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Failing to Learn from History
« on: April 23, 2016, 12:05:01 pm »
April 23, 2016
Failing to Learn from History
By Amil Imani

Is it a case of ordained fate we cannot escape or is it that "We the People" are too dense to learn from our mistakes? Paging through humanity's history, time and again we find numerous instances of costly historical errors where people ignore facts and reason by entrusting their lives to a "savior." And time and again, we have ended up paying the price for our folly. If we are not genetically doomed to make these ruinous mistakes --which I am certain we are not -- then do we commit them out of wishful thinking, laziness, desperation, or some combination of the three?

History has warned us of three kinds of people: charlatans, demagogues, and politicians. And more often than not, someone will rise up who is all three of these characters wrapped into one. Our liberty is our most precious possession. Many will aim to rob us of it and, by so doing, add to their own power, while trying to force us to become robots.

Desperate situations spawn desperate measures. Not having learned the lessons of history, many people will turn to charlatans, demagogues, and politicians with dire consequences. Just a few old and recent cases of this tragic misstep should warn us not to be victimized in the future by frauds.

From the primitive land of the Arabian Peninsula of over 14 centuries ago arose Muhammad, an illiterate hired hand of a rich widow Khadija, claiming that he was the bearer of a perfect life prescription from God -- the Quran. He claimed humanity could do no better than to follow its precepts as well as to emulate Muhammad’s own life example for a guarantee of bliss and salvation. In exchange for this, people must embrace Islam -- surrender -- by surrendering their liberty to Muhammad.

To this day, in places where Islam rules, many books are banned, newspapers and magazines are systematically either censored or shut down, and other non-print media are methodically blocked. Liberty, deeply cherished by democracies, is replaced by submission -- unquestioning obedience and adherence to the dictates and precepts of the all-knowing and all-wise Allah.

In no time at all, the savages of Arabia, won over by the allure of the win-win promise of Muhammad -- you kill and you get the booty from your victims in this world; you get killed and your abode will be the unimaginably glorious sensuous paradise of Allah -- sword-in-hand, sallied forth to lands near and far.

From the “civilized” land of Germany arose a syphilitic lout who called on the German people to surrender their liberty to him in exchange for a surefire solution to all their economic and social ills. He successfully portrayed the Jews as the main cause of the nation’s suffering. Before long, the masses of gullible easy-solution seekers formed long lines in towns and villages of the land, tripping over each other in their eagerness to surrender their liberty to the savior Führer.

The German people blindly subscribed to the Nazi promises of economic revival, restoration of German pride, and the establishment of supremacy for the Aryan race. In a blink, hordes of rabid Brownshirts fanned the length and the breadth of the land, hunting the Jews. The fire of anti-Jew mania quickly expanded to devour Gypsies, non-Christians in general, the physically or mentally handicapped, homosexuals and more.

The genocidal Hitler found it expedient to overlook some of the “despicable” Semitic people -- the Arabs -- by affording the Grand Mufti of Palestine, Haj Amin al-Husseini, a fellow Jew-hater, a most effusive welcome to Germany. To fool a majority of the people for a considerable period might be fatal. Hitler needed only a few years to ruin Germany.

There is hardly a need to document the horrors of the Nazi episode here, where a charlatan managed to hoodwink a nation, rob the people of their liberty and cause so much death and destruction.

It is unthinkable that an ancient nation -- Iran -- with a distinguished history, allowed a high order demagogue, Ayatollah Khomeini, to rally the people against the Shah with promises of rule for the people and justice for all. The long-suffering Iranians of all strata readily surrendered their liberty to the turbaned bigot and his gang of murdering sycophants.

In Iran, wishful thinking people saw the “holy man of Allah” as an answer to their prayers. The fanatic Muslims perceived him as the one who would revive the flagging fortunes of the faith of Muhammad and pave the way for the much-anticipated advent of the Saheb-ul-Zaman (the Lord of the Age.)

Gullibility was not limited to the Iranians who swelled the ranks of the fraud. On the other side of the world, the President of the United States of America -- Jimmy “lust in my heart” Carter -- saw Khomeini as a saint and a savior. Carter provided the crucial support to the man whose greatest claim to the rank of the Grand Ayatollah was his lengthy dissertation on matters concerning sexual intercourse with animals.

No sooner had this fraud of Allah ascended to power than the Iranians of all strata began to pay the price -- tens of thousands with their own lives -- for the folly of letting the three-in-one Ayatollah make decisions for them, the three-in-one that we had been warned about.

For over thirty-eight years, the Iranian people have been paying for the tragedy that has befallen them. And that’s not where it ends. Khomeinism is the fire that is spreading beyond the borders of Iran. Khomeinism is a recent violent version of Islam’s Shiism. Islam means surrender. Surrender to the will and dictates of Allah as revealed by Mohammad.

In the land of the free and home of the brave, a Prince Charming rose up in the person of Barrack Hussein Obama, promising “A Change We Can Believe In.”  Waves of the populace sang the song with him, “Yes We Can.” The skill to arouse the public to frenzy does not make one a worthy leader, nor should one automatically assume that his policies will equal prosperity or liberty.

In the year 2007, in a climate of insanity, the people of the land called America, having been deceived by a deceptive Marxisant that would exalt himself as their protector and provider, chose a charismatic, soft speaking “prophet" as their savior, and some people even called him “The Messiah.”  He emerged from the fog with a message that had no meaning, yet he was able to spellbind people by telling them he was sent to save us from ourselves with hope and change.

Many Americans forgot that anyone who claims special privileges and status for himself, makes outlandish promises and threats, pits one people against another, fill the bill of three-in-one. The most dangerous person of all is anyone who persuades you to give up your liberty in exchange for your security. And we all have heard the cliché “those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary security deserve neither liberty nor security.”

In the year 2016, a billionaire businessman, Donald Trump, a sudden convert to the Republican Party, is undergoing a meteoric rise in his battle to capture the party's nomination for the Presidency of the United States, a truly mystifying accomplishment for him and has promised, he will “Make America Great Again,” if you elect him as an undisputed leader. Many Americans who felt deceived by the “Washington cartel”, lobbyists and establishment Republicans, joined the waves of loyal and dedicated devotees and sang his songs without paying any attention to his dark past. Trump unjustifiably has lashed out at a number of people with harsh and often extremely odd personal attacks.

Trump endlessly touts himself as brilliant. He keeps repeating that he went to the Wharton School of Business, he has noted several times. "I'm, like, a really smart person.” Apparently teaching spelling was not part of the Wharton curriculum. Despite Trump’s repeated mention of Wharton, his own classmates barely remember him, and he even portrays the school’s high-flung reputation as overwrought in his 1986 book, Trump: The Art of the Deal.

Now that he has tasted success in getting his way in the financial world, he wants the ultimate prize: the presidency of the greatest country in the world. He is brash enough to see it just as another deal-making venture. Hence, he is using the same old strategy that has made him a financial juggernaut to attain his goal: say and do anything. And it is working.

Intellectually authentic and stern people do not reason or behave in this way. Do we really want to put all Americans, and even the whole world, in great peril by giving an egotistic and unstable man the code to our nuclear devices? America is the stronghold of freedom. The peace of our universe hangs on the power of America, and its fragility renders into the success of terrorism and success of rogue nations. America is at a crucial moment in its history. We cannot think of any tragedy greater than putting a man with a compulsive behavior disorder in control of the world’s most powerful military machine.

Let us learn from our past mistakes. The “change you can believe in,” trumpeted by another “savior,” has turned out to be the change we need to change.  And we have the opportunity to do so, at the RNC convention and on November 8th.

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Re: Failing to Learn from History
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2016, 08:23:52 pm »
January 9, 2016
What does Donald Trump mean when he says, 'I went to Wharton'?
By Ed Straker

Donald Trump frequently tells crowds that he went to Wharton as a credential to prove that he is intelligent:

    "I went to the Wharton School of Business," he noted several times. "I'm, like, a really smart person."

    "Why do you have to tell us all the time that you went to Wharton?" moderator Chuck Todd asked. "People know you're successful."

    "They know it's a great business school," Trump replied.

You might be forgiven for thinking from this, as I did, that Trump has an MBA from the Wharton School of Business.  He doesn't.

He actually has an undergraduate degree for the two years he spent there.  Yes, I said two years.  Trump was not able to get into the Wharton School (undergraduate) when he applied to college. He spent his first two years at Fordham University – a respectable school, but nowhere near as rigorous as Wharton (either undergraduate or graduate).  The circumstances of his admissions are not clear, but the Daily Caller suggested that Trump may have used a family connection to gain admittance.

So instead of saying, "I'm smart because I went to Wharton!" Trump should be saying, "I'm smart because I went to Fordham for two years, and then Wharton for my final two years!"

Trump apparently graduated Wharton without any honors.  Like Obama, he refuses to release his grades.

    Asked by The Daily Caller if Trump was willing to release his college records before he officially entered the race for the White House, a spokesman for Trump said Team Trump would "pass" on the opportunity in April.

In sum, Trump has no graduate degree from Wharton, or anywhere  else, and there is no evidence that he was a distinguished student.

Why does any of this matter?  Trump almost seems to be implying that he has an MBA from a top business school in America.  He doesn't.

And worst of all, he doesn't talk like a smart person.  He often doesn't even speak in complete sentences.  He often speaks in a kind of abbreviated fashion that people have trouble understanding.  Here is just one example:
  Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart—you know, if you're a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it's true!—but when you're a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that's why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we're a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it's not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it's four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven't figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it's gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.

"Having nuclear"?  "It would have been so easy, and it's not as important as these lives are"?  "Nuclear is powerful, my uncle explained that to me"?  "[T]he women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it's gonna take them about another 150 years"?

This is how a child talks.  A smart person doesn't have to repeatedly say that he is smart; Ted Cruz doesn't start every speech by mentioning he went to Princeton and Harvard.  A smart person doesn't use words like "stupid" or "dumb" to explain his opponents, and so on.

Donald Trump is not only pretending to be conservative, but pretending to be brilliant.  He's not, and it is comical how people listening to his Gollum-like stream of consciousness self-dialogues think that he is.  Even when he explains how it is simply not possible for a Wharton graduate to accuse Megyn Kelly of menstruating.

This article was written by Ed Straker, senior writer of, the conservative news site.

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Re: Failing to Learn from History
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2016, 08:36:08 pm »

Can we bump or no...

I want bump!

Offline The Jackal

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Re: Failing to Learn from History
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2016, 09:04:56 pm »
This is how a child talks.  A smart person doesn't have to repeatedly say that he is smart; Ted Cruz doesn't start every speech by mentioning he went to Princeton and Harvard.  A smart person doesn't use words like "stupid" or "dumb" to explain his opponents, and so on.

What on earth are you talking about? Don't you realize that this is the essence of Trump's brilliance. He is purposefully dumbing it down and speaking at a 4th grade level to garner the support of the rubes in our country. It's the greatest political strategy ever and will ensure the continued greatness of America into the next millennium. /s

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Re: Failing to Learn from History
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2016, 09:14:51 pm »
Donald Trump is not only pretending to be conservative, but pretending to be brilliant.  He's not, and it is comical how people listening to his Gollum-like stream of consciousness self-dialogues think that he is.  Even when he explains how it is simply not possible for a Wharton graduate to accuse Megyn Kelly of menstruating.

Whoop! There tis!
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien


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Re: Failing to Learn from History
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2016, 09:15:19 pm »
What on earth are you talking about? Don't you realize that this is the essence of Trump's brilliance. He is purposefully dumbing it down and speaking at a 4th grade level to garner the support of the rubes in our country. It's the greatest political strategy ever and will ensure the continued greatness of America into the next millennium. /s

"Daddy! It's Daddy! We love you Daddy! Follow Daddy!"

Offline The Jackal

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Re: Failing to Learn from History
« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2016, 09:18:38 pm »

"Daddy! It's Daddy! We love you Daddy! Follow Daddy!"

Dude! I saw that earlier and it just cracks me up. I can't stop laughing. And I thought that picture of googly-eyed females at an Obama rally was bad.

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Re: Failing to Learn from History
« Reply #7 on: April 28, 2016, 09:26:05 pm »
Dude! I saw that earlier and it just cracks me up. I can't stop laughing. And I thought that picture of googly-eyed females at an Obama rally was bad.
I have a very different reaction to it. It makes me want to throw up when I  realize how many people are actually that F'n stupid!
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien


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Re: Failing to Learn from History
« Reply #8 on: April 28, 2016, 09:31:12 pm »
What on earth are you talking about? Don't you realize that this is the essence of Trump's brilliance. He is purposefully dumbing it down and speaking at a 4th grade level to garner the support of the rubes in our country. It's the greatest political strategy ever and will ensure the continued greatness of America into the next millennium. /s

"Donald Trump knows when to sound incredulous or forceful. He has good comedic instinct. You could even call him witty. But you can’t call him smart or well informed. The best salesman can sell you a TV without knowing anything about it. Because the TV isn’t what matters. What matters is you. And if you are an American citizen who for years has listened to politicians sound sophisticated while accomplishing nothing you might just be primed for something that is everything they are not. But the next time you feel like Donald Trump has a point, do yourself a favor and look at his words".