Author Topic: 3 Types of Trump Supporters, And Why They Defend Trump's Lies  (Read 2710 times)

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3 Types of Trump Supporters, And Why They Defend Trump's Lies


Donald Trump’s lies are massive and unceasing. Hardly a day goes by that doesn’t require some sort of soft walkback from his campaign, whether on his abortion positions or his self-funded campaign or his opponents.

But to many of his followers, these lies are half the attraction. When Trump himself admits he lied or openly flips positions, his supporters rage that he never lied, that he never switched positions, that he’s as constant as the Northern Star. They term him a “non-politician,” as though shifting positions constantly is a reflection of honesty rather than dishonesty; they excuse his lies by portraying him as a victim of an adversarial media, as though Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) faces friends each time the red light goes on. Then they call Cruz “Lyin’ Ted” while maintaining that he planted a super PAC anti-Melania ad (a lie), stole the Iowa caucuses from Ben Carson (a lie), and cheated on his wife with a bevy of women (a lie).

And his supporters follow. As Jonah Goldberg wrote this weekend at National Review:

Like all demagogues, he’s using his lies as a loyalty test for his followers. He’s exploiting his popularity and abusing the devotion of his fans to force them into going along with his fictions, until they are in so deep psychologically, they have no choice but to carry on. It’s an ancient psychological tactic of authoritarians, Mafia dons, and the like: Force your followers into sharing the blame for your misdeeds so that they can’t break ranks.

What lies behind the peculiar loyalty of Trump’s base to their man, no matter how many times he lies to them and the rest of America? I’ve stated openly that I support Ted Cruz in this primary, but I’ve ripped him before. I’ve said that his preacher mannerisms are offputting, that he appears insincere publicly, that he originally got it wrong on the Trans-Pacific Partnership. I’ve even said (before Trump’s favorables plummeted) that Trump might have been more electable than Cruz.

So why do Trump’s supporters tolerate his lies? Why, after he spent weeks denying that his campaign manager even touched a female reporter, then suggesting that she was some sort of ISIS pen-bomb assassin, do Trump’s supporters now ignore the fact that he says that his campaign manager probably should have apologized (“You’re right, but from what I understand it wouldn’t have mattered”)? Why, do they defend him as a staunch truthteller after he admits he should never have retweeted a nasty picture of Heidi Cruz (“If I had to do it again, I wouldn’t have sent it”)? Why does he lie every five minutes, yet receive support from his base every time?

Trump’s supporters seem to break down into three camps on this score.

The True Believers. The true believers think Trump will indeed fight for them. They see him as a victim of circumstance: the media are always lying about their man, he’s always being taken out of context. Trump feeds them red meat in this regard. He’s constantly complaining about being misquoted, even if he isn’t – he told Eric Bolling the other day that MSNBC cut out the relevant portion of his interview about abortion, an outright lie – and he’s always explaining that when he rips members of the media, it’s simple justice. He spends weeks attacking Fox News’ Megyn Kelly, then says, “There’s no reason [to do that]. I don’t care about Megyn. I’m sure she’s perfectly nice, but I don’t really know Megyn at all. I just think I’ve been treated very unfairly.”

With these supporters, Trump has crafted an alternative reality: what he says goes, even if it doesn’t mildly reflect reality. The man can say anything, and any attempt to cross Trump represents an act of insanity. For these Trump supporters – people who desperately hope that Trump isn’t lying when he promises to bring back jobs and restore American greatness – all that comes from Trump’s mouth must be treated as truth. These Trump voters look most like Obama 2008 "hope and change" fanatics.

The Alt-Right Machiavellians. Then there are those who know Trump is lying but just don’t care – his lies must be defended, because Trump lying and getting away with it reflects turnabout as fair play. Milo Yiannopoulos, perhaps Trump’s loudest single supporter and alt-right defender, suggests that Trump draws from the alt-right white nationalist base because he’s simply turning the game on its head: the left has relied on racial pandering and creation of linguistic taboo to reach success, so Trump can reverse that polarity by relying on similar racial pandering and violation of linguistic taboo. The left lies, and so Trump can lie:

It’s true that Donald Trump would not be possible without the oppressive hectoring of the progressive Left, but the entire media is to blame for the environment in which this new movement has emerged.

Trump lies on behalf of the dispossessed white victims of political correctness, according to the alt-right. Thus, his lies are merely means to a decent end. Never mind that the white nationalist movement is indecent -- Trump's on their side, and his lies, calibrated to target the political establishment, just demonstrate that, many of them believe. They have no rules; Trump has no rules. And by joining with Trump in telling lies, they become more powerful than the truth. They become part of a "politically incorrect" movement to fight back against the left's lies by promulgating Trump's.

The Burn-It-All-Down Crowd. Then there’s the most populous group of Trump supporters – the folks who are just fighting mad and won’t take it anymore. They don’t care if Trump lies; they figure that everyone lies. They believe precisely one Trump promise: to burn it all down. Every Trump lie, in this view, actually burnishes his image, because his open willingness to lie represents a ruthless unwillingness to conform with the expectations of political reality. He may be a fabulist, but he’ll lie to those politicians who have been lying to us, too. As I wrote back in August 2015:

In fact, that element of bulls*** is one of his most attractive personal features. Trump’s supporters find the bafflement of their supposed intellectual superiors amusing. Trump is running a GFY campaign because he is incapable of running any other campaign. And his supporters are in a GFY mood.

We’re now nine months into the Trump movement, and it’s time for Trump supporters to realize that Trump may be the stripper you date, but he isn’t the girl you bring home to mother. The world isn’t lying; Trump is. Trump isn’t lying to everyone except Trump supporters; he’s lying to Trump supporters, too. He’ll be loyal to his allies so long as that’s convenient. Then he’ll throw them over for something better.

Liars lie. It’s what they do. And making excuses for those lies puts his supporters in Trump’s moral boat – a boat rocking wildly side-to-side, taking on water fast.
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Re: 3 Types of Trump Supporters, And Why They Defend Trump's Lies
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2016, 08:59:27 pm »
I suspect you're more than happy to run off those potential voters.

If you get rid of them, along with Obama's influx of new Democrat voters, you'll get Democrat hegemony.
And I suspect that would suit you just fine.

Offline sinkspur

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Re: 3 Types of Trump Supporters, And Why They Defend Trump's Lies
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2016, 09:01:45 pm »
I suspect you're more than happy to run off those potential voters.

If you get rid of them, along with Obama's influx of new Democrat voters, you'll get Democrat hegemony.
And I suspect that would suit you just fine.

I don't have the power to run anybody off.  Why in hell should the rest of the GOP cater to a bunch of angry people who despise us?
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Re: 3 Types of Trump Supporters, And Why They Defend Trump's Lies
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2016, 09:08:04 pm »
I don't have the power to run anybody off.  Why in hell should the rest of the GOP cater to a bunch of angry people who despise us?

I get that your goals may be a bit different than a Republican.
I can't speak for Trump supporters, but it seems to me, that they hate the establishment political class, not other voters.

I could be wrong.

I am pretty sure that the GOP, if they successfully drive off Trump supporters, (Tea Partiers?), that the GOP will win next to nothing on a national scope.
Once again, I suspect that doesn't displease you.

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Re: 3 Types of Trump Supporters, And Why They Defend Trump's Lies
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2016, 09:13:01 pm »
I get that your goals may be a bit different than a Republican.
I can't speak for Trump supporters, but it seems to me, that they hate the establishment political class, not other voters.

I could be wrong.

I am pretty sure that the GOP, if they successfully drive off Trump supporters, (Tea Partiers?), that the GOP will win next to nothing on a national scope.
Once again, I suspect that doesn't displease you.

No it won't.  But if the Trump supporters succeed in nominating Trump, then they'll drive me off. 

And it's funny to watch them support one of the biggest "establishment" enablers around, a member of the Northeast donor class that they rail against.

Plus, Trump is ignorant.  Promoting ignorance is not something we ought to be doing in the highest office in the land.
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Re: 3 Types of Trump Supporters, And Why They Defend Trump's Lies
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2016, 09:21:02 pm »
No it won't.  But if the Trump supporters succeed in nominating Trump, then they'll drive me off. 

And it's funny to watch them support one of the biggest "establishment" enablers around, a member of the Northeast donor class that they rail against.

Plus, Trump is ignorant.  Promoting ignorance is not something we ought to be doing in the highest office in the land.

How can they drive you off if they haven't got you in the first place?

Frustrated people sometimes do things that don't make sense. There are a lot of frustrated people who have watched candidates cower before the media and Democrat attacks.

You don't have to convince me that Trump is the Republican version of Obama, and maybe even worse than that. But, the GOP created the conditions for Trump.

Offline Weird Tolkienish Figure

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Re: 3 Types of Trump Supporters, And Why They Defend Trump's Lies
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2016, 09:32:25 pm »
But, the GOP created the conditions for Trump.

I don't disagree with this. But IMO the conditions that created Trump were thus: living in a talk-radio fueled echo chamber has convinced a small subset of the population that the rest of America thinks like they do.

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Re: 3 Types of Trump Supporters, And Why They Defend Trump's Lies
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2016, 09:38:37 pm »
I don't disagree with this. But IMO the conditions that created Trump were thus: living in a talk-radio fueled echo chamber has convinced a small subset of the population that the rest of America thinks like they do.

Perhaps. The "moral majority" doesn't exist. America is a left of center nation, like it or not.

The tragedy and the beauty of America is that the citizens get to pick their representatives. If Americans want to be socialist, in spite of the many failures, and terrible results of socialism, then America will be socialist. If they want to scrap the constitution and go with a more "modern" document, there is nothing to stop that. A nation is a collection of citizens.

I'm rounding 3rd and heading for home in life, so I don't get upset. I just watch and marvel at what collective stupid looks like up close.

Offline Weird Tolkienish Figure

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Re: 3 Types of Trump Supporters, And Why They Defend Trump's Lies
« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2016, 09:41:36 pm »
Perhaps. The "moral majority" doesn't exist. America is a left of center nation, like it or not.

The tragedy and the beauty of America is that the citizens get to pick their representatives. If Americans want to be socialist, in spite of the many failures, and terrible results of socialism, then America will be socialist. If they want to scrap the constitution and go with a more "modern" document, there is nothing to stop that. A nation is a collection of citizens.

I'm rounding 3rd and heading for home in life, so I don't get upset. I just watch and marvel at what collective stupid looks like up close.

Bottom line is we get the government we deserve. If you're smart enough to see it coming, you can take appropriate plans ahead of time. And teach your children about the train wreck coming so they can take steps as well. I'm not a prepper or foresee a catastrophic collapse or armageddon, just years of stagnation and chaos.

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Re: 3 Types of Trump Supporters, And Why They Defend Trump's Lies
« Reply #9 on: April 04, 2016, 09:43:14 pm »
I don't disagree with this. But IMO the conditions that created Trump were thus: living in a talk-radio fueled echo chamber has convinced a small subset of the population that the rest of America thinks like they do.

Talk-radio fueled echo chamber, Levin, Beck = Cruz. NOT Trump.
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Offline Weird Tolkienish Figure

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Re: 3 Types of Trump Supporters, And Why They Defend Trump's Lies
« Reply #10 on: April 04, 2016, 09:47:52 pm »
Talk-radio fueled echo chamber, Levin, Beck = Cruz. NOT Trump.

Biggest talker by audience is Rush and he sells the Trump kool-aid bigtime. I do listen to Beck, not Levin so much. But the local right wing talkers around here are mostly pushing the idea that Trump=reagan. It will be disastrous IMO. Angry white people who do nothing but listen to AM talk radio all day think that the rest of the country likes Trump and Trump is Reagan.

Rush Limbaugh:  "CNN is today trying to destroy the Trump campaign. They’re afraid of Trump. They don’t like Trump."

From today.

Offline Frank Cannon

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Re: 3 Types of Trump Supporters, And Why They Defend Trump's Lies
« Reply #11 on: April 04, 2016, 09:52:59 pm »
Perhaps. The "moral majority" doesn't exist. America is a left of center nation, like it or not.

I see no evidence of that. All elections since '08 have Rats losing big time and being replaced by more conservative GOPers. As a matter of fact all the at risk seats this election cycle are the moderate squishes who claimed they were Tea Party/Conservative and then went full RINO. Just look at Elmers and Ayotte for tangible proof.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2016, 09:53:24 pm by Frank Cannon »


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Re: 3 Types of Trump Supporters, And Why They Defend Trump's Lies
« Reply #12 on: April 04, 2016, 09:54:22 pm »
Plus, Trump is ignorant.  Promoting ignorance is not something we ought to be doing in the highest office in the land.

Speaking of ignorant, stupid and self-destructive, how about the GOPer morons that offered up maniac McCain and milquetoast Mitt as "viable" presidential candidates.  :facepalm2:

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Re: 3 Types of Trump Supporters, And Why They Defend Trump's Lies
« Reply #13 on: April 04, 2016, 09:54:46 pm »
Biggest talker by audience is Rush and he sells the Trump kool-aid bigtime. I do listen to Beck, not Levin so much. But the local right wing talkers around here are mostly pushing the idea that Trump=reagan. It will be disastrous IMO. Angry white people who do nothing but listen to AM talk radio all day think that the rest of the country likes Trump and Trump is Reagan.

Rush Limbaugh:  "CNN is today trying to destroy the Trump campaign. They’re afraid of Trump. They don’t like Trump."

From today.

I get the impression you feel yourself to be superior, to "angry white people." Yet this site has plenty of them.

Can you empathize with them? I know some angry Hispanic people, who feel just like the angry white people, btw. And a couple of Asians too.
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Re: 3 Types of Trump Supporters, And Why They Defend Trump's Lies
« Reply #14 on: April 04, 2016, 09:55:00 pm »
Biggest talker by audience is Rush and he sells the Trump kool-aid bigtime. I do listen to Beck, not Levin so much. But the local right wing talkers around here are mostly pushing the idea that Trump=reagan. It will be disastrous IMO. Angry white people who do nothing but listen to AM talk radio all day think that the rest of the country likes Trump and Trump is Reagan.

Rush Limbaugh:  "CNN is today trying to destroy the Trump campaign. They’re afraid of Trump. They don’t like Trump."

From today.

Is that really the quality of comment we're stuck with on this forum?
And yet, many of the anti Trump crowd calls Trump supporters the racists.

Bet you loved Obama's comment about the bitter clingers?!

I listen to Rush when I go to lunch. He does not push Trump. He doesn't support him. He doesn't not support him. Rush is doing his thing, which is attacking other media outlets.

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Re: 3 Types of Trump Supporters, And Why They Defend Trump's Lies
« Reply #15 on: April 04, 2016, 09:57:15 pm »
The right wing talkers spent years bashing the RINOs.  Demanding purity.  Bashing the so called establishment.  Hating on the voters who elected these very people and then  had their votes ridiculed by the likes of Sean, Rush, and yes, Levin as well

Seems they wanted purity and found it in tRump????   It's as tho the Woodstock Generation is back

Never mind that tRump needs a pooper scooper to follow along behind him to clean up the constant messes he leaves behind.

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Re: 3 Types of Trump Supporters, And Why They Defend Trump's Lies
« Reply #16 on: April 04, 2016, 09:58:43 pm »
Rush's WHO ME??   is laughable.  He may not come right out and support tRump but somehow tRump supporters get lots of air time on his show.

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Re: 3 Types of Trump Supporters, And Why They Defend Trump's Lies
« Reply #17 on: April 04, 2016, 10:00:08 pm »
I see no evidence of that. All elections since '08 have Rats losing big time and being replaced by more conservative GOPers. As a matter of fact all the at risk seats this election cycle are the moderate squishes who claimed they were Tea Party/Conservative and then went full RINO. Just look at Elmers and Ayotte for tangible proof.

And yet, we've elected an Alinksyite Marxist, and we're getting ready to elect another.
The USSC is about to be swung left.

There is political correctness running rampant, and most people I know under 40 are all for what's going on.
My observation is anecdotal. It's my opinion based on my microscopic sample, but I think it's right.

There may be a lot of conservative people out there, but they are being overwhelmed by leftists. We haven't swung hard left, as a nation, but I believe we are left of center.

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Re: 3 Types of Trump Supporters, And Why They Defend Trump's Lies
« Reply #18 on: April 04, 2016, 10:00:21 pm »
I believe the status quo is the problem, so I support candidates that will do damage to it. The game is rigged in their favor. We have to fight back any way we can, and sometimes that means getting dirty.
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Offline Weird Tolkienish Figure

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Re: 3 Types of Trump Supporters, And Why They Defend Trump's Lies
« Reply #19 on: April 04, 2016, 10:00:57 pm »
I get the impression you feel yourself to be superior, to "angry white people." Yet this site has plenty of them.

Can you empathize with them? I know some angry Hispanic people, who feel just like the angry white people, btw. And a couple of Asians too.

I'm sorry, I don't want to live my life in a state of chronic anger if I can help it.

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Re: 3 Types of Trump Supporters, And Why They Defend Trump's Lies
« Reply #20 on: April 04, 2016, 10:01:45 pm »
Rush's WHO ME??   is laughable.  He may not come right out and support tRump but somehow tRump supporters get lots of air time on his show.

Right. Don't listen to what he says, listen to what he means.

That's pretty solid reasoning there.


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Re: 3 Types of Trump Supporters, And Why They Defend Trump's Lies
« Reply #21 on: April 04, 2016, 10:04:13 pm »
The right wing talkers spent years bashing the RINOs.  Demanding purity.  Bashing the so called establishment.  Hating on the voters who elected these very people and then  had their votes ridiculed by the likes of Sean, Rush, and yes, Levin as well

Seems they wanted purity and found it in tRump????   It's as tho the Woodstock Generation is back

Never mind that tRump needs a pooper scooper to follow along behind him to clean up the constant messes he leaves behind.

The GOPers need a front end loader, a belly dump trailer and an EPA approved dump to clean up the garbage they have left us with.

Offline Weird Tolkienish Figure

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Re: 3 Types of Trump Supporters, And Why They Defend Trump's Lies
« Reply #22 on: April 04, 2016, 10:04:45 pm »
Right. Don't listen to what he says, listen to what he means.

That's pretty solid reasoning there.

Listen to the magic voices on the radio if you want, but realize that they're often wrong. And explaining away their cognitive dissonance is amazing to witness in action. You should have seen Rush's amazing contortions in trying to explain that Trump liked liberty. Yikes.


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Re: 3 Types of Trump Supporters, And Why They Defend Trump's Lies
« Reply #23 on: April 04, 2016, 10:05:44 pm »
Rush's WHO ME??   is laughable.  He may not come right out and support tRump but somehow tRump supporters get lots of air time on his show.

The leader usually does get the most interest.

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Re: 3 Types of Trump Supporters, And Why They Defend Trump's Lies
« Reply #24 on: April 05, 2016, 01:39:50 am »
I think Shapiro is forgetting a few members of Trump's coalition.

Yes, the burn-it-downers, trolls and true believers are big parts. But the biggest one is the bandwagon/LIV vote, the ones voting solely on name recognition and popularity. They're the most dangerous.
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