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Explaining What Happened in Colorado Doesn't Mean I Agree with It
April 14, 2016
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RUSH: The Colorado story will not go away, and it is manifesting itself in fascinating ways.  The Colorado Republican GOP chairman, they found an audio clip of this guy back on September 3rd.  His name is Steve House.  He was speaking at an August 11th Pueblo County Republican meeting.  He made some statements about the Trumpster at the meeting that were recorded.

One of the things House said that was overheard and recorded, "Do I think he’s going to be the nominee? Absolutely not.  Do you know who he’s taking away votes from? Ted Cruz. Right, Ted Cruz, right? Which is so hard to believe.  I think what happens to Donald Trump ... is he’s going to get bored. He’s going to get bored. He’s going to get tired of the continuous questioneering and badgering.  I’m really looking forward to having Donald Trump and Carly Fiorina on the same stage. Because I think she will make him look bad. I really, really do."

This was said just a few days after the Colorado GOP decided to do away with their straw poll, which was last August when they made this change.  The Republican chairman out in Colorado was quoted as having said this just a few short days after this.  So the intent here is to make it look like Colorado has been intending to screw the Trumpster ever since -- and they were!

There's no mystery here.  The only thing that might be worth pointing out about this is the hypocrisy that exists.  This is the establishment doing what they do.  There's nothing unusual about it.  The point is, most people don't see this because campaigns do not unfold this way.  Most of the time we get a nominee long before we go to the convention.  The idea that there would be a contested convention is not even considered in most years.  So the sausage making is not seen.

So if a state decides to have a caucus rather than a primary, if a state decides to choose its delegates independently of the way the people vote, nobody knows about it, because it's never been a factor.  Well, now it's a factor.  And it's just what the establishment always does; it's how they protect.  It's how they protect themselves and their institutions and who's allowed in.  And it may be the first time people are learning of it so they're shouting and crying, "My God, it's disenfranchisement. I thought we got to vote, I thought --"  It's not unusual, and it's not unusual behavior.

Now, in explaining this, I find oftentimes that when I seek to explain things, people -- and I can sometimes understand this -- make the mistake of assuming I agree with whatever I'm explaining or support whatever I'm explaining.  And don't ever make that supposition.  I'll tell you what I agree with or disagree with.

But when I see people fit to be tied and angry and thinking they've been cheated, I want to try to arrest that 'cause that's not what happened here, unless you want to look at the establishment and everything it does to protect itself as essentially cheating or rigging things.  But just because I'm trying to explain to people who may not know how things happen and why, that I agree with them.  I'm not in favor of people not being able to vote. I don't support anything like that. That's not the point.  But I'm trying to explain it to you 'cause I think it'd be a lot better if people cool down a little bit and stop getting so mad and have knee-jerk reactions and instead understand what happened.

Now, there's a little hypocrisy on this, too.  Because there are people in the conservative media -- some that are in the establishment, some that are not -- that, when this kind of thing was done to people they support, oh, they hated it, they thought it was bad, they thought it was rotten. But when the establishment did this kind of stuff to stop Tea Party people, those same people applauded it.  When this kind of stuff was done to say, stop, Sharron Angle or what was her name, Christine O'Donnell, or take any Tea Party challenger, whenever the establishment did what it does and made it impossible for challengers, particularly the Tea Party 'cause they hated 'em, to come in and either win a primary or win an election or what have you, when the establishment arranged the chairs making that pretty much impossible, there were people who are complaining and whining about what happened in Colorado who back then supported the essential what is happening in Colorado.

So there's a lot of hypocrisy to go around here. You can sit there and say the rule's bad, we need to change the rule.  Yeah, but that's not gonna happen this year.  Colorado's over.  It's come and gone.  Might say, okay, down the road in the future we have to change. This happens every year, too.  It's just the establishment's in charge of it.  When things happen that they don't anticipate, like I guarantee you, the establishment is gonna be trying to rewrite all kinds of rules based on what happened in this campaign so that it doesn't ever happen to 'em again.  That's one of the perks of running the show.

That's why I told you yesterday the nominee becomes the de facto head of the party.  It doesn't mean that the establishment just sits down and rolls over.  They're never gonna do that, is the point.  They're always going to trying to protect.  One of the things that I think I've detected here that surprised me a little bit is how many people assumed that if Trump or anybody -- but it's Trump who's done it in this case -- if anybody really started putting together a massive amount of support, creating a massive amount of energy, creating all kinds of new people coming to the party, so many people expected the Republican Party to embrace it and welcome it and join it.

My email from a Trumpster the other day said he was stupefied when he thought the party would address and embrace Trump, if for no other reason than Trump's the first guy that's coming along and been able to shellac the media.  He said he was stunned that the party didn't embrace Trump for that reason alone.  Well, folks, the media is part of whatever we're calling this, the establishment, the people that run Washington, they are part of it.  That's precisely why they're treating Bernie Sanders the way they're treating him, as an outcast, as an oddball, as a kook that doesn't have a prayer.

They have every bit the same interest in preserving the structure of the establishment as elected officials do in it.  And the Republican Party per se is, if they don't like Trump they're not gonna like Trump, period, no matter how well Trump skunks the media.  But it's a shock for people to learn that the Republican Party at large doesn't think the way they do.  I guess it's a combination of the mentality that goes on with civics 101, that everybody at least has one thing in common, and that's beating the opposition.  And we can't even rely on that.

But instead of all that civics 101 stuff, what you have to get straight, what you have to never forget is that however you define this group of people that we call the establishment, they are out for self-preservation first, second, third, fourth, and on down the line.  The Republican Party doesn't exist to beat the Democrats.  There are a lot of other things they have to do first before they even think about that.  And the first one, self-preservation, holding onto what they think they've earned and achieved, holding onto their power, holding onto their precious positions, holding onto their networks, holding onto their connections, that's objective number one. Not beating Hillary.

But so many people who donate and vote think that the Republican Party is just like them, that the objective here is to beat Hillary.  When they find out that's not the case, they get confused, angry, or what have you.  What's happening makes complete, total sense if you understand who we're dealing with.  So in the case of Colorado, this guy's admitting it, the chair is admitting that everything they did was deny Trump the state of Colorado.  They did it, that was their purpose, that was their objective.  "That's not democratic, that's unfair."

Wrong way to look at it.  It may be unfair, it may be undemocratic, it may be disenfranchising, so forth.  But the objective here, then, has to be to change this going forward, which means getting control of the institutions that have the power to do all these.  And that's going to be a massive undertaking, and it's one of the things that's playing out each and every day here, in addition to the campaign that's taking place.

Now there are stories out of Colorado that this guy has had to go into hiding because Trumpsters are threatening him.  Trumpists are threatening his family.  "Colorado GOP Chairman Steve House is Getting Threats from Donald Trump Supporters." This is according to ABC News.  "Emails obtained by ABC News sent to Colorado GOP Chairman Steve House tell him to 'quit whining' about all the threatening calls and emails he’s receiving. Another email tells him to 'pray' he makes it to Cleveland, and instructs him to support Trump or 'you are done.' One email provided to ABC News tells House to hide his family members."

So he's out saying that Trumpists are threatening him and they're threatening his family, and he's thinking that he's got to go into hiding, and he'd better not show up at the convention or else.  Or else what?  Well, something might happen.  He might not get there.  Why?  Well, who knows.  The plane might have a mechanical, might have a flat tire on the way to the airport.  Anything could happen, trying to create this aura of fear.

"This does not have to do with Trump.  This has everything to do with the people having a chance to vote," one email says to Mr. House.  "Hey, don't think we're doing this 'cause of Trump.  Trump's not behind this.  Trump doesn't even know we're doing it.  We're doing it because you denied us the chance to vote." 


Folks, there's a point about this Colorado business that I was not aware of and it gets kind of convoluted and in the weeds.  I'm gonna try to make some sense of this, 'cause that's what I do, make the complex understandable.  The executive committee of the Colorado GOP voted unanimously to scrap the straw poll.  Just think of it as the primary, all right, think of it as elections.  The Colorado executive committee is made up of the chairman, the treasurer, the secretary, and the vice-chairman as well as all of the chairs of the 64 county party organizations in Colorado.

This vote to scrap the straw poll was done unanimously after something else happened.  This vote to scrap the straw poll in Colorado was done unanimously after the national GOP changed a rule that would have required Colorado to bind its delegates according to the straw poll.  So yesterday I was in error -- imagine that! -- when I said that the straw poll would not have mattered anyway because the delegates would have been unbound.  The GOP apparently changed a rule to make delegates bound to the straw poll, and Colorado wanted to maintain delegate independence.  That's why they did what they did.

Look, this is all about the GOP, the Colorado GOP building a firewall to stop Trump.  It happened last August when the fevered pitch, all the energy and momentum is with Trump, and the Republican establishment's scared to death, just like they remain scared to death today.


RUSH:  Okay.  I'm gonna start at the beginning of this, so as not to be interrupted and lose my train of thought.  Again, folks, just because I take the time to explain something to you does not mean I am endorsing what I'm explaining, agreeing with it, supporting it or whatever.  I'm just trying to take something muddied and complex and boil it down to its essence so the people understand it.

There was something that happened that I didn't know.  I was in error yet talking about this whole straw poll versus caucus versus delegate selection process in Colorado.  And I didn't know it until today.  The executive committee of the Colorado GOP voted unanimously to scrap the straw poll.  This was done, again, unanimously, after the national GOP changed a rule that would have required Colorado to bind its delegates according to the straw poll.

What Colorado wanted was unbound delegates, and that's what they had in previous years. Then the GOP, the national GOP came along and changed a rule requiring Colorado to bind its delegates according to the straw poll, which would have been an election, either a statewide primary or delegates at the convention voting in a straw poll much like they have a straw poll at CPAC, but it would have involved actual votes, not just convention of delegates being wined and dined by candidates deciding who they're gonna support.

So I was wrong yesterday when I said that the straw poll wouldn't have mattered anyway because the delegates would have been unbound, and I illustrated the situation in Pennsylvania, which still remains true.  Seventy-one delegates in Pennsylvania, but only 17 of them are tied or bound to the election results of the Pennsylvania primary, 54 are unbound.  So Colorado wanted to be entirely unbound.  The GOP came along and passed a new rule saying, "Sorry, your delegates will be bound by the results of your straw poll."

So this Steve House guy, the Colorado GOP chair, posted back on February 27, "Special note from Colorado GOP chairman Steve House on the decision to eliminate the presidential straw poll.  This past week I have received many questions --" this is February 27th "-- this past week I have received many questions about why the Colorado GOP eliminated the presidential straw poll at this year's caucus.  There are several important facts and considerations to take into account.

"At no time prior to this year has a straw poll bound delegates to specific candidates. Many thought that the 2012 straw poll bound delegates to winner Rick Santorum. In fact it did not. ... This year the Republican National Committee requires that if a party conducts a straw poll it must bind delegates to the results."

This is first ballot stuff, and they didn't want that.  Colorado wanted, for whatever reason, to maintain a system where its delegates were unbound.  And the only way they could do that was to eliminate the straw poll.  So essentially the Colorado Republican chairman is passing the baton of blame back to Reince Priebus and the boys at the Republican National Committee.

So everything would have been fine -- by the way, the delegates, no matter what, in Colorado were going to be unbound from last August on.  When the GOP came along and changed a rule and said, "Look, your delegates are gonna be bound to your election results," that's when Colorado said, "Okay, we won't do an election.  We'll screw you that way, we won't do an election.  We want our delegates to be unbound because we want independence and we want to be able to do with our delegates 'cause of where they come in the process."

You know, normally, folks, in a standard, normal, every four-year presidential election cycle, by the time we get to mid-April like this, it's pretty much over, and the states and their primaries that are occurring now don't really matter that much, in terms of determining the nominee.  They do matter in the strength the nominee has going in.  You want a unanimous nominee going forward for the presidential contest when you finally face the opposition, the Democrats.  There's exceptions.  Romney didn't wrap it up until late May in 2012.  McCain had it wrapped up in March, for example.

Obama had it wrapped up, for all intents and purposes, in 2008 in February.  That's why we did Operation Chaos, to keep the Democrat primary going because the Republican primary was already decided.  I don't know how long it's been since California mattered.  I can't remember the last time Colorado mattered.  I don't remember the last time Wisconsin mattered.  I mean, in a sense that it does now.  I can't remember where primaries in April and May were looked as forward to as Iowa and New Hampshire.

I mean, by the time we get to New York and New Jersey, for the most part it's already known.  And to many people it's already known now.  I would be remiss if I didn't also point out that -- there's even a story here at the CBS website, CBS News.  This is the national, not a local.  "Why the GOP Cannot Take the Nomination from Donald Trump."  Let me read this opening line here and ask you if this is similar to the way some of you are thinking.

"Is it me, or does the argument that the Republican nomination can be taken from Donald Trump at a contested convention make almost no sense? It's not that it would be unfeasible for Ted Cruz or some other candidate to win a majority of delegates after the first ballot is cast at the convention. If anything, it seems more and more likely that Cruz, given his shrewdness at delegate selection, would be able to pull this off as early as the second ballot."

"Is it just me," he writes, "or does the argument that the Republican nomination can be taken from Donald Trump at a contested convention make almost no sense?  It's not that it would be unfeasible for Cruz or some other candidate to win a majority of delegates after the first ballot is cast.  If anything, it seems more and more likely that Cruz, given his shrewdness at delegate selection, would be able to pull this off as early as the second ballot.

"However, if Trump arrives in Cleveland having won the most votes, the most contests, and the most delegates -- all of which is very likely -- depriving him of the nomination would be an unprecedented move in the modern political era. And doing so would likely end in disaster not only for the GOP as a whole but its anti-Trump wing in particular."

That represents a certain body of conventional wisdom.  Now, obviously not everybody agrees with that.  There are a lot of people, "To hell with that, we're going to second ballot. We're going to third ballot. We're going how far we need to go to get Cruz nominated."  The Cruz forces are not gonna give this away, they're not gonna accept that.

Now, this is CBS News.  This is, i.e., establishment media looking at the Republican primary from the outside and looking at it through that prism or via that perspective.  But that happens to represent quite a bit of thinking, and I'm sure you've encountered it as well.  And that's why, by the way, had the story yesterday from the RNC member who was on MSNBC who said, "Hey, you know what?  Trump shows up with 1,100, that's it, he's gonna win it."  And everybody misunderstood it at first, to think that the guy was saying that there's been a rule change and it's no longer 1,237, it's now 1,100.  And that's not what he was saying.

largeHe was saying if somebody shows up with 1,100, there's no way the guy can't come up with the few he needs before the first ballot, wining and dining, 'cause there's gonna be all kinds of unbound delegates on the first ballot.  There's no way that Trump's not gonna get.  That was his theory yesterday.  But you still have some in the establishment who are just gonna fight this tooth and nail.

There is a somewhat interesting development overnight, and that is Karl Rove.  There's a news story out that Karl Rove and his PAC are now beginning to warm up to Trump.  And when that hit, I mean, that stunned and shocked a lot of people.  And we haven't even gotten to what's going on on the Democrat.'s out.  Sometimes I think -- well,, and we've had -- what's the other one? --, and we got the Huffing and Puffington Post, it's almost -- you can make book on it now -- at least two left-wing liberal Democrat websites each week are gonna run lengthy stories on how Hillary can't win.

Or they're gonna run lengthy stories on how the Democrat Party is imploding, the Democrat Party is headed to minority status because of what they're doing to Bernie Sanders.  There's at least two of those stories every week, and now we've got one today from 


RUSH:  Okay.  We start on the phones in Hayward, California.  This is Bob.  You're up first today, Bob.  Welcome to the EIB Network.  Hello, sir.

CALLER:  Thank you, sir.  It's an honor.

RUSH:  I appreciate that.  Thank you.

CALLER:  Hey, in regards to the Colorado situation, even in the general election, the Constitution does not afford the individuals the right to vote in a presidential election. The states decide how the electors are chosen be.  So while it's politically toxic, what Colorado did was perfectly within their rights, and I think Cruz just took advantage of that.

RUSH:  Well, yeah, yeah, yeah, all that's true, and you're absolutely right.  In fact, during the constitutional convention, the states were adamant that they control their own elections.  They didn't want the federal government having a thing to do with them.  The federal government set the date for national federal elections, of course.  There's some caveats, but the states, like every state has its own closing time, for example. Voter ID laws are state to state, so they can do what they want.

The thing that has arisen here is, is the rule any good?  Yeah, they can do the rule, whatever they want to do. They can write whatever rule they want, Colorado, any state, and they did.  But now what has begun is, does anybody really want to defend these rules?  Does anybody really want to defend rules that deny the people of a state a vote in the presidential primary?  And that's what has evolved out of this.

I think as maturity sets in and as the emotion wanes a bit, people agree with what old Bob here said; they can do what they want.  And they set the rule, and everybody knew what the rule was.  And if you want to compete there, you've gotta do it the way you have to do it; and Trump didn't.  And Cruz did.  More and more people are coming to accept that, understand that.

But now it has become, "Does that rule make any sense?  Why in the world would anybody defend that rule?"  I'll tell you how you defend the rule.  You don't defend the rule.  You defend the right of the people that run the organization to do it the way they want.  They're also elected.  The people that run the Colorado Republican Party.  And if they want to set their rules up for primary elections -- let me share with you some more about what House said.  You can believe it or not, but I'm gonna share with you what he said.

Back in February, Steven House, Colorado GOP chairman.  Quote, "Some ask why the Colorado GOP doesn't just comply and bind all of our delegates proportionally to the result of a straw poll."  When you see straw poll, just think election.  Why don't we do proportion, why don't we do winners take all, why don't we do any of that?  He says, "There are a number of reasons the executive committee decided against the poll this year and I won't go into all of them.

"However, I want to share my most pressing concern with doing a binding preference poll. There is no such thing as a binding preference poll because when you actually award delegates via a poll it's not a poll -- it's an election. The results could affect the outcome of the presidential race because this year the race is likely to be very close if not unsettled at the national convention.

"So what's wrong with an election? Nothing if you are actually going to run it with all the precautions and security measures of an actual election. In our case we have over 2000 precincts in 64 counties where there is no uniformity of ballots, no uniform credentialing training process, no clarity on who actually counts ballots, no clear answer to who controls the tally sheets, and no uniform --" It sounds like these guys are totally unequipped, unprepared to run a statewide primary election.

Okay, now, do not make the mistake of assuming that because I'm explaining this that I agree with it.  Do not start shooting me daggers in there.  I'm just telling you what this guy's saying.  And now we've arrived at the point, this doesn't make sense.  It does equal disenfranchising people.  It does mean people can't vote.  And if these guys can't come up with a way to do it in Colorado like they can in every other state, then maybe it's time to get rid of these guys.  That pretty much sums up the current thinking of this situation here.

Look, these guys wanted to stop Trump. They wanted to stop Trump.  This happens in August.  These guys every four years want to stop whoever is the insurgent.  It might be Ron Paul one year.  It might be some wacko Tea Party conservative the next year.  What these guys are doing is trying to make the hill unclimbable by anybody outside the establishment GOP.  Now, you can dress it all up with language about how tough elections are and how different ballots are and how there's no uniformity here or uniformity there, but it's clear that in this particular case what was desired and what was attempted was a way to stop Trump.

Now, they didn't know in August that they would be relevant, meaning they didn't know in August that we might be close and the number of delegates in Colorado could matter.  But they weren't gonna take the chance that it didn't.  You never know.  Like I say, McCain had it wrapped up after Florida in 2008, which was February, March.  As soon as he got an endorsement from the governor, it was over.  And it didn't matter that year what happened Colorado or New York or California or New Jersey.  And they didn't know last August whether it was gonna matter by the time we got to Colorado or not, but they weren't taking any chances. 


RUSH: He got around to the Colorado situation, party bosses, what's going on, what he thinks of it.

TRUMP:  In Colorado right now they're picketing and going wild because the bosses at the establishment and the people that shouldn't have this power took all of the power away from the voters. So the voters never got to vote, and the voters didn't know that except when I got up and complained because they did it after I joined the race and they figured I'd probably win Colorado, which I would, I would win Colorado. And we had delegates that go in, they don't take them, and then they take these others, so they get the delegates without voting.  I'm just saying the system is a corrupt system, it's a rigged system, we gotta change it.

RUSH:  Well, that's the task at hand.  If you don't like the way it is, it's gotta be -- you can't change it now.  It was widely known.  I still say, why wait until it's over to start complaining about it?  Why not complain about this in February?  I mean, you've got the state chairman in Colorado out there explaining it in February.  They make the change in August.  He addresses the change in February and goes into great detail in Colorado, explaining why there isn't a straw poll, why there is not an election, why there's not a poll.  They're just gonna go straight delegate wine and dine, essentially.

Why not complain about it then?  You realize you could complain about it then, you might have been able to change it.  You might have been able to put pressure, you might have, if you would have started complaining about this before the caucus or whatever it was took place, you might have ended up, Trump could have gone in there and maybe even won this thing, maybe not lost it as badly as he did.

It's a PR question.  I don't have the answer to it, but it's something I remain curious about.  Why wait 'til it's over to call attention to it when there could have been a whole lot to gain by calling everybody's attention to it beforehand? 


RUSH: Here's Rob in Knoxville, Tennessee.  You're next, sir.  Great to have you with us.  Hello.

CALLER:  Good afternoon, Rush.

RUSH:  Hey.

CALLER:  I've had a lot of great moments in my life, and this will be right up there with those.

RUSH:  Thank you, thank you very much.  I appreciate that.  I really do.  I don't want that just to go by uncommented on.  Thank you very much.

CALLER:  Thank you.  The reason I'm calling, Rush, is I have a little bit of a different take on this Colorado situation.  Two days ago a gentleman called in, and he was irate. He was mad at you. He was mad at the Cruz forces, at Cruz for stealing the Colorado election.  And, as you know, Trump has sounded the airwaves with his disgust and his dismay about how it's gone, and the fact that, you know, Cruz again used legitimate rules to better his position.  The question I ask you, from my perspective, is how is any of this different than when Trump gets up and says, in the past, that he's used bankruptcy laws, which are on the books, to better his position in business?  People got hurt in both situations.  And I'm just saying, it's the pot calling the kettle black when he gets up and complains about Cruz taking advantage of the situation.  I just feel that Cruz out-sharped him.

RUSH:  I see your point.  The difference though -- and I can give you a reason why it resonates with people differently.  There is something sacred about the vote, and it's only in banana republics where people are not allowed to vote.  It's only in totalitarian, authoritarian regimes where the people are not allowed to vote.  There's just something sacred and special, going all the way back to civics 101 when you were first taught about it. And when you are told in the Drive-By Media that the Republicans in Colorado denied the Republicans in Colorado the right to vote, that's all people hear.  And after that, doesn't matter what you say, that's cheating.  That's unfair.  That's mean.

And Trump's exploiting it.  He's exploiting it for all that it's worth.  I can't tell you, I pointed out exactly what you did, and I even went further, the rules are the rules, I explained why the rules are the rules.  People were livid, thought I didn't get it, thought I was siding with the idea of people not being able to vote.  I wasn't siding with anything.  These people who run the Republican Party can do whatever, it's not a public organization.  It's a private group that can set it's own rules for how it wants to operate.  But people don't think of it that way.

So that's why I asked, why wait 'til it's over?  If Trumps gonna try to exploit this PR-wise, he could have gained a lot more by talking about this before the outcome.  Maybe he didn't expect to lose Colorado.  I mean, I'm talking months ago.  He's on this national roll.  He's not losing anything that counts. He's just winning, and he's got these polls that are showing him leading by 20 and 25 points, and he's got these big crowds. Maybe thought he wasn't gonna win it, and even if he thought he was gonna lose it, it wasn't gonna matter 'cause he was gonna be so far ahead.

He probably didn't see Wisconsin.  So there could be any number of explanations.  Your point is valid, don't misunderstand.  But from a perception and a PR standpoint, there's no way people are gonna get that far into it to understand it because all they're gonna see, understand is, "Not allowed to vote, they denied them the right to vote, and they did it 'cause they didn't want Trump to win.  It's unfair, it's unfair."  That's as far as it goes.  Anything after that is not gonna penetrate.

Here's Dave, Columbus, Ohio.  You're next.  Great to have you, sir.  Hi.

CALLER:  Hi, Rush.  How are you?

RUSH:  I'm okay.  Doing pretty well.

CALLER:  Good to hear.

RUSH:  I'm actually kind of bored, but I'm not gonna make a big deal of it; not fair to you.

CALLER:  I have a problem with this notion that Trump should have complained about the unfairness of this election beforehand and now he's waived his right to complain about it. It's too late, he can't complain about it now, should have complained about it before 'cause then he could have done something about it.  This makes no sense.  If he did that it would have been political suicide for any number of reasons.

RUSH:  Wait, wait, wait.  It would have been suicide to do what?

CALLER:  To complain about the unfairness of the election before people voted.

RUSH:  They weren't gonna vote.  That was the whole point.

CALLER:  Well, I want to explain why, if I may.

RUSH:  Okay.  But the complaint would have been people weren't gonna vote, they weren't gonna be allowed to vote.  That would have been have been the time to complain.  Not after they go ahead and select the delegates and you've lost.  Go out and complain about it beforehand, get people all worked up that they're being denied the right to vote, put pressure on the delegates to support Trump to limit the damage in the Colorado GOP. But they didn't decide to do that. They decided to wait 'til after the fact.

CALLER:  Well, let's imagine that you're running for president.  I mean, I know you won't because of the pay tax cut.  Let's imagine you're running.  Before it's time for everybody to vote, are you really gonna get up there and say, "It's fixed! The whole thing is rigged. Your vote doesn't count!"  You're telling 'em stay home, don't vote for me, and he's also saying "I won't win."  The other thing he's doing is -- they're gonna say, like, the talking heads are gonna say, "Look what he's doing. He's being paranoid, he's a whiner, he's weak. He doesn't have any confidence he's gonna win. He's already throwing in the towel before they even vote."  Would you vote for somebody that says don't even bother, it's all fixed and rigged to begin with?  He has to wait until it actually happens, and then you could see the results --

RUSH:  Are you a Trumpist?

CALLER:  I'm a Trump supporter, yeah.

RUSH:  Trump supporter.  Okay.  Well, I was trying to figure out why you were disagreeing with me here, 'cause I was not criticizing.  I'm merely asking myself why wait 'til after, because the point here, Dave, is there wasn't going to be a vote.  That would be the complaint, not that you lose, but that there isn't a vote, people are being disenfranchised, which is what they're saying now.  Could have said it before it all happened and it might have had some impact in the outcome.

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