Author Topic: Pastor on Hannity Goes Off on muslim imam. ‘Muhammad Was Nothing But A Bloodthirsty Warlord…’  (Read 305 times)

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Pastor on Hannity Goes Off on muslim imam

    Excellent discussion on Hannity - Pastor Robt Jeffress and an imam - the knowledge is relevant to the importing of muslims into USA

    Watch: Pastor Gets Fed Up, GOES OFF On Imam On TV – ‘Muhammad Was Nothing But A Bloodthirsty Warlord…’

    "Jesus, the founder of our faith, didn't kill anybody."

    In a fiery segment of Sean Hannity’s show Hannity on Wednesday, Pastor Robert Jeffress of First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas squared off with Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi of the Islamic House of Wisdom in Dearborn Heights, Michigan.

    Hannity introduced the line of questioning by reacting to President Obama’s inaction from ISIS’ mass killing in Brussels last week, questioning the president’s actions while in Cuba and Argentina. Obama was seen participating in the wave with Raul Castro and dancing the tango in Argentina. His response at a White House prayer breakfast also drew criticism, as it appeared to be a lecture to Americans rather than addressing their safety.

    In response, Jeffress said, “Once again, on the heels of a horrific terror attack you have the president assuming his favorite role of defender-in-chief of Islam. It is time for this president and others to wake up to the fact of, whether we’re talking about Paris, Pakistan, Brussels or San Bernardino, all of these attacks share one common denominator: they were not committed by Jews or Hindus or Episcopalians, they were committed by radical Islamic terrorists. And Sean, by this
    president’s unwillingness to admit that and denying it and demonizing the rest of us who make that connection, it’s not only shameful, he is endangering the future security of our country.”

    Imam Ali Elahi countered with his own assertion the terrorists are not Muslims. He said, “it is either radical or Islam, but it can’t be both.” The imam then tried to draw an analogy between members of the KKK as being Christian to the terrorists’ identity as Muslims.

    Jeffress then attempted to point to an important distinction between the two groups.

    Jeffress said, “Here’s why you cant tie [the KKK] to Christianity. You can’t find one verse in the New Testament that says, ‘Kill unbelievers.’ Jesus, the founder of our faith, didn’t kill anybody. He was crucified, but you look in the Koran, you can find 35 sword verses. Muhammad was nothing but a bloodthirsty warlord who beheaded 600 Jews who would not follow him into battle.”