Author Topic: Education expert rips middle-school 'privilege' quiz 'Disgusting' – 'Whoever was responsible for this needs to be immediately fired'  (Read 481 times)

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Education expert rips middle-school 'privilege' quiz
'Disgusting' – 'Whoever was responsible for this needs to be immediately fired'
Published: 13 hours ago

Students at Monroe Middle School in Tampa, Florida, got a lesson in privilege recently when one Spanish teacher asked her pupils to fill out a form titled “How privileged are you?” during class.

But according to international journalist and education expert Alex Newman, such a lesson is not only unnecessary, it’s detrimental.

“This ‘privilege’ quiz is undisguised collectivist indoctrination,” Newman told WND. “It is so harmful to children of all types that it ought to be considered child abuse. There is absolutely no reason to be indoctrinating young children with all these abusive ‘privilege’ programs.”

The initially unidentified teacher sought to assess students’ levels of privilege by asking them to identify their race, skin color, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation and disability. Newman considers that a ludicrous teaching method.

“This is still America, where people succeed or fail based on their own merits,” said Newman, the co-author of “Crimes of the Educators.” “To teach children that they are seen by society as superior or inferior based on their gender or arbitrary characteristics like melanin content is an absolute disgrace. Whoever was responsible for this needs to be immediately fired so children can be protected from further abuses in the future.”

A school district spokesperson insisted the privilege form was the teacher’s idea and was made without consent from higher-level school officials. The teacher, who allegedly used the form as a way to promote “diversity,” was pulled from the classroom while officials investigate the situation.

The teacher, who was subsequently identified as Yoselis Ramos, was placed on suspension after parents complained.

An investigation by the school district found she has caused a disruption and was teaching material that offended families and was not part of the district’s approved curriculum, reported Tampa’s WTSP News.

Ramos submitted her resignation Thursday when she was called in by the board for a follow-up meeting.

Writer and producer Jack Cashill, author of “Scarlet Letters: The Ever-Increasing Intolerance of the Cult of Liberalism Exposed,” noted the great irony of this privilege quiz.

“The student who identifies himself as a ‘cisgendered’ straight white Christian male is the one guaranteed to receive fewer favors in the diversity-mad educational and professional world than those seemingly less ‘privileged’ than he,” said Cashill, a WND columnist. “In every application he ever fills out his demographics will only disadvantage him.”

There has been plenty of discussion about “privilege” in recent years, particularly “white privilege.” And discussions of white privilege are no longer confined only to academic circles.

Last year, for example, the U.S. Army made soldiers sit through a presentation on the dangers of white privilege.

Earlier this year, Hillary Clinton was confronted with a question about her white privilege during the Fusion network’s Iowa Brown and Black Forum.

Newman believes all the talk of “white privilege” is akin to a psychological operation.

“What they’re doing with the ‘white privilege’ is setting up antagonisms, stirring up hatred, creating divisions because it’s easier to exploit people if they’re divided, and I think that’s the idea here,” Newman said. “They want to separate everybody into warring camps, and then nobody ever looks at the real problems.”

So it is that black people blame white people for their problems, and many whites blame blacks for their problems. This does not benefit anyone, according to Newman; on the contrary, it may tear society apart.

“In ‘The Wizard of Oz,’ you have the man behind the curtain, and that’s what’s going on here,” he explained. “You have sinister forces that want to advance sinister objectives, and they’re laughing all the way to the bank with this white privilege stuff, and frankly I find this white privilege propaganda to be disgusting and I think it needs to be shut down immediately.”

Essentially, the concept of “white privilege” destroys Americans’ feelings of national unity, according to Newman.

“What they’re doing is they’re shaming people, they’re creating these artificial divisions that don’t need to be there, that don’t accomplish anything positive but that do accomplish a lot of negative things, and the American people need to wake up,” Newman warned. “This is bad for whites, it’s bad for blacks, and it’s bad for Americans. It’s bad for our society and for our culture. This ends in nothing good.”