Author Topic: BOOBY TRAP: 11 Cartel Hitmen Nabbed On Way To Strip Club  (Read 415 times)

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BOOBY TRAP: 11 Cartel Hitmen Nabbed On Way To Strip Club
« on: April 03, 2016, 12:03:50 pm »
BOOBY TRAP: 11 Cartel Hitmen Nabbed On Way To Strip Club

Posted By JP Carroll On 5:04 PM 04/02/2016 In | No Comments

11 Mexican cartel killers were caught by authorities while heading to a strip club in the resort town of Cancun.

Mexican officials arrested a total of 14 people Thursday, 11 of whom were known sicarios (Mexican hitmen) affiliated with the rising Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG). The hitmen were arrested in a part of town notorious for strip clubs and prostitution, according to Mexican daily El Universal.

The murder of a man named Baez Rodriguez and the disappearance of his Audi led cops to the 14 men. Three pals of the 11 sicarios were found driving around in Rodriguez’s Audi, which led police to the hitmen.

“The cartel thugs admitted to murdering Mr. Baez because he sold them a car 15 days ago that was in rough shape,” an official from the prosecutor’s office told Mexican news outlets.

Among the arrested was the local leader of the cartel, Marco Antonio R.G. known as “Pollo” (Chicken). The Chicken was found with four other people, including three women, two of whom were foreigners, according to El Universal.

Police impounded two cars and confiscated three guns found on the murderers. The sicarios had only been in town a month and were in the midst of trying to take over the cartel scene.

CJNG got its start as part of the Sinaloa Cartel. The cartel became known for its military tactics when it used a shoulder-mounted rocket launcher to take down a helicopter in May 2015.

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