Author Topic: Feds push Islam in class to stop 'bullying' of Muslims. Government calls Americans ignorant for associating faith with terror  (Read 279 times)

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Feds push Islam in class to stop 'bullying' of Muslims
Government calls Americans ignorant for associating faith with terror
Published: 9 hours ago

This is the image included in a Department of Education blog instructing educators to be aware of bullying of Muslim students and to "include Islam" in their classroom lesson plans and discussions.

A U.S. Department of Education is instructing educators to be aware of bullying of Muslim students and to “include Islam” in their classroom lesson plans and discussions. Nothing was mentioned about Christian or Jewish victims of bullying, resulting in charges of favoritism.

The U.S. Department of Education has posted instructions to educators on its website imploring them to be aware of their responsibilities to protect Muslim students from “bullying.”

The DOE post urged teachers to “be sure to include Islam” in classroom discussions during “social studies, current events, children’s literature.”

The post is seen as so inflammatory by some Christian groups that a petition drive has been launched demanding the DOE “halt its efforts to Islamize school children.”

Virginia-based Christian Action Network announced it is collecting petitions to present to U.S. Secretary of Education John B. King Jr.

Without providing any scientific data that bullying of Muslims is a problem in public schools or defining what type of behavior it would consider to be “bullying,” the DOE post says Muslim students face more bullying than at any time since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

Read the DOE blog post titled “Protecting our Muslim Youth from Bullying: The Role of the Educator” or see screenshot below.

The only source the DOE gives for its claim that bullying of Muslim students is a growing problem in schools is a December 2015 article by the Jewish Anti-Defamation League that lists 10 incidents nationwide. Of those 10, the ADL lists two assaults, three cases of vandalism of mosques and five cases of alleged “threats and intimidation.” Only one of the 10 incidents involved a student or school.

One of the “threats” listed by ADL involved “anti-Muslim” fliers posted in Fredricksburg, Virginia, in advance of a public hearing about a proposed new mosque that read, “No Jihad in Fredricksburg.”

Readers not impressed

The DOE blog post sparked nine reader comments before comments were shut down — all but one of the commenters chastised the federal bureaucracy for sticking its nose into the issue.

“Islam is not merely a religion; it is also a totalitarian, supremacist political ideology,” wrote Joanne Meegan, RN. “This kind of nonsense is one of many reasons why the U.S. Department of Education should be dismantled.”

“Why is the bullying of Muslims any more important than the bullying of other kids,” wrote another blogger named Steve.

Florine Isaacs wrote: “This is totally inappropriate for any educator to bring up in class. That is a parent’s job because it has to do with religion. You have already overstepped your role by introducing Islam into the classroom in the first place.”

Americans who ‘associate terrorism with Islam’ are ignorant

All of the alleged bullying of Muslims is based on a “lack of information among the public about Islam,” the DOE said in its post, “and a tendency to associate Islam with terrorism.”

Due to this ignorance on the part of the American public, the DOE says, “there has been an increase in expressions and incidents targeting the Muslim community …”

The post continues as follows:

    “There has also been an increased wave of anti-Muslim sentiment in our public discourse, political rhetoric and everyday interactions. Schools have not been immune. Youth have been called, ‘terrorists’ or ‘ISIS.’ There have been physical attacks, verbal threats, and social isolation. These are just a few of the many ways anti-Muslim sentiment has impacted schoolchildren who are Muslim or perceived to be Muslim.”

Patents also called out

The posting not only instructs teachers but parents as well, stating:

    “Across the country, all parents need to talk with their kids and educate them on how they can prevent bullying. Parents should try hard to help their children appreciate their peers and make friends across different cultures.”

Teachers are told that they should be “incorporating the experiences, perspective and words of Muslim people into the curriculum through social studies and current events instruction, children’s literature, in order to learn about different cultures.”

Pamela Geller’s “Stop the Islamization of America” is the must-read field manual for activists who seek to prevent Shariah from creeping into their community.

Then comes a more specific instruction for teachers.

    “When you teach about world religions, be sure to include Islam. When slurs and insults are directed at specific students, intervene quickly and directly. Further, present yourself as approachable so that when incidents of bias or bullying arise inside or outside the classroom walls, students feel comfortable talking with you about it. It’s also important to be aware that some Muslim students may feel relieved and comfortable discussing these issues in class and others may feel nervous, scared or angry to be talking about a topic so close to home.”

Christian Action Network launches petition drive

The Virginia-based Christian Action Network has announced a campaign to stop the United States Department of Education from pressuring public schools to incorporate Islamic indoctrination into classrooms.

Martin Mawyer, president and founder of the network, said the blog post is just the latest example of how the DOE uses its heavy footprint over the nation’s school systems to defend and protect one religion, Islam, while it tramples over the rights of another, Christianity.

Obama's Secretary of Education John B. King.

Obama’s Secretary of Education John B. King.

That’s why CAN has launched a petition drive calling on Secretary of Education John B. King to stop the Islamization of U.S. public schools.

“In that blog, and it’s their official blog site, they’re recommending that teachers start incorporating Islam into social studies, literature and current events, it could be a discussion in a world geography class. We’re amazed at some of these stories coming out of the schools,” he told WND. “There’s a big push to incorporate Islamic teaching. Nowhere on this blog does is it talk about incorporating Christianity or Judaism into the classroom discussions and we know there are far more cases of actual violent attacks on Jews and Christians around the world.

“Christians are the most discriminated against and persecuted religion in the entire world and they face the bullying powers of secularists, Islamists and a few other groups out there, but nowhere is the Department of Education worried about the Christian students,” he added.

Would Jesus’ words be considered ‘bullying?’

Mawyer said he has specific concerns about the DOE instructions to teachers.

“What worries me here is that the Bible is very clear about what it teaches regarding false religions and false prophets. And if you have students who view Muhammad as a false prophet, will that be viewed as a bullying problem?” he said.

For instance, if a Christian student stands up and lists a historical fact about Muhammad, that he had 14 wives and concubines, that he personally beheaded between 600 and 900 Jewish men and boys who had surrendered at the Battle of the Trench outside Medina in 627 A.D. and enslaved the women and children, or that he married a 9-year-old girl, would that be considered bullying the Muslim students?

“And we already know, we have officials within the DOE who will take the side of Islam, and that’s not right,” Mawyer said. “Because we have pastors and Sunday school teachers and parents who are teaching them that Islam is a false religion and Muhammad is a false prophet, and, in fact, Jesus called the false prophets ‘ravenous wolves,’ so now these will sound like bullying words to the indoctrinated minds of public school teachers.”

So if Christian students can’t quote historical facts and can’t quote the words of their God, Jesus Christ, in relation to what they believe are false prophets, what are they allowed to do?

Apparently, they are to sit and stay quiet and listen to the false teachings about Muhammad being a liberator and Islam being a “religion of peace.”

“In effect, these Christian students will be banned from exercising their free speech rights and freedom of religion rights,” he said. “Instead of constitutional rights, the school will be treating it as a bullying tactic.”

Christian Action Network plans to submit the petitions to Secretary of Education John B. King, Jr., who was took office last month replacing Arne Duncan.

“We’re urging Secretary King to back off from this program forcing the federal government into the local school systems to shove Islam down the throats of school children or bullying Christian school children into accepting Islam,” Mawyer told WND.

He said the Islamization of U.S. public schools has been going on for nearly a decade but really kicked into high gear around 2010. His organization is working on a new documentary film that will explore this trend using the methods of investigative journalism, he said.

“It started largely unnoticed in the textbooks years ago, but now the teachers are starting to bring in supplemental materials on Islam. And that’s led to more explosive reactions from parents and more coverage in local media,” he said.

The bias in favor of Islam and against Christianity and Judaism flew under the radar in most school districts as long as it resided in the textbooks, he said, but the supplemental materials are creating a higher degree of anxiety among parents.

“Throughout the United States, we have witnessed a flood of Islamic indoctrination programs infiltrate our classrooms,” Mawyer said.

Here are just a few of the incidents reported in local media outlets over the last year:

    Children are told that Muslims are more religious than the average Christian (Union County, North Carolina, and other schools)
    Children are asked to memorize the Five Pillars of Islamic Faith (Olmsted Falls, Ohio, and other schools)
    Children are told that there is no god but Allah (La Plata, Maryland, and other schools)
    Children are told that all people must submit to Allah (Manhattan Beach, California, and other schools)
    Children are told that Allah is the same god worshiped in Christianity (Walton County, Georgia, and other schools)
    In Staunton, Virginia, a ninth-grade world geography class had students participate in a calligraphy lesson where children declared the shahada, which is the Islamic prayer of conversion: “There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his messenger.”

Above is a copy of an actual quiz given to students in Walton County, Georgia, last summer.

Above is a copy of an actual quiz given to students in Walton County, Georgia, last summer. One of the ‘right’ answers was that Allah is the “same God’ worshiped by Christians and Jews.

In other cases, children have been asked to dress as Muslims, eat halal food, say Islamic prayers, remove their shoes or cover their heads at mosque visits, and even instructed to design Muslim prayer rugs.

“You have students who have been asked to recite the Pledge of Allegiance in Arabic, and then you have field trips to mosques. You have more controversy with every school calendar year,” Mawyer said. “And the DOE is going to be even more involved now that you have them officially asking the schools to incorporate Islam into their material.

“At a time in our nation when it is forbidden to express Christian faith in any way in a public school, parents across the nation are becoming increasingly outraged and vocal about Islamic curricula and school activities designed to normalize and mainstream Islam.”