Author Topic: Sketchy Ted Cruz Campaign Fundraiser Recorded Telling Donors They Can Violate Finance Laws…  (Read 705 times)

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Sketchy Ted Cruz Campaign Fundraiser Recorded Telling Donors They Can Violate Finance Laws…
Posted on April 9, 2016   by sundance

Senator Ted Cruz has at least eight Super-PAC’s assisting his presidential campaign; and according to a recording obtained by Politico a Cruz’s campaign bundler was directing large donors toward one PAC specifically.  The “Stand for Truth” PAC.

However, the campaign appears to have, yet again, gone into the land of illegality with the following statement (via audio recording):

“If you hit your max then we have a table for you that is the unlimited table,” Keet Lewis, a bundler for the campaign and co-host of a Dec. 30 fundraiser in Dallas, says on the recording provided to POLITICO. “It can take corporate dollars, it can take partnership dollars, and that’s the super PAC, Stand for Truth, so pick up some of that information.” (link)

The politico article goes on to share how and why the fundraising instructions are illegal – read here– but that’s not the part that might stick out to anyone who has been following the 2015/2016 shady campaign finances.

The actual Super-PAC the Ted Cruz campaign is preferring, “Stand for Truth”, is run by Mitch McConnell’s attorney, Eric Lycan;  and the receipts inside the most recent filings show some of the biggest donors in the DC circuit heavy hitters club.

The Cruz campaign likes to sell a narrative of being an “outsider”.  However, the PAC wasn’t created until November 18th 2015 and this recorded fundraising pitch was December 30th 2015, a little more than a month after the PAC was formed.

Why is that aspect pertinent?  Not a single primary took place until Feb 1st, and almost all of the candidates were still in the race when this donor meeting took place.   The Mitch McConnell/Eric Lycan “insider DC pac” known as Stand for Truth, was part of Team Cruz finance while Bush, Rubio, Christie, Fiorina et al were still in the race.

Does that sound like an unfriendly -outside of the establishment- status?   Of course not.  Why would the GOPe be fundraising for Ted Cruz in December/January if he was an outsider while all the other ‘establishment candidates’ were still in the race?

What this really reveals is more evidence of Ted Cruz being a GOPe insider; always part of the ‘establishment‘ from the outset.   The “conservative Cruz-ruse” was simply a part of the vote ‘splitting’ strategy, all along.

So here’s the Monthly March 2016 filing in full pdf format (from the FEC portal).  Take a look at how large the average donations are, in addition to what they spent almost $10 million dollars on.

(FEC Forms at link)

Yes, fyi – we noticed the $100,000 transfer from SfT PAC (McConnell/Lycan) to Keep The Promise PAC (Kelly Anne Conway).

In addition, if you want to understand why the campaign fundraiser would be giving instructions to donate, beyond legal limits, to the Super-PAC a great representative example can be found in the FEC filings for the Super-PAC “Club for Growth“.

If you go through the March monthly C4G filing (600+ pages) you’ll notice receipts from several donors who give $2,700 (or $5,000)  over, and over, and over, and over.  Further into the same filing report (when it changes to disbursements) you’ll note candidates getting the maximum contribution repeatedly from the same donors.

It appears C4G is used as a money laundry for individual donors who have exceeded their maximum donation threshold.   It’s another way to contribute beyond the allowable donation limit.

Based on the Politico story, in combination with the transcript recording, it looks like that’s what the Ted Cruz campaign was instructing the donors to do – and why they are instructing them to do it.

When you look at these filings long enough, what you’ll note is the transparency of what the rich donor class are doing.  It’s further ironic when you contrast this activity against Dinesh D’Sousa getting put in jail for doing the same thing independently and not using a Super-PAC to launder the money for him.

Almost all of these PACs have to file again on/around April 20th.  The March activity contained within the April filing will be interesting to review.

You can visit the FEC Portal HERE
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Where in the article is there any allegation of a violation? 

All I read is the usual "donor class" "establishment" "insider" bullshit that the Trump supporters throw around as cliches that have become meaningless.

Your boy's consigliere, Paul Manafort, was on Meet the Press just now accusing Cruz of "Gestapo tactics" in the delegate selection process.   He's adopting the same tactics as his boss. Other than Trump's silence, nothing's changed.
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Where in the article is there any allegation of a violation? 

All I read is the usual "donor class" "establishment" "insider" bullshit that the Trump supporters throw around as cliches that have become meaningless.

Your boy's consigliere, Paul Manafort, was on Meet the Press just now accusing Cruz of "Gestapo tactics" in the delegate selection process.   He's adopting the same tactics as his boss. Other than Trump's silence, nothing's changed.

You are right. The Conservative Treehouse (political tabloid) is citing Politico that Lycan works for Cruz. That would make it illegal, except, he doesn't work for Cruz. He has an independent Super PAC. In the recording, he also didn't say specifically 'if you can't donate to the Cruz campaign', he just said if you've maxed out contributions- never said to whom.

They are making a pretty big leap to claim illegal coordination.

It isn't like Cruz's campaign was actually paying Lycan.

Unlike, for example, Trump paying Wizbang Solutions who ran the Make America Great Again PAC (4Q and 3Q FEC filing) or still paying Roger Stone even though he is now running a Pro-Trump Super PAC, The Committee to Restore America’s Greatness (4Q FEC filing).

If we are going to have that standard set, it is even worse for Trump.