Author Topic: U.S. state gives Muslims 'JIHAD 1' license plate Terror-linked group: 'It means someone who is going to struggle to be better'  (Read 503 times)

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U.S. state gives Muslims 'JIHAD 1' license plate
Terror-linked group: 'It means someone who is going to struggle to be better'
Published: 7 hours ago

"JIHAD 1" license plate spotted in Missouri (Photo: KMOV-TV screenshot)

A terror-linked Muslim group in the U.S. is defending a Missouri couple’s “JIHAD 1” license plate, arguing the term means “someone struggling to be better” and not a terrorist’s holy obligation to kill “infidels.”

A KMOV-4 viewer wrote into the station to report the plate sighting in St. Louis, Missouri, telling reporters he found it “insulting and actually a bit scary [especially] with the latest shootings in San Bernardino,” referencing the December 2015 terror attacks in California that killed 14 and wounded 21 at the Inland Regional Center, which serves individuals with developmental disabilities.

The station learned the plate belonged to a Muslim couple who declined to speak on camera. The mother and father explained that “Jihad” is the name of their 14-year-old son.

They told KMOV-4 the term “jihad” has nothing to do with terrorism and has another spiritual meaning in Islam.

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That’s when the St. Louis Chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations – a group named by the Department of Justice as an unindicted co-conspirator in a terror-financing case – got involved.

“Jihad is very common, and it doesn’t mean Holy War,” said CAIR St. Louis Chapter Executive Director Faizan Syed. “It means someone who is struggling. So when you name your kid Jihad, it means someone who is going to struggle to be better.”

Syed told the station people who are offended by the term are merely confused.

“It has the ability to confuse people,” he said. “And because the average American thinks of jihad as a certain thing, it’s probably better for this individual not to use it.”

According to the KMOV-4, Missouri rejected another plate with the word “J1HAD” in 2009.

Watch the report:



  • Guest
Do you think the state would give one that said KKK?  Not a chance.