Author Topic: Palin: GOP voters will revolt if Trump or Cruz is not the nominee  (Read 3010 times)

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Offline Luis Gonzalez

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Re: Palin: GOP voters will revolt if Trump or Cruz is not the nominee
« Reply #25 on: April 16, 2016, 06:55:31 pm »

I think she is trying to save what is left of her integrity..

The only thing left of Palin's integrity these days is the Milky Way.
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« Last Edit: April 16, 2016, 07:14:11 pm by HonestJohn »


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Re: Palin: GOP voters will revolt if Trump or Cruz is not the nominee
« Reply #27 on: April 16, 2016, 07:13:20 pm »
Republicans seem to be heading for a major split either way, shades of 1912. I'm not usually the tinfoil type person, but this sure does seem to be by design.
I have trouble seeing a situation where the party does not split in some fashion.

It has to in order to survive.  The autopsy of 2012 clearly showed exactly what the GOP needed to do in order to survive in the long-term.  What we are seeing, however, is that roughly 35% of GOP primary voters actively reject the measures needed for the party to continue.

So, the only choice for the GOP is to excise those voters, lose elections for about 12-16 years as the toxicity of those excised voters are lost to the cleansing effects of time (and use the time to rebuild), then win again.

(Also, as this happens... the excised will, for the most part, die off.  What's left will be far smaller than it is today.)


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Re: Palin: GOP voters will revolt if Trump or Cruz is not the nominee
« Reply #28 on: April 16, 2016, 07:20:47 pm »
It has to in order to survive.  The autopsy of 2012 clearly showed exactly what the GOP needed to do in order to survive in the long-term.  What we are seeing, however, is that roughly 35% of GOP primary voters actively reject the measures needed for the party to continue.

So, the only choice for the GOP is to excise those voters, lose elections for about 12-16 years as the toxicity of those excised voters are lost to the cleansing effects of time (and use the time to rebuild), then win again.

(Also, as this happens... the excised will, for the most part, die off.  What's left will be far smaller than it is today.)

What makes you believe the country can survive 12-16 years of demonrat government?


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Re: Palin: GOP voters will revolt if Trump or Cruz is not the nominee
« Reply #29 on: April 16, 2016, 07:26:49 pm »
What makes you believe the country can survive 12-16 years of demonrat government?

What makes you think we aren't going to get it with Trump, anyway?


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Re: Palin: GOP voters will revolt if Trump or Cruz is not the nominee
« Reply #30 on: April 16, 2016, 07:32:38 pm »
What makes you think we aren't going to get it with Trump, anyway?

Because he has a vested interest in the preservation and improvement of the US economy and her citizens. Which candidate would have the most to lose with a demonrat POTUS?

Offline Mesaclone

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Re: Palin: GOP voters will revolt if Trump or Cruz is not the nominee
« Reply #31 on: April 16, 2016, 07:36:27 pm »
There is only one way to unite the party...and that is a Trump-Cruz ticket. Unfortunately, both men seemed to be burning those bridges on a daily basis so its going to be very difficult to bring things together. That said, political necessity can be a powerful force that sometimes overrides personal disdain and even hatred. A nice start would be for both men to change their tone towards one another...and as a Trump guy,I will acknowledge that it is his burden to start that process of dialing it down. Once you secure a Trump-Cruz ticket, you will have to give some nods to the establishment types with some promises of filling key positions...not a big price to pay considering what is at stake. I believe Trump has the skills to mend these fences and bring the party together, but it will require a sustained effort at civility and a lot of back channel negotiation.

If these two men cannot get together, I fear we are doomed whoever wins the nomination...because, as many have said, if either walks away feeling cheated they will take a substantial chunk of the party with them. If that happens, we all lose and Hillary gets to pick the next 3-4 SCJ's.

IMHO, the NeverTrumps and NeverCruz's need to shut their pieholes, and both candidates need to start accepting that they ultimately need each other.
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Re: Palin: GOP voters will revolt if Trump or Cruz is not the nominee
« Reply #32 on: April 16, 2016, 07:39:54 pm »
What makes you believe the country can survive 12-16 years of demonrat government?
This country won't survive as we knew it another year if hil or the bern get it. The final nail has been put in the coffin. No way it ever recovers from all obama has done and will do. Anyone who really thinks we will have a fair and honest election this Nov hasn't been paying attention.

WH is doing everything it can to keep us out of WH and will succeed. I hope I am wrong.

Offline sinkspur

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Re: Palin: GOP voters will revolt if Trump or Cruz is not the nominee
« Reply #33 on: April 16, 2016, 07:51:17 pm »

IMHO, the NeverTrumps and NeverCruz's need to shut their pieholes, and both candidates need to start accepting that they ultimately need each other.

No.  It doesn't matter who Trump chooses as his VP.  #NeverTrump.
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

Offline Mesaclone

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Re: Palin: GOP voters will revolt if Trump or Cruz is not the nominee
« Reply #34 on: April 16, 2016, 07:54:49 pm »
No.  It doesn't matter who Trump chooses as his VP.  #NeverTrump.

What you're really saying is #AlwaysHillary.

And people wonder why we end up with Clintons and Obamas in the White House...its really not hard to figure out. The idiocy of "take my ball and go home" GOPr's when their guy loses, is why we fail...and may continue to fail.
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Re: Palin: GOP voters will revolt if Trump or Cruz is not the nominee
« Reply #35 on: April 16, 2016, 07:55:06 pm »
There is only one way to unite the party...and that is a Trump-Cruz ticket. Unfortunately, both men seemed to be burning those bridges on a daily basis so its going to be very difficult to bring things together. That said, political necessity can be a powerful force that sometimes overrides personal disdain and even hatred. A nice start would be for both men to change their tone towards one another...and as a Trump guy,I will acknowledge that it is his burden to start that process of dialing it down. Once you secure a Trump-Cruz ticket, you will have to give some nods to the establishment types with some promises of filling key positions...not a big price to pay considering what is at stake. I believe Trump has the skills to mend these fences and bring the party together, but it will require a sustained effort at civility and a lot of back channel negotiation.

If these two men cannot get together, I fear we are doomed whoever wins the nomination...because, as many have said, if either walks away feeling cheated they will take a substantial chunk of the party with them. If that happens, we all lose and Hillary gets to pick the next 3-4 SCJ's.

IMHO, the NeverTrumps and NeverCruz's need to shut their pieholes, and both candidates need to start accepting that they ultimately need each other.

Reagan and Bush

In the case of Reagan and Bush, the background is illuminating, and it explains a lot about their flexibility. "The history was one of intense competition between the two," recalls Baker, a longtime political strategist who worked for Bush against Reagan in the 1980 campaign and then worked for Reagan as both White House chief of staff and Treasury secretary. He became Bush's secretary of state in 1989. As Baker says, "Reagan would have liked to pick somebody other than Bush," his rival, to be his running mate in 1980, but he went with the man who had lasted longest against him in the primaries. And Reagan concluded that Bush could help him unify the party and, most important, help him to govern if he won the election because Bush had what was called a golden résumé. Not only was Bush a veteran of Congress, he was also a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and had been director of central intelligence, U.S. envoy to China, and chairman of the Republican National Committee.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2016, 07:57:18 pm by A-Lert »

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Re: Palin: GOP voters will revolt if Trump or Cruz is not the nominee
« Reply #36 on: April 16, 2016, 07:58:49 pm »
What you're really saying is #AlwaysHillary.

And people wonder why we end up with Clintons and Obamas in the White House...its really not hard to figure out. The idiocy of "take my ball and go home" GOPr's when their guy loses, is why we fail...and may continue to fail.

You can't get it through your head that Donald Trump is not prepared to be president, he is not fit to be president, he doesn't deserve to ever darken the door of the White House. Neither is Hillary.

So I will vote for neither of them. And don't give me this nonsense that "I'm voting for Hillary by not voting for Trump."  Lots of people, likely the majority of Americans, won't be voting for Trump but that doesn't mean they're all for Hillary for president.
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Offline Luis Gonzalez

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Re: Palin: GOP voters will revolt if Trump or Cruz is not the nominee
« Reply #37 on: April 16, 2016, 08:04:53 pm »
What you're really saying is #AlwaysHillary.

And people wonder why we end up with Clintons and Obamas in the White House...its really not hard to figure out. The idiocy of "take my ball and go home" GOPr's when their guy loses, is why we fail...and may continue to fail.

Every poll in the nation has had Trump losing to Clinton by a significant margin since the day he announced his candidacy, so the people who have chosen to turn a blind eye to that fact and continued to support Trump with the ungrounded belief that the polls are wrong, are the ones who will be responsible for The Hillary presidency. 
"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, i have others." - Groucho Marx


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Re: Palin: GOP voters will revolt if Trump or Cruz is not the nominee
« Reply #38 on: April 16, 2016, 08:10:27 pm »
Every poll in the nation has had Trump losing to Clinton by a significant margin since the day he announced his candidacy, so the people who have chosen to turn a blind eye to that fact and continued to support Trump with the ungrounded belief that the polls are wrong, are the ones who will be responsible for The Hillary presidency.

 So Kasich, the third place candidate, is going to beat the demonrat according to the polls?

Offline Luis Gonzalez

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Re: Palin: GOP voters will revolt if Trump or Cruz is not the nominee
« Reply #39 on: April 16, 2016, 08:11:54 pm »
So Kasich, the third place candidate, is going to beat the demonrat according to the polls?


"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, i have others." - Groucho Marx

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Re: Palin: GOP voters will revolt if Trump or Cruz is not the nominee
« Reply #40 on: April 16, 2016, 08:31:57 pm »
There is only one way to unite the party...and that is a Trump-Cruz ticket. Unfortunately, both men seemed to be burning those bridges on a daily basis so its going to be very difficult to bring things together. That said, political necessity can be a powerful force that sometimes overrides personal disdain and even hatred. A nice start would be for both men to change their tone towards one another...and as a Trump guy,I will acknowledge that it is his burden to start that process of dialing it down. Once you secure a Trump-Cruz ticket, you will have to give some nods to the establishment types with some promises of filling key positions...not a big price to pay considering what is at stake. I believe Trump has the skills to mend these fences and bring the party together, but it will require a sustained effort at civility and a lot of back channel negotiation.

If these two men cannot get together, I fear we are doomed whoever wins the nomination...because, as many have said, if either walks away feeling cheated they will take a substantial chunk of the party with them. If that happens, we all lose and Hillary gets to pick the next 3-4 SCJ's.

IMHO, the NeverTrumps and NeverCruz's need to shut their pieholes, and both candidates need to start accepting that they ultimately need each other.

At one point in time I would have agreed with you; Cruz and Trump would have been an unbeatable ticket.  Of course once Cruz led in the polls in IA all hell broke lose and Trump went after him like a caged gorilla. America doesn't need another narcissistic demagogue, nor does America need someone who acts like a complete buffoon. We need someone who will restore this country.

Cruz 2016.  Reigniting the Promise of America!!   :patriot:
« Last Edit: April 16, 2016, 08:34:04 pm by libertybele »
I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.

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Re: Palin: GOP voters will revolt if Trump or Cruz is not the nominee
« Reply #41 on: April 16, 2016, 08:35:57 pm »
:mauslaff: :pigs fly:  He is about as popular as !Jeb is. And we all know how that turned out. No way a democrat will ever vote with anyone with a R next to their name in the general.


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Re: Palin: GOP voters will revolt if Trump or Cruz is not the nominee
« Reply #42 on: April 16, 2016, 08:43:02 pm »
At one point in time I would have agreed with you; Cruz and Trump would have been an unbeatable ticket.  Of course once Cruz led in the polls in IA all hell broke lose and Trump went after him like a caged gorilla. America doesn't need another narcissistic demagogue, nor does America need someone who acts like a complete buffoon. We need someone who will restore this country.

Cruz 2016.  Reigniting the Promise of America!!   :patriot:

You just can't help yourself.


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Re: Palin: GOP voters will revolt if Trump or Cruz is not the nominee
« Reply #43 on: April 16, 2016, 09:06:01 pm »
:mauslaff: :pigs fly:  He is about as popular as !Jeb is. And we all know how that turned out. No way a democrat will ever vote with anyone with a R next to their name in the general.

You should ask "To whom is he unpopular?"

Offline Mesaclone

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Re: Palin: GOP voters will revolt if Trump or Cruz is not the nominee
« Reply #44 on: April 16, 2016, 09:14:46 pm »
You can't get it through your head that Donald Trump is not prepared to be president, he is not fit to be president, he doesn't deserve to ever darken the door of the White House. Neither is Hillary.

So I will vote for neither of them. And don't give me this nonsense that "I'm voting for Hillary by not voting for Trump."  Lots of people, likely the majority of Americans, won't be voting for Trump but that doesn't mean they're all for Hillary for president.

Oh, I get what you're saying. But what you're leaving out...even accepting your view of Trump as unready and that whatever he may be, Hillary is a thousand times worse. And the act of voting for neither, in effect puts Hillary in the White House. So what YOU will have done is put someone in the presidency who is vastly worse than the very man you hate (Trump).

For example, only a blind idiot would ever assert that Trump court nominees would be as far Left as Hillary's nominees to the SCJ (He has already cited Scalia as the kind of appointee he'd seek). That alone should make EVERY single conservative/Republican and Independent vote for Trump if it ends up being him vs Hillary. You can hate Trump, but nobody with a reasoning bone in their body could make the case that he is as far Left as Hillary...who has now aligned herself indistinguishably from her Socialist rival (Sanders).

Use your head man! Set your emotions aside, because they seem to be entirely ruling your mental process. Eight years of Hillary ends this country as we all know may hate Trump but there is no way in any universe he equates to her on ANY scale. THAT is what YOU don't seem to get.
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Offline Mesaclone

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Re: Palin: GOP voters will revolt if Trump or Cruz is not the nominee
« Reply #45 on: April 16, 2016, 09:17:13 pm »
Every poll in the nation has had Trump losing to Clinton by a significant margin since the day he announced his candidacy, so the people who have chosen to turn a blind eye to that fact and continued to support Trump with the ungrounded belief that the polls are wrong, are the ones who will be responsible for The Hillary presidency.

No, we simply understand that April polls mean very little...see past presidential races and in particular the 1980 race. But that's beside the point, as the argument here is how you vote once the choices are down to Hillary and Trump. If it never gets to that, so be it, but if end up in that place only a maniac would choose Hillary in that situation...or by extension, contribute to a Hillary election by voting 3rd party.
We have the best government that money can buy. Mark Twain


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Re: Palin: GOP voters will revolt if Trump or Cruz is not the nominee
« Reply #46 on: April 16, 2016, 09:17:41 pm »
You should ask "To whom is he unpopular?"

Better questions are; Why does he have so few delegates and why doesn't he win the popular vote in any state except Ohio?

“Forget the politics. Forget the pollsters. Forget all the focus groups,” Kasich reminded the cheering crowd.

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Re: Palin: GOP voters will revolt if Trump or Cruz is not the nominee
« Reply #47 on: April 16, 2016, 10:25:38 pm »
Oh, I get what you're saying. But what you're leaving out...even accepting your view of Trump as unready and that whatever he may be, Hillary is a thousand times worse. And the act of voting for neither, in effect puts Hillary in the White House. So what YOU will have done is put someone in the presidency who is vastly worse than the very man you hate (Trump).

For example, only a blind idiot would ever assert that Trump court nominees would be as far Left as Hillary's nominees to the SCJ (He has already cited Scalia as the kind of appointee he'd seek). That alone should make EVERY single conservative/Republican and Independent vote for Trump if it ends up being him vs Hillary. You can hate Trump, but nobody with a reasoning bone in their body could make the case that he is as far Left as Hillary...who has now aligned herself indistinguishably from her Socialist rival (Sanders).

Use your head man! Set your emotions aside, because they seem to be entirely ruling your mental process. Eight years of Hillary ends this country as we all know may hate Trump but there is no way in any universe he equates to her on ANY scale. THAT is what YOU don't seem to get.

How do we know what Trump would really do?  Hell, he was a registered Democrat up until 2012, has contributed to Hillary as a candidate in the past (2008), has contributed to the Clinton Foundation, and has a sister who is a far lefty whom Trump has said in the past would make a great SC Justice.  Trump has a very sorry record of choosing, for instance, his foreign policy team (mostly unknowns with few qualifications). 

Trump would probably carry Texas anyway, so my vote or non-vote won't matter.  I will work like hell to keep the Senate and the House in the GOP column, but won't lift a finger to help a cretin like Trump. And that includes punching his name on a ballot.
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

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Re: Palin: GOP voters will revolt if Trump or Cruz is not the nominee
« Reply #48 on: April 16, 2016, 11:22:34 pm »
The split is very evident here. The anti-Trumps criticize Trump for being insulting,  boisterous, crass and misogynistic and then they do it on this forum. Anyone who hints at supporting Trump is denigrated, no matter how much they've previously done to help the "Stupid Party".
Another false generalization.  I do not support Trump but agreed with Alice that the snark about Palin was inappropriate.


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Re: Palin: GOP voters will revolt if Trump or Cruz is not the nominee
« Reply #49 on: April 16, 2016, 11:42:37 pm »
Another false generalization.  I do not support Trump but agreed with Alice that the snark about Palin was inappropriate.

False?  Really? Are you claiming the anti-Trumps don't denigrate and insult  Palin, Carson, Christie, Sessions, Giuliani, etc., all Republicans, simply because they have the audacity to support Trump, another Republican? Who by the way, has contributed nearly a half million dollars to the  "Stupid Party"