Author Topic: Sanders Is The Future For Democrats. They Ought To Be Terrified.  (Read 305 times)

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Sanders Is The Future For Democrats. They Ought To Be Terrified.


“Why in the world did you humor Donald Trump?”

That’s the question the left has been asking for months about commentators on the right who originally granted Trump an open hearing on his ideas. It’s a fair question. After all, Trump had a long record of leftist support and a history of controversial statements. But he also had 100 percent name recognition, an undeniable draw, a deep wallet, an aggressive streak with the media, and a willingness to say politically incorrect things.

Over the course of the campaign, Trump revealed more and more of himself, and it became clear that his positive qualities as a candidate were significantly outweighed by his personal authoritarianism, his narcissism, his lack of core conservative principles. It became clear that Trump wasn’t an anti-PC warrior, he was an anti-decency, pro-Trump vulgarian.

The right, therefore, has largely thrown over Trump. It’s not establishment moderates driving the #NeverTrump movement. By poll numbers, it’s hard core conservatives who don’t trust Trump and believe he’s a leftist at heart.

So, here’s the question for leftists: why in the world do you continue to humor Bernie Sanders?

Sanders’ brand of socialism is not just evil. It’s also deeply ignorant. On Tuesday, the New York Daily News released an interview with Sanders in which Sanders repeatedly beclowned himself. Here’s Sanders on breaking up the big banks: “I’m not running JPMorgan Chase or Citibank…that is their decision as to what they want to do and how they want to reconfigure themselves. That’s not my decision.”

Here’s Sanders festooning himself with wreaths of asininity on whether Israel should be tried for war crimes: “No…Look, why don’t I support a million things in the world? I’m just telling you that I happen to believe…anybody help me out here, because I don’t remember the figures, but my recollection is over 10,000 innocent people were killed in Gaza. Does that sound right?”

No, actually, it sounds deeply moronic.

But not as moronic as Sanders’ explanation of whom he would prosecute over the subprime mortgage meltdown:

What kind of fraudulent activity [did the banks engage in]? Fraudulent activity that brought this country into the worst economic decline in its history by selling packages of fraudulent, fraudulent, worthless subprime mortgages. How’s that for a start?

Sanders said he didn’t know anything about a crucial court ruling undercutting his favorite economic regulation, Dodd-Frank; he said he didn’t know whether the military should have the power to authorize drone strikes; he said he supported Obama’s gun agenda, then couldn’t articulate it; he said he didn’t know if there were any laws allowing prosecution of Wall Street executives.

Here’s Sanders’ explanation of what government policy ought to pursue: “To me, what moral is, I’ve got to be concerned about you. You’ve got to be concerned about my wife. That’s moral to me.” Sanders gave this answer when asked why companies ought to be punished for outsourcing.

This is morally vacuous when it comes to government, which is designed to prevent harms, not to substitute for family or God. When it comes to our legal duties to one another, it’s your job to take care of your wife; it’s my job to take care of mine. It’s everyone’s job not to hurt anybody else. But to Sanders, free and voluntary activity that isn’t based around caring about his wife is immoral, and must be curbed by government. It’s my job not just to care about Sanders’ wife, in his view – it’s my job to pay for her. This is how totalitarianism begins: with the unearned moral superiority of those who “care” about everyone enough to regulate them into oblivion in order to punish them for their supposed indifference.

Yet the 74-year-old Sanders is the future. Democrats suddenly realizing that their ThoughtLeader is a bloviating ignoramus without any knowledge of policy or any respect for rights must be asked: what, exactly, surprises you about Sanders all of the sudden? And why are your children backing him anyway?

Trump represents the past of the conservative movement – the revenge of frustrated paleoconservatives, out-of-work blue collar workers seeking big government protectionism, and alt-right racists masquerading as free speech activists. Sanders represents the future for Democrats. Sanders won 82 percent of voters aged 18-29 last night in Wisconsin; Cruz crushed Trump 44 percent to 33 percent among that same age group. While Sanders has consistently overpolled among young voters, Trump consistently underpolls in virtually every state.

The Republican Party may be fragmenting. But the conservative movement remains stronger than ever. The left, however, demonstrates with its allegiance to Bernie Sanders that its future is the Hugo Chavez-style blundering fascism of Marxist redestributionism.
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