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Old-time radio, 13 April


Continuing coverage of FDR's death . . .

Dora Bateman---Commentary on FDR (BBC)
Memorial services around the country (CBS)
Continuing coverage, including statement from NBC president Niles Trammell (NBC)
FDR's Funeral Train to Washington (NBC)

Further channel surfing . . .

Fibber McGee & Molly, Uncle Sycamore's Radio Show (NBC, 1943) comedy
The Shadow, Death on the Rails (Mutual, 1941) crime drama
The Judy Canova Show, Trading In the Old Car (NBC, 1946) (comedy)
Fibber McGee & Molly, The Fire Alarm Box (NBC, 1948) comedy
The Bob Hope Show, Guest---Lana Turner (NBC, 1948) comedy
Studio One, The Glass Key (CBS, 1948) dramatic anthology
The Phil Harris-Alice Faye Show, Alice's Easter Dress (NBC, 1952) comedy
Gunsmoke, Livvie's Loss (CBS, 1958) Western

Well, I guess I'd better be shoveling off now. Ace'll be back on the same corner in front of the cigar
store tomorrow . . .

My 14 year old son loves old-time radio. He has listen to my collection of Edgar Bergan and Charlie McCarthy and Abbott & Costello over and over again - now having it all loaded on his iPod.  I also have a large collection of  Duffy's Tavern and Jack Benny, but he hasn't really gotten into those yet.   He is also into the old Bill Cosby stuff, though those are in a different category.

Does a dad proud to hear the sounds of Charlie McCarthy coming from his bedroom when he should be sleeping.


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