Author Topic: Before Pushing Transgender Bathrooms, Target Hired Former La Raza Executive as Board Member  (Read 964 times)

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    Before Pushing Transgender Bathrooms, Target Hired Former La Raza Executive as Board Member

    26 Apr 2016
    Minneapolis, MN

    Target’s decision to convert all its single-sex bathrooms and changing rooms to serve the few mixed-sex, pro-transgender shoppers and employees who might go to its stores illustrates its long-standing and close embrace of the Democratic Party and a liberal political agenda.

    For example, last month Target hired Monica C. Lozano, a new board member from ImpreMedia, a Spanish-language media company who has repeatedly advocated for an even larger flow of Spanish-speaking immigrants into the United States, whether or not they are legal.

    Target’s new hire was also a board member of the “reconquista” group, called the National Council of La Raza, a group that wants to retake America’s Southwest and “return” it to Mexico.

    Lozano has been a long-time activist for illegal migrants and, as a member of the media company ImpreMedia, worked in partnership with Spanish language cable network Univision. Lozano is also an activist for AIDS and served as a member of President Obama’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness, as well as his Economic Recovery Advisory Board.

    Lozano is far from the only liberal on Target’s board. Also a member of the board is former Obama Interior Secretary and former liberal Colorado Senator Ken Salazar and former Mexican grocery market chain Casa Ley ADS de CV executive Robert L. Edwards, among others.

    Target, of course, has long ties to the Democrat Party. Minnesota’s Democrat Governor Mark Dayton is part of the Target family. His father, Bruce, was once chairman of the company that re-branded itself as Target in the 1990s.

    Target Corp. also has a long history of pushing the radical gay agenda. The company has been a big purveyor and supporter of gay-friendly policies and causes.

    On its corporate website, for instance, there are many posts and announcements celebrating the LGBT lifestyle.

    In its 2014 “corporate responsibility report,” the LGBT agenda was a major part of its corporate agenda.

    In one of its efforts to support gays, last year, Target agreed to be a corporate sponsor of the “Out & Equal” conference, a summit aimed at forcing corporations into adopting gay-friendly workplace policies.

    Gay groups also praised the company for its “It Gets Better” campaign, meant to boost the status of homosexuality in the U.S.

    Along with “It Gets Better,” Target pushed another gay program called the #TakePride campaign.

    In addition, Target raised the ire of many with its decision to re-engineer its kids’ sections when in August of 2015 the chain announced it was eliminating “gender specific” labels and store signage for kids’ clothing and toy sections.

    Finally, this month, Target has become infamous once again for its fealty to the radical gay lobby by pushing a new transgender bathroom policy on its stores that critics say will open customers up to predators.

    The decision launched a #BoycottTarget effort that has thus far garnered the support of more than 550,000 signers.

    A week after its initial decision, Target doubled down on its transgender bathroom policy.