Author Topic: Feminists Need to Know — Islam Kills Women  (Read 509 times)

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Feminists Need to Know — Islam Kills Women
« on: April 13, 2016, 12:12:06 pm »
Feminists Need to Know — Islam Kills Women
Posted on April 12, 2016 by Baron Bodissey

The following essay by Anne Marie Waters is a challenge to British feminists to debate her on the issue of Islamic misogyny. It was published earlier at Breitbart and the author’s website in a slightly different form.

[The Iron Burka]

Feminists Need to Know — Islam Kills Women
by Anne Marie Waters

I used to be a feminist, but I gave it up so I could speak out for women’s rights. Even before the “intersectional”, “how many genders are there?” lunacy took over, feminism was filled to bursting with types who think men are misogynists who all secretly want to rape us (this despite the fact that men are among the greatest supporters of women’s rights) and a happily married mother is some kind of traitor.

The kind of people, in other words, who nobody in their right mind could possibly get along with.

While I will always speak out for women to maintain our just civil rights, I do want Sharia Watch to spend significantly more time on freedom of speech (we will run an autumn campaign ‘Islam Kills Free Speech’) and the impact of Islam on children, but before I do, I intend to spend the summer doing something very important — informing the ludicrous feminists of today of something they desperately need to know: Islam Kills Women.

Islam Kills Women is a joint effort between Sharia Watch UK and It aims to do one thing and one thing only: show the world just why it is that women are treated so utterly appallingly in every Muslim society on earth.

[Burqa prams, Austria]

As well as producing articles from various writers and information packs and videos, I will challenge every feminist organisation in Britain to debate me, so that they can attempt to prove me wrong. When they realise that they cannot do this, I invite them to stand alongside me at the culmination of this campaign — a protest rally to be held outside Parliament on August 20th.

Islam kills women not only physically — although of course it does — but it kills the spirit of far greater numbers. From birth, girls are degraded and humiliated, most often by their own mothers. These girls accept their status and then pass it on to their own daughters in an endless cycle of what can only be described as evil.

Often forced into marriage, forced to live with domestic violence, and enslaved under a system of ‘honour’, life can be sheer misery for girls unfortunate enough to have been born into Islam. To top it off, many will have their clitorises cut off so that sex will be painful and they can suffer the further humiliation of incontinence and other side-effects.

All of this, but all of it, is maintained and sustained and justified by Islam. That is a matter of fact. I will prove it right now.

One of the most contentious issues is female genital mutilation (FGM), so let me start there. FGM is sanctioned by Islam. Fact. There are several hadiths which justify it. You can read these here, but I shall recount just one which should be enough to ring a few bells: “Abu al-Malih ibn Usama’s father relates that the Prophet said: ‘Circumcision is a law for men and a preservation of honour for women.’” Ahmad Ibn Hanbal 5:75; Abu Dawud, Adab 167.

While it is true that some Islamic “scholars” have condemned FGM, many others promote it and use hadiths to do so. The Muslim Brotherhood, for example, pushed for FGM when it took over Egypt, and in “moderate” Indonesia, where somewhere between 80 and 100 per cent of girls suffer this mutilation, 100 per cent of women interviewed believed it to be an Islamic obligation. According to ‘Stop FGM Mid East’ the practice did not exist in Indonesia until the introduction of Islam.

Let’s move on to forced marriage. Child marriage is rife in the Muslim world, and it is not, as some suggest, simply a consequence of extreme poverty. The Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, for example, has endorsed it on Islamic grounds for the simple reason that Mohammed married a six year old; therefore it must be permissible.

The relevant hadith is this: “The Prophet wrote the (marriage contract) with Aisha while she was six years old and consummated his marriage with her while she was nine years old and she remained with him for nine years (i.e. till his death)” (Bukhari 7.62.88)

Iran allows the marriage of nine-year-old girls based on these same hadiths, and recent attempts in Pakistan to prevent child marriage were stopped by the Council of Islamic Ideology who deemed it “blasphemous” and “un-Islamic”. The chairman of the council helpfully explained: “Parliament cannot create legislation that is against the teachings of the Holy Quran or Sunnah.”

[Stoning #2]

Stoning to death sounds just too terrible to be true. It sounds like something from pre-history that couldn’t possibly be happening today, but it is — in one kind of society only, Islamic society. It is a punishment used almost exclusively on women accused of committing adultery. I say ‘accused’ because that is all it takes; she has no defence.

Remember that under Islamic law, a woman’s word is worth half of a man’s, so if her husband accuses her, her denial is worthless and she will be found guilty on his word alone. This is brilliantly illustrated in the hard-to-watch movie ‘The Stoning of Soraya M’, a true story about the stoning of a young mother in Iran on the word of her husband only; he simply wanted rid of her. Her father and sons joined in with the stoning.

Stoning for adultery occurs under Islamic law for a reason that you may by now be able to guess: it was endorsed by Mohammed. There are several Islamic sources to back this up. I will recount just one part of Sahih Bukhari 3:50:885 which reads:

    Allah’s Apostle said, “By Him in Whose Hands my soul is, I will judge between you according to Allah’s Laws. The slave-girl and the sheep are to be returned to you, your son is to receive a hundred lashes and be exiled for one year. You, Unais, go to the wife of this (man) and if she confesses her guilt, stone her to death.” Unais went to that woman next morning and she confessed. Allah’s Apostle ordered that she be stoned to death.

Domestic and honour violence can be banded together, as I believe they emanate from one verse of the Koran — Sura 4, verse 34, which reads: “Men have authority over women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband’s] absence what Allah would have them guard. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance — [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike them.”

Could this verse be any clearer? Women must obey, and if they don’t, you may use violence against them. This can, and in practice does, justify all kinds of horrors against women. It is very clear that if the men in her family don’t approve of her conduct, they can beat her for it.

I have not even scratched the surface. The oppression of women in Islamic countries is by far the cruellest in the world. No other major societies treat their women in this way, and that is not an unfortunate coincidence; it is the direct result of these and many other teachings in Islamic scripture.

With all of this evidence in front of them, my challenge to British feminists is this: will you admit the truth in what I have written? And do you want this religion to have more or less influence in countries where women have fought and died for their freedom?

If, like me, you want to see a religion like this have zero influence, will you stand with me and oppose its import via mass immigration as Sharia Watch and Examine Islam intend to do on August 20th?

My guess is that you will not. You will not even respond to my requests, and you certainly won’t have the courage to debate me. You will continue to pretend that the truth is bigotry and that the lie is moral, and you will continue to deny the most pertinent truth about the treatment of women in the Middle East, Africa, and increasingly in Europe — this abhorrent treatment of women has everything to do with Islam.

[Anne Marie Waters #3]

Anne Marie Waters is the founder of Sharia Watch UK, a former UKIP candidate for Parliament, and one of the leaders of PEGIDA UK.

Previous posts:

2013         Jul         13         Islam Is Not A Peaceful Religion
2014         Apr         25         Sharia Watch UK Launched in House of Lords
          May         10         Sharia Watch UK Website
          Sep         2         Britain’s Principal Export: Islam
          Oct         20         Ave MARIAS
                    21         “No More Will We Tolerate This!”
2015         Jan         23         Freedom of Speech and the Nauseating Hypocrisy of the Left
          Jul         7         The Motoons Come to London on September 18
                    10         It’s Time to Take a Stand
          Aug         4         Anne Marie Waters and Paul Weston on the London Motoons Event
                    7         Anne Marie Waters: Response to Ridiculous Claims of HnH
          Sep         18         The State of Free Speech in Europe in 2015
          Dec         30         Rotherham: The Perfect Storm
2016         Jan         24         Anne Marie Waters in Copenhagen: “How Dare You Unleash That on European Women?”
          Mar         8         Anne Marie Waters on Virtue-Signaling by the Lying Media
« Last Edit: April 13, 2016, 12:13:16 pm by rangerrebew »

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Re: Feminists Need to Know — Islam Kills Women
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2016, 01:27:01 am »
"Feminists Need to Know — Islam Kills Women"

They are hopelessly blind to this reality, unable to recognize it for what it is until they find themselves put into one of these:


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Re: Feminists Need to Know — Islam Kills Women
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2016, 12:07:24 pm »
Nah, when they finally realize they've been had and refuse to live as a slave then complain about it, they'll be found hanging from an old oak tree or flying off tall buildings to the ground below.  If they're real lucky, they'll be stoned to death. :thud: