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Pro-life group invites Trump to ‘Being Pro-Life 101’ educational course

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--- Quote from: geronl on April 28, 2016, 05:04:58 am ---I put decency right up there on my list and he fails that every time

--- End quote ---

Confession time here: When Trump first talked about the stupidity of the powers in power, I did get a little tingle up my leg. But, that wore off rather quickly. I remained open to supporting him, given a change of tone toward any glimmer of conservatism that might come through in the midst of the bluster. His list of statements just since his announcement are out there. A specific one that sticks in my mind is when he was asked about three major things that need fixing. His three..."security, health care and education."

Of course, and true to form, as soon as he heard himself say what he said, he changes to "security, security, security." But the genie was out of the bottle. He revealed himself for the Big Government operator that he aspires to be.

Decency? That's for losers, isn't it?


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