Author Topic: Napolitano: Justice Dept. Shielding Hillary From Indictment Will Be ‘Catastrophic’ For Her [VIDEO]  (Read 476 times)

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Napolitano: Justice Dept. Shielding Hillary From Indictment Will Be ‘Catastrophic’ For Her [VIDEO]

Posted By Steve Guest On 1:38 PM 04/25/2016 In | No Comments

Judge Andrew Napolitano predicted that if the Justice Department shields Hillary Clinton from indictment it will be “catastrophic” for her candidacy and that President Barack Obama will be confronted with a crisis similar to one that Richard Nixon faced.

On a segment of “Judge Napolitano’s Chambers,” Napolitano said that Clinton “diverted secret information from the State Department server to her own, thereby exposing it hackers. The removal of state secrets constitutes the crime of espionage.”

The “publicly known evidence of her guilt is overwhelming,” Napolitano claimed.

“If the Democrats that run the Justice Department decide that she’s not going to be indicted because she’s about to become or will have become the Democratic nominee for president, can you imagine what the reaction will be?” he continued. “The FBI will release the evidence against her, much of which is already publicly known.”

[dcquiz] “I believe that FBI agents, perhaps the director himself, James Comey, will resign and President Obama will be confronted during his last six months in office with a crisis not unlike Richard Nixon’s during the so-called ‘Saturday night massacre’ in Watergate where people resigned rather than doing what the president asked them to do.”

According to Napolitano, “that will have a catastrophic effect on Mrs. Clinton’s candidacy. Probably so catastrophic that she will be replaced on the Democratic ticket.” (VIDEO: Klein: Comey And ‘A Lot Of Other FBI Agents’ Will Resign If Hillary Is Not Indicted)


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