOP primary voters. They think they're "the people" in the General which is where the coming disaster lies.

Yup.  That is the fatal conceit I spoke of. 

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Re: Carly Fiorina, Hand-picked Mongoose (Exclusive to GOPBR)
« Reply #9 on: April 29, 2016, 05:33:40 pm »
The choice of Fiorina is clearly a play for more California delegates

It is going to be really really close for Trump to make it to 1237.
A couple more delegates from CA could make the difference.

Duncan Hunter would have been my choice to do this, but I don't know who he is backing

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Re: Carly Fiorina, Hand-picked Mongoose (Exclusive to GOPBR)
« Reply #10 on: April 29, 2016, 05:51:05 pm »
The choice of Fiorina is clearly a play for more California delegates

It is going to be really really close for Trump to make it to 1237.
A couple more delegates from CA could make the difference.

Duncan Hunter would have been my choice to do this, but I don't know who he is backing

Hunter is for Trump
It is all about the wall, by the wall, and for the wall, so help him god.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2016, 05:51:40 pm by AbaraXas »

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Re: Carly Fiorina, Hand-picked Mongoose (Exclusive to GOPBR)
« Reply #11 on: April 29, 2016, 06:48:25 pm »
True, "the people" in this case = GOP primary voters. They think they're "the people" in the General which is where the coming disaster lies.

And we don't even really know just how many actual Republicans have
voted for Donaldus Minimus in total thus far---thanks to the open primaries
in which anyone regardless of party can vote for any candidate in any party.
I never liked open primaries only because the potential for precisely that sort of
distortion (mischief making?) was simply too great. Why should anyone other
than Democrats be picking the Democratic candidates? Why should anyone
other than Republicans be picking Republican candidates? And so on down
the line . . .

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Re: Carly Fiorina, Hand-picked Mongoose (Exclusive to GOPBR)
« Reply #12 on: April 29, 2016, 07:04:03 pm »
The choice of Fiorina is clearly a play for more California delegates

You might think so---until you realise that Carly Fiorina is political dead meat in
California. She ran against Barbara Boxer in 2010, a year in which Boxer could
have been beaten, and lost by ten full points. I can't see where Fiorina is
going to be any kind of California help to any Republican candidate in that

"The question of who is right is a small one, indeed, beside the question of what is right."---Albert Jay Nock.

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Re: Carly Fiorina, Hand-picked Mongoose (Exclusive to GOPBR)
« Reply #13 on: April 29, 2016, 07:26:35 pm »
Coming within 10 points is pretty good.  Doubt any republican guy could have done that.

So the PWC deal did not come through.  She would have over paid for that one. 

The Compaq merger had a rationale of having synergies with the printer business at the time.

You might think so---until you realise that Carly Fiorina is political dead meat in
California. She ran against Barbara Boxer in 2010, a year in which Boxer could
have been beaten, and lost by ten full points. I can't see where Fiorina is
going to be any kind of California help to any Republican candidate in that
(?) Trump Realist    (*) Trump believer   (?) Never Trump,   Which are you ?

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Re: Carly Fiorina, Hand-picked Mongoose (Exclusive to GOPBR)
« Reply #14 on: April 29, 2016, 07:37:48 pm »
No Trump koolaid machine here: he will get absolutely flattened by Hillary in November, unless something drastic changes. That being said, enough people are voting for Trump so that he is winning enough delegate to totally dominate. Plus he is getting over 50% in a lot of these states.

So for all intents and purposes, the people want Trump.

Not that I'm not rooting for Cruz in Indiana, but I feel the odds are against him at this point. I believe this is just reality, and the sooner we face it the better.

I definitely believe you're this time.  I have no idea why Trump's supporters believe he will walk away with it in November.  But having said that, those supporting Cruz seem to believe it too.  I saw today that most of PA's uncommitted delegates now say they'll vote Trump.  Does look like a first ballot victory for him, though I don't know how he approaches it after July 21.  What got him to the dance ain't what will get him home. 
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Re: Carly Fiorina, Hand-picked Mongoose (Exclusive to GOPBR)
« Reply #15 on: April 29, 2016, 08:06:34 pm »
You might think so---until you realise that Carly Fiorina is political dead meat in
California. She ran against Barbara Boxer in 2010, a year in which Boxer could
have been beaten, and lost by ten full points. I can't see where Fiorina is
going to be any kind of California help to any Republican candidate in that
Trump will say "look at her. She is a three time loser. Twice in politics, and once laying off 30,000 California workers, to outsource." And those outsourced workers speak out loud and clear.

That is Carly. Then comes Ted. California is big enough and far enough from now, to give time for reminding voters about Ted's father and his anointing. Beck, too.
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Re: Carly Fiorina, Hand-picked Mongoose (Exclusive to GOPBR)
« Reply #16 on: April 29, 2016, 08:19:17 pm »
Trump will say "look at her. She is a three time loser. Twice in politics, and once laying off 30,000 California workers, to outsource." And those outsourced workers speak out loud and clear.

That is Carly. Then comes Ted. California is big enough and far enough from now, to give time for reminding voters about Ted's father and his anointing. Beck, too.

She's got some issues especially in California.  I think though if Ted was trying to hit a home run with this (and I understand why), he might have been better off with a governor, Martinez or maybe Haley.  He might have approached them already and gotten some bad feedback.  But on the plus side for Carly, Trump's unfavorables likely dwarf hers. 
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Re: Carly Fiorina, Hand-picked Mongoose (Exclusive to GOPBR)
« Reply #17 on: April 29, 2016, 08:24:12 pm »
Coming within 10 points is pretty good.  Doubt any republican guy could have done that.

Boxer was very beatable that year. Someone with a brain could have knocked her out cold. And
if I remember right, Fiorina was holding her own, about even, maybe a point under, until that ad ran.
Say what you will about Boxer but that ad had the virtue of being true, unfortunately.

So the PWC deal did not come through.  She would have over paid for that one. 

She wouldn't have if she didn't have her head so far up her ass she could have given you
the play by play of her root canal in progress. The dot-com bust wasn't that hard to see
coming within the industry. If she'd had her head where it belonged she could have held,
waited, and then made the purchase. Instead, IBM landed it---to their benefit, and
at a bargain basement price, comparatively.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2016, 08:25:36 pm by EasyAce »

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Re: Carly Fiorina, Hand-picked Mongoose (Exclusive to GOPBR)
« Reply #18 on: April 29, 2016, 08:26:52 pm »
But on the plus side for Carly, Trump's unfavorables likely dwarf hers.

On the surface, perhaps. But dig a little deeper and you might find she's about
even up in the unfavourables, though they might not be the exact same ones
taken point by point.

"The question of who is right is a small one, indeed, beside the question of what is right."---Albert Jay Nock.

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Re: Carly Fiorina, Hand-picked Mongoose (Exclusive to GOPBR)
« Reply #19 on: April 29, 2016, 08:36:58 pm »
She's got some issues especially in California.  I think though if Ted was trying to hit a home run with this (and I understand why), he might have been better off with a governor, Martinez or maybe Haley.  He might have approached them already and gotten some bad feedback.  But on the plus side for Carly, Trump's unfavorables likely dwarf hers.
Recent California polling. Trump will most likely win California, and this will be over. Cruz will go back to the Senate, and Carly will enjoy life as a private citizens, involved with public service activities.

One of the biggest applause lines last night in Costa Mesa (paraphrased) 'Ted goes down in history as the first candidate for President, that has been mathematically eliminated, that appoints a VP candidate'

They both own the ridicule which goes with Cruz political (desparate, last gasp) calculation.

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Re: Carly Fiorina, Hand-picked Mongoose (Exclusive to GOPBR)
« Reply #20 on: April 29, 2016, 10:19:37 pm »
Trump will say "look at her. She is a three time loser. Twice in politics, and once laying off 30,000 California workers, to outsource." And those outsourced workers speak out loud and clear.

That is Carly. Then comes Ted. California is big enough and far enough from now, to give time for reminding voters about Ted's father and his anointing. Beck, too.

She's almost as good in business as Trump was.
“The way I see it, every time a man gets up in the morning he starts his life over. Sure, the bills are there to pay, and the job is there to do, but you don't have to stay in a pattern. You can always start over, saddle a fresh horse and take another trail.” ― Louis L'Amour

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Re: Carly Fiorina, Hand-picked Mongoose (Exclusive to GOPBR)
« Reply #21 on: April 29, 2016, 10:45:59 pm »
No Trump koolaid machine here: he will get absolutely flattened by Hillary in November, unless something drastic changes. That being said, enough people are voting for Trump so that he is winning enough delegate to totally dominate. Plus he is getting over 50% in a lot of these states.

So for all intents and purposes, the people want Trump.

Not that I'm not rooting for Cruz in Indiana, but I feel the odds are against him at this point. I believe this is just reality, and the sooner we face it the better.

Cruz up by 16% over Trump in Indiana; just one poll, but a respected one.


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Re: Carly Fiorina, Hand-picked Mongoose (Exclusive to GOPBR)
« Reply #22 on: April 29, 2016, 11:07:55 pm »
Cruz up by 16% over Trump in Indiana; just one poll, but a respected one.

    Results    Spread
2016 Republican Presidential Nomination    IBD/TIPP    Trump 48, Cruz 29, Kasich 16    Trump +19
2016 Democratic Presidential Nomination    IBD/TIPP    Clinton 49, Sanders 43    Clinton +6
Indiana Republican Presidential Primary    Clout Research (R)    Trump 37, Cruz 35, Kasich 16    Trump +2
Indiana Democratic Presidential Primary    IPFW/Downs Center    Clinton 54, Sanders 41    Clinton +13
Indiana Republican Presidential Primary    IPFW/Downs Center    Trump 29, Cruz 45, Kasich 13    Cruz +16
Indiana Republican Presidential Primary    ARG*    Trump 41, Cruz 32, Kasich 21    Trump +9

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Re: Carly Fiorina, Hand-picked Mongoose (Exclusive to GOPBR)
« Reply #23 on: April 29, 2016, 11:13:01 pm »
On the surface, perhaps. But dig a little deeper and you might find she's about
even up in the unfavourables, though they might not be the exact same ones
taken point by point.

Except for California, I suspect most Americans have already forgotten who she is/was.  And she does sound good in a debate, until you hear the same phrases over and over.
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Re: Carly Fiorina, Hand-picked Mongoose (Exclusive to GOPBR)
« Reply #24 on: April 29, 2016, 11:19:06 pm »
Recent California polling. Trump will most likely win California, and this will be over. Cruz will go back to the Senate, and Carly will enjoy life as a private citizens, involved with public service activities.

One of the biggest applause lines last night in Costa Mesa (paraphrased) 'Ted goes down in history as the first candidate for President, that has been mathematically eliminated, that appoints a VP candidate'

They both own the ridicule which goes with Cruz political (desparate, last gasp) calculation.

Yeah, I don't see California as all that close.  But then nothing in this cycle would totally surprise me.  For Cruz, it was a political calculation designed to define his team a little broader than he himself has been defined.  I guess he still feels he can make it if the convention goes to a second ballot.  Doubtful, but what's he got to lose?
It's the Supreme Court nominations!