Author Topic: Greek Farmer Tires Of Refugees Living On His Property, So He Fires Up His Tractor [VIDEO]  (Read 483 times)

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Greek Farmer Tires Of Refugees Living On His Property, So He Fires Up His Tractor [VIDEO]

Posted By Jacob Bojesson On 11:54 AM 04/01/2016 In | No Comments

A Greek farmer didn’t care refugees were living on his property when he rolled out his tractor Thursday to prepare his fields for the summer.

Lazarous Oulis is a farmer in Idomeni, where more than 50,000 refugees are stranded on their way to Europe. A tent city has emerged on Oulis’ property in recent weeks, just in time for warmer weather.

A video shows Oulis running his tractor though the fields, barely dodging the refugee tents.


One refugee, who had his tent destroyed, was fed up with Oulis and didn’t understand why he had to plow the land while they were occupying his property. It’s worth noting that Oulis volunteered to a few acres to refugees, on the condition various help organizations would help him clear the property eventually.

“Why drill now? There are still people here,” he said.

Another refugee was more understanding of Oulis’ situation, and agreed he had every right to do what he did.

“He can do everything, because he’s right,” the migrant said. “But also we are refugees, we don’t have any homes. Where can we go? This is a big problem for us.”

Police responded to the fields and told Oulis to stop because of the danger it could cause with children around.

Oulis was furious when he spoke to reporters, but said he was understanding of the situation the refugees find themselves in. Oulis is now worried he will suffer financially, and that he won’t be able to feed his calves.

“I need to plow my field. Not somebody else’s field, mine!” Oulis said. “I have a business with 70-80 calves, I want to produce, feed them, because, financially, I can’t take this anymore.”

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Offline Fishrrman

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Good on 'im!


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At least one person in Europe sees the danger, other than EC, of course.