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Offline Fishrrman

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And Then There Were Two
« on: April 27, 2016, 04:45:05 pm »

And Then There Were Two
by Scott Adams
Posted April 27th, 2016

Hillary Clinton effectively sealed her nomination last night. And Donald Trump almost certainly did the same, winning five states by larger margins than the polls and the pundits expected.

Why did Trump exceed expectations?

Probably lots of small reasons added together. But I’ll call out a few from the field of persuasion.

1. Trump’s “lyin’ Ted” linguistic kill shot is working its magic.

2. The so-called “rigged” nomination process has energized voters against the establishment. (Calling the primary system “rigged” was one of Trump’s best persuasion moves of all time.)

3. Trump’s dominant win in New York state made him seem inevitable for the first time. Voters like to be on the winning side.

4. Trump’s “crooked Hillary” and “stamina” linguistic kill shots tell Republican voters that Trump already has a harpoon in Clinton. She’ll bleed out before November. Republicans are warming to the matchup, despite polling that says Clinton beats Trump in a general election.

5. The “Tale of Two Trumps” story has convinced nearly everyone that Trump modifies his approach to the situation. Trump at a Trump rally is mostly stand-up comedy. Trump in a serious interview is a different character. Trump is completely transparent about his different personas, and people are starting to see it as strategy, not insanity.

6. Cruz’ approach to winning delegates without winning the popular vote looks smart and effective. But it also makes him look like the lawyer that he is. That’s not a good look.

7. The weather was agreeable (I think?), and big turnouts are good for Trump.

8. The hiring of Paul Manafort gives Trump top-shelf credibility as a serious contender. The number of people who believe Trump secretly does not want to win has now dropped to zero. (He wants to win.)

9. The invulnerability of Trump to every type of civilized attack is hard to ignore. He’s a winner in the process of winning. People like that.

10. Trump rolled out the “woman card” attack on Clinton. Expect lots of backlash and hollering about sexism. Also expect that 100% of the voting public knows that the “woman card” accusation is a persuasion death blow to Clinton’s campaign. And Trump is the only candidate alive who would dare say it out loud.

Trump’s “woman card” strategy is weapons-grade persuasion. It is a “high ground” maneuver with an “identity” angle. Either one of those approaches can be a kill shot. But together?

Holy sh*t.

I’ve not seen anything like it. The engineering is superb.

Trump will probably win with men for all the obvious reasons. But winning with women has until lately seemed impossible. So the “woman card” kill shot is aimed at women voters, not men. And what it does is flip the framing, as Trump likes to do.

Clinton framing: It is time for a woman president.

Trump framing: Gender is not a job qualification

I remind you that this is the year 2016. Trump’s message recognizes that gender should not be a hiring criteria. That’s the high ground. You can’t get higher.

And it gives women an identity choice. Do they pick the leader who says the “woman card” is a qualification for a good job? Or do they pick the leader who has a long record of promoting and mentoring women because he thinks gender should not be a qualification?


Offline Jazzhead

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Re: And Then There Were Two
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2016, 04:48:48 pm »
An apologia for fascism.   
It's crackers to slip a rozzer the dropsy in snide


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Re: And Then There Were Two
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2016, 04:51:18 pm »
Trump goes down in flames as these two liberal Democrats out pander each other.

I wouldn't even consider voting for either of them

Offline washi

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Re: And Then There Were Two
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2016, 01:09:00 am »
10. Trump rolled out the “woman card” attack on Clinton. Expect lots of backlash and hollering about sexism. Also expect that 100% of the voting public knows that the “woman card” accusation is a persuasion death blow to Clinton’s campaign. And Trump is the only candidate alive who would dare say it out loud.

Trump is right to roll out the "woman card" attack on Clinton, because it's blatantly true and even here supporters notice.

When she "shot back", her shrill, monotone, abrasive voice, she tripled down on the "woman card":

"Well, if fighting for women’s health care (woman card) and paid family leave (woman card) and equal pay (woman card) is playing the ‘woman card,’ then deal me in.”

As much as I distrust Trump, I'd much rather he win the presidency than Hillary. If he is our nominee, I hope he can remain as "untouchable" with his politically incorrect attacks as he has been in the primaries.
Any organization not explicitly conservative will turn liberal over time.