Author Topic: Women Beat Two DC Kids Senseless In Retaliation For Shooting Arrest  (Read 395 times)

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Women Beat Two DC Kids Senseless In Retaliation For Shooting Arrest

Posted By Steve Birr On 3:25 PM 04/20/2016 In | No Comments

Two women allegedly broke into an apartment in Southeast Washington, D.C. recently and brutally beat two young children and their mother in what police described as retaliation for the arrest of a man who shot a little girl.

The two women allegedly invaded the home of an unidentified women and assaulted her. One of the attackers then pulled the woman’s 11-year-old son from his bedroom, senselessly beating him in front of his mother, reports Fox5. Police say the unhinged woman screamed at the boy, calling him a snitch and claiming he ratted out her brother, who police arrested in connection to the shooting of a 7-year-old girl.

The family’s two-year-old son was also awoken and punched in the face four to five times during the attack, according to the Metropolitan Police Department. Police confirmed the 11-year-old had no connection to the arrest of the woman’s brother, Michael Wiggins.

Wiggins open fired in a D.C. neighborhood April 8, hitting the 7-year-old girl and putting her in critical condition. The MPD arrested Wiggins three days after the shooting for the crime, which police cite as the motive for the attack. The brutal assault occurred four days after the shooting. (RELATED: 7-Year-Old Critically Shot In Random Attack In DC Neighborhood)

Police arrested one of the women involved in the vicious attack Tuesday, according to Fox 5. The second suspect is still on the loose.

The area in Southeast Washington’s Ward 8 is plagued by gang violence, which has escalated over the last few weeks. Several other shooting incidents have occurred recently which police attribute to various gangland retaliations, in addition to the seven-year-old shot by Wiggins.

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