Author Topic: NC Lt. Gov.: We're Protecting Women, Children From Sexual Predators -- LGBT Is Running a 'Smear Campaign'  (Read 626 times)

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NC Lt. Gov.: We're Protecting Women, Children From Sexual Predators -- LGBT Is Running a 'Smear Campaign'

North Carolina Lt. Gov. Dan Forest said the "bathroom law" in that state is designed to protect women and children from "predators and sexual offenders," and that LGBT activists and their allies are running an "amazing smear campaign" that is "based on a bunch of lies."

During an April 20 interview on Relevant Radio's Drew Mariani Show [1], Lt. Gov. Forest explained how gender activists were attacking the state of North Carolina and misrepresenting the law in the Tar Heel state.

“There’s been a pretty amazing smear campaign over the last few weeks here in North Carolina," said Forest.  "It’s all based on a bunch of lies. It’s unfortunate but that is the case. Just as your lead-in said, these folks may be pulling out of North Carolina, or saying they’re not going to expand here, they’re not going to have a concert here. But it’s short-lived."

"We knew the game plan, the play book, or the check list, if you will, of the [pro-LGBT] Human Rights Campaign, how they operate and so on, but we’re just going to keep fighting," said Forest. 

Host Drew Mariani then asked Lt. Gov. Forest if he would explain some of the background behind the controversy. Forest said, "Really what happened is the Charlotte City Council, a year ago, actually tried to pass this bathroom ordinance to appease the transgender community in Charlotte. They said they were going to do this and then the City Council voted it down."

"Well, this time they came back around again and said we’re going to do it this time, against the advice of legal counsel, against the advice of many folks, against the advice of the governor, against the advice of a whole lot of folks who said, no, this is unconstitutional, it’s against the law, you can’t do that," said Forest.

"And so, they did it anyway," he said. "They knew that the Generally Assembly in North Carolina was going to have to do something about it, they were going to have to fight it constitutionally. But more importantly they were going to have to protect women and children from predators and sexual offenders and so forth going into bathrooms freely.”

Forest then explained there was an apparent loophole in the ordinance passed by the City Council, which goes beyond allowing solely "transgender" men from using women's facilities.

“What they did in this [ordinance], Drew, they didn’t just say we’re going to create this opportunity for transgender people to use whatever bathroom they want," said Forest.

"What the loophole did was that any man, anytime, anywhere, could enter a women’s bathroom, a women’s shower facility, a girls changing room, and they can do that freely – very much like Seattle did," said the lieutenant governor. "So, we had to combat that and fight that.”

In an April 5 statement [2] on the new "bathroom" law, Lt. Gov. Brown said, "If our action in keeping men out of women's bathrooms and showers protected the life of just one child or one woman from being molested or assaulted, then it was worth it.

"North Carolina will never put a price tag on the value of our children. They are precious and priceless. If a corporation wanting to do business in North Carolina does not see the worth of our children in the same light, then I wish them well as they do business somewhere else."

The North Carolina law says that a person must use the public bathroom facilities, including locker rooms and showers, that correspond to the sex on one's birth certificate.  Private businesses are free to set their own bathroom and showers policy. Either entity, public or private, can also set aside unisex bathrooms.
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