Author Topic: UK Press Fumes Over Obama’s Disrespectful Visit  (Read 200 times)

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UK Press Fumes Over Obama’s Disrespectful Visit
« on: April 25, 2016, 01:09:24 pm »
UK Press Fumes Over Obama’s Disrespectful Visit
via Whoopie on April 23rd, 2016 in Politics 4 comments

Obama bullies UK

    The tone was patronising, the language menacing – and the message not only hypocritical but, frankly, insulting.

    Certainly, Barack Obama has every right to say he thinks it’s in America’s best interests for Britain to remain in the EU, if that is what he believes.

    But he has no business to come here and preach that submission to Brussels is good for the people of the UK.

    By arguing that a Britain outside the EU would be at the ‘back of the queue’ for a trade deal, Mr Obama displayed contempt for voters and left little doubt that he sees the special relationship as a one-way street.

    Has he forgotten he leads a nation founded to proclaim independence from overseas control, whose citizens died for the right to make their own laws?

    The US wouldn’t agree in a million years to join a body like the EU, putting the Supreme Court in Washington under the thumb of foreign judges? Or that freedom-loving America wouldn’t tolerate for a second the statist edicts spewing daily from Brussels?

    Why, then, does he abuse the UK’s hospitality by urging Britons to remain in a relationship his own people would never countenance?

    Which brings us to Mr Obama’s own sorry record as Commander-in-Chief and architect of America’s foreign policy.

    This is the man who made way for the rise of IS by his reckless withdrawal from Iraq. He has failed even to honour his pledge to close Guantanamo Bay. And his chief foreign policy ‘success’ has been a deal with terrorist-sponsoring Iran.

    In the spirit of ‘friends who have no fear of each other’, to borrow his words, aren’t we entitled to ask why Britain should take advice from this President on how to conduct our own affairs?

Read more:

Another editorial writer for the Daily Mail, who professes that he generally likes Obama was even more scathing…

    Let me say at the outset that I am an admirer of Barack Obama.

    But if Obama is wisely cautious about intervention in the Middle East, why on Earth does he think it appropriate to blunder into Britain’s referendum on the EU?

    In an article in yesterday’s Daily Telegraph, he mentioned the special relationship between our two countries three times. A special relationship, he wrote, that ‘was forged as we spilled blood together on the battlefield’ of World War II.

    Just in case we did not get the point, he added that Britain was ‘a friend and ally to the United States like no other’.

    Really? Forgive my cynicism, but President Obama and his officials have used the phrase ‘special relationship’ or similar ones extensively with regard to several countries.

    They include Israel, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Canada and Ireland. John Kerry, his Secretary of State, has referred to France as the U.S.’s oldest ally.

    Special appears not to be very special at all.

    He says the tens of thousands of U.S. servicemen who rest in cemeteries on the Continent are testament to how intertwined the fortunes of America, Britain and Europe are.

    That is, of course, true. But it is disgraceful that a war we fought to keep our independence — and in which Britain and the Commonwealth lost more troops than the Americans — is being used by Obama as a reason for us to give up our sovereignty.

Read much more:

The Express UK was only slightly more conciliatory.

If Obama sought to shore up support for the UK staying in the EU, his ham-handed threats and bullying may have had the opposite effect in the minds of Britain’s.

At first acknowledging that he had no business insinuating himself in the sovereign affairs of Great Britain, he then did just that and in the most clumsy manner possible.

Our good ally, the British people are rightly furious and frankly, as an American I can’t help but feel shame for Obama’s disgraceful intervention.

But then, I suppose after 7 long, painful years, I should be used to it by now.

Mercifully, this mediocre mulatto moron’s term in office is drawing to a close. Let’s just hope he isn’t replaced by a conniving old hag who’d sell the US nuclear launch codes to the N. Koreans for a $10 million donation to the Clinton Foundation.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2016, 01:10:50 pm by rangerrebew »