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WATCH: Satanists mock babies in face-off against pro-life prayer warriors in Michigan


Morgan Le Fay:

Fixed, Ma'am. - Mod2.

All you need to do with a Youtube URL is to delete the s in https or just post it from the www

normally, lol

These are some sick and demented people

Morgan Le Fay:

--- Quote from: geronl on April 27, 2016, 10:01:18 pm ---All you need to do with a Youtube URL is to delete the s in https or just post it from the www

normally, lol

--- End quote ---

Thanks Gerry, Still learning how this site works. 


--- Quote from: Morgan Le Fay on April 27, 2016, 10:08:27 pm ---
Thanks Gerry, Still learning how this site works.

--- End quote ---

The videos would pop up but I think the server is too busy. GOPBR is gonna need its own Freepa-Thong soon with all of the new members.


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