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Jimmy Kimmel Mocks Conservatives as ‘Angry’ ‘White People’



Jimmy Kimmel Mocks Conservatives as ‘Angry’ ‘White People’
By Kristine Marsh | April 15, 2016 | 11:48 AM EDT

On Thursday night’s Jimmy Kimmel Live! on ABC, the late-night host played into the typical liberal line, that conservatives and Fox News viewers are just a bunch of angry white people. 

After making some jokes about former contestants of The Apprentice denouncing Trump, Kimmel moved to the topic of Fox News Channel host Megyn Kelly and her meeting with Donald Trump earlier this week.  Kimmel joked that the meeting reminded him of a “forced hostage” situation, before slamming both as only caring about “getting white people very angry.”

    JIMMY KIMMEL: You know, yesterday Trump met with one of his arch nemeses, Megyn Kelly. They talked for an hour. In the end they agreed to that aside their differences and get back to what's important, which is getting white people very angry. Kelly spoke about Trump on her show, is it just me or is that the feel of one of the forced hostage videos?

    MEGYN KELLY: Yours truly took a trip over to Trump tower on fifth avenue in New York City. There I had a meeting with Donald Trump. The meeting was at my request and Mr. Trump was gracious enough to agree to it. We met for about an hour, just the two of us, and had a chance to clear the air. Mr. Trump and I discussed the possibility of an interview. And I hope we will have news to announce on that soon.

    KIMMEL:  In any event, it's nice to see them working as a team.

Kimmel’s show has had a long-standing antagonism towards conservatives while conversely hosting cozy conversations with Democrats. Kimmel spent an entire show defending Hillary Clinton when she was his guest, but openly mocked and asked hostile question after question to Ted Cruz when he was on the show.

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Yes, of course it's Fox News getting people angry, not the Obama administration, not sellout Republicans, not a culture that is careening toward totalitarianism at every turn. It's Fox News's fault, and those white conservatives are so irrational for being so angry!


Maybe conservatives don't see Kimmel as being particularly funny - therefore they are angry. :whistle:

He also attacked Trump, not just conservatives

Jimmy is just another leftist twit.


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