Author Topic: Boston Globe: The GOP Must Stop Trump (Satirical Globe front page on Trump presidency)  (Read 448 times)

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The GOP must stop Trump

April 10, 2016

DONALD J. TRUMP’S VISION for the future of our nation is as deeply disturbing as it is profoundly un-American.

It is easy to find historical antecedents. The rise of demagogic strongmen is an all too common phenomenon on our small planet. And what marks each of those dark episodes is a failure to fathom where a leader’s vision leads, to carry rhetoric to its logical conclusion. The satirical front page of this section attempts to do just that, to envision what America looks like with Trump in the White House.

It is an exercise in taking a man at his word. And his vision of America promises to be as appalling in real life as it is in black and white on the page. It is a vision that demands an active and engaged opposition. It requires an opposition as focused on denying Trump the White House as the candidate is flippant and reckless about securing it.

After Wisconsin, the odds have shrunk that Trump will arrive in Cleveland with the requisite 1,237 delegates needed to win the nomination outright. Yet if he’s denied that nomination for falling short of the required delegates, Trump has warned, “You’d have riots. I think you’d have riots.” Indeed, who knows what Trump’s fervent backers are capable of if emboldened by the defeat of their strongman at the hands of the hated party elite.

But the rules are the rules — and if no candidate reaches that magic number, the job of choosing a nominee falls to those on the convention floor.

That’s not a pretty picture. But then nothing about the billionaire real estate developer’s quest for the nation’s highest office has been pretty. He winks and nods at political violence at his rallies. He says he wants to “open up” libel laws to punish critics in the news media and calls them “scum.” He promised to shut out an entire class of immigrants and visitors to the United States on the sole basis of their religion.

The toxic mix of violent intimidation, hostility to criticism, and explicit scapegoating of minorities shows a political movement is taking hold in America. If Trump were a politician running such a campaign in a foreign country right now, the US State Department would probably be condemning him.

Realizing that the party faces a double bind, a few conservatives have been clear-eyed enough to see the need for a plausible, honorable alternative that could emerge from the likely contested convention. Names like Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney have come up. If no candidate gets a majority on the convention’s first ballot, such a nomination might be theoretically possible.

This would have no modern precedent: Ordinarily, parties put aside their differences after primaries and rally to the front-runner because they share basic common goals and values. In any other election cycle, anti-Trump Republicans would just look like sore losers. But Trump lacks those common values — not just the values of Republicans but, it becomes clearer every day, those of Democrats.

House Speaker Ryan spoke to the possible long-term damage with which the party is flirting. “Leaders with different visions and ideas have come and gone; parties have risen and fallen; majorities and White Houses won and lost,” he said. “But the way we govern endures: through debate, not disorder.” The problem is that Trump has already crossed lines that a politician with a sincere commitment to democratic norms must never cross.

At some point, after the election, Republicans will also need to ask themselves some tough questions about how their actions and inactions made the party vulnerable to Trump. After all, a candidate spewing anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, authoritarian rhetoric didn’t come out of nowhere; the Tea Party has been strong enough long enough that someone like him shouldn’t be a surprise. Chasing short-term political gains, the GOP missed a lot of chances to fight the hateful currents that now threaten to overwhelm it.

For now, Republicans ought to focus on doing the right thing: putting up every legitimate roadblock to Trump that they can. Unexpectedly, a key moment in American democracy has snuck up on the GOP. When he denounced Trump, Romney said he wanted to be able to say he’d fought the good fight against a demagogue. That’s the test other Republicans may want to consider.

Action doesn’t mean political chicanery or subterfuge. It doesn’t mean settling for an equally extreme — and perhaps more dangerous — nominee in Ted Cruz. If the party can muster the courage to reject its first-place finisher, rejecting the runner-up should be even easier.

The Republican Party’s standard deserves to be hoisted by an honorable and decent man, like Romney or Ryan, elected on the convention floor. It is better to lose with principle than to accept a dangerous deal from a demagogue.

Go to this link to see satirical front page:
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

Offline sinkspur

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One "article":

US soldiers refuse orders to kill ISIS families

THE MILITARY FACES a “crisis of good order
and discipline,” Pentagon officials said
yesterday, after days of widespread unrest
in the ranks over White House orders to kill relatives
of ISIS militants. 

More protests were planned in support of two
Army Special Forces soldiers who disobeyed direct
orders to kill everyone in an ISIS compound.

An Air Force drone pilot will face lesser charges in
connection with the raid near Raqqa, Syria. Two 
militants were killed in a firefight, but three women
and two children were left alive, contrary to orders
issued directly by President Trump. 

“When the president promised to take out
families of radical Islamic terrorists, he meant it,” 
a senior administration official told reporters
traveling on Air Force One. “We have a civiliancontrolled
military for a reason.” 

A clash between the military and the White
House has been brewing since the campaign, 
when former CIA chief General Michael Hayden 
explicitly warned that “American armed forces 
would refuse to act” if Trump ordered an attack 
on terrorist families. 
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

Offline sinkspur

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Another "article":

sink as
trade war

plunged again Friday,
completing the worst
month on record as trade wars
with both China and Mexico
seem imminent.

Markets from the Dow to the
FTSE to the Nikkei have sunk
on speculation that China is
dumping some of its US Treasury
holdings after the Trump
administration announced tariffs
as high as 45 percent for all
Chinese imports and 35 percent
for some Mexican goods.

“I don’t mind trade wars
when we’re losing $58 billion a
year,” the president said last
year. But Chinese officials have
made it no secret that they will
not let tariffs go unanswered.
The Asian giant is the largest
holder of US debt, owning some
$1.4 trillion worth, according to
Federal Reserve figures.

The tariffs — and any retaliatory
actions — directly threaten
American supply chains, especially
in the country’s auto and
agriculture industries.

Investors are spooked, and
global recession now seems
possible. “Imposing tariffs or
putting up trade barriers may
sound good, but it will hurt our
economy and credibility,” Wendy
Cutler, the former acting
deputy US trade representative
told Reuters in 2016.

It’s been long feared China
could sink the US economy if it
were to unload its holdings of
US Treasuries, sending borrowing
costs skyrocketing. “No one
sees how we get out of this spiral
if Trump doesn’t let up,” one
Bloomberg economist said.

« Last Edit: April 10, 2016, 03:37:01 pm by sinkspur »
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.


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To a sane person, these are the chilling consequences to Trump's policies.

Offline mountaineer

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The Boston Glob, DNC mouthpiece? Not a Trump fan,
but who cares what they print?
Support Israel's emergency medical service.

Offline Formerly Once-Ler

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Action doesn’t mean political chicanery or subterfuge. It doesn’t mean settling for an equally extreme — and perhaps more dangerous — nominee in Ted Cruz. If the party can muster the courage to reject its first-place finisher, rejecting the runner-up should be even easier.

Paragraph after paragraph on the dangers of Trump, but Senator Cruz maybe more dangerous?  I will never understand rat thinking.